Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The treasonous acts of the Republican Party (and anyone that might want to be with them)

Now believe me it's actually not easy writing up this entry at all considering the fact that this could go for a WIDE range of people that tend to think that they actually doing the country a great benefit. However just as I had thought of the fact that we happen to have communists that have gotten into the Republican party and are re-branding the party to take apart our country from the inside out, all this tends to make perfect sense after a while, but the kicker is that you have to look at it from a point of view of one that actually wants to have total control, and right now that's actually all that the Republican Party wants, they want control (as I've been saying now for a while), and they're willing to do literally anything within the law in order to be able to get that control and power.

Look we're talking about a party here that has gone to the point of grounding the very US Government to a stand still, all in order to serve their masters, who sadly aren't the people of the United States, no those would be the corporations and rich 1-2% of this country that care nothing about the people at all. With everything (and sadly I really do mean EVERYTHING) that's been going on when it comes to the Republicans, they are doing the one thing that has only been pointed out once and that happens to be to commit treasonous acts against the very country that they want to save in the first place. The only problem that I happen to be seeing here in the first place is that they're not saving it for us, they're trying to save it for their rich masters, and that's something that's a VERY BIG problem.

There are several things that they've been doing that can be considering extremely treasonous, but for the sake of the entry (and the fact that I have no idea who might be reading over the shoulder of the person that happens to be reading this in the first place), I'm going to be leaving it to the small things for right now. Now the many things that have been done by them have been very numerous, the one main thing that's been getting killed by them has been the jobs bill (or any bill that deals with jobs), and instead of passing something for us here in this country, they've been working on sending jobs over seas, and that hasn't been helping anyone here out at all. After all, what's better for them, passing a job bill or trying to repeal Obamacare for the 38th+ time, I mean come on, I know that their masters want that killed, but once the high court deemed in constitutional, that pretty much ended it right then and there. But then again in the red states, they killed the Medicare expansion so that way families not making a certain amount of funds don't qualify for any kind of health care at all. Which means that if you get sick, you're royally screwed over and there's not a damned thing that you can do about it at all.

Now one of the other things that the Republicans want to do is to completely wipe out the minimum wage, now some of you might be thinking that's a good thing, however the problem with this is that it would be not to increase it like President Obama wants, but to get rid of it so that way employers can be able to pay what they want and not what's mandated. Which would mean that instead of getting paid like $8-10 an hour, you would instead be getting paid in pocket change instead, and that's the one thing that no one wants. For example if you've been doing amazing work, instead of getting paid what you should be for the work that you've been doing, you would be getting paid only what they wanted to pay you and nothing more, so basically your work would be completely worthless in the end. It's part of the whole legal slave class that for those of you that have been reading me before know I've mentioned before. This is something that the Republicans and their rich masters have been wanting for a while now.

Considering that everything that the Republicans and the TEA Party have been doing, to completely obstruct anything that's been happening here in our fair country, one would think that people would've gotten a clue when it comes to all of this, but they haven't gotten any clue at all. Now dear reader I know that you might be thinking that there's no way that this could actually be happening, well for those of you that have been wanting to keep your eyes shut and not deal with politics at all, guess what, that's what Bush Jr did and then we got the one thing that the Republicans are now trying to get rid of and that's 9/11. We can't ignore what's going on around us, there's no way that we can any more. We should be a lot further along than we are right now, but with the Republicans and the churches (mostly the Christian zealots here) spreading fear all around us right now, there's no way that we can actually move further along than we have right now.

Now at this point you might be asking what is it that you can do in order to make sure that we can get moving, and the answer is simple, come November 2014, vote out the Republicans that are doing this in the first place. Here comes the thought that I know you're getting right about now, and that's well both parties are bad, yeah even I have to agree with that, that's why I registered as Tomorrow Party (one that I created myself BTW), but unlike the Republicans (and their noise machine Fox Lies), the Democrats at least own up to the stupidity that they've done. The Republicans not only refuse to acknowledge what they've done wrong, in every case that has come before the public's eyes, they've blamed EVERYTHING on either Obama, or someone else and have tried to create scandals in order to try and get public opinion against the President, all in order to gain and control two things 1)they want the Senate, and 2)they want to maintain majority control in the House. This way they can be able to do hat they tried to do to Clinton, and impeach the President of the United States and then put a Republican President back into the White House and completely control everything and this time do what they should've done before which is not only get rid of the Constitution of the United States, but to fully control EVERYTHING (doesn't matter what in the world it happens to be either).

So come 2014 make sure that you vote out the Republicans and take back what should belong to the people and not the corporations that are currently controlling EVERYTHING in the government. Also do your self a HUGE favor, call your cable or dish provider and tell them to take Fox Lies (a.k.a. Fox News) off your box or just have it completely blocked. That way you can be informed on the truth instead of the conservative lies that you've been getting fed from them all this time. We'll all be better off for it in the end (at least once we all get rid of that channel).

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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