Saturday, June 1, 2013

The threat of the GOP becomes BIGGER than we thought

Now you all know how anti-Republican I happen to be when it comes just about anything that they happen to be doing these days, and believe me there's way to much to actually take into one blog entry right now, but believe me I've tried (just check out prior entries to know for sure).

The one thing that I'm extremely against them on is their use in fear and hatred when it comes to literally ANYTHING that isn't 1)Republican, 2)"Christian", 3)Agrees with them no matter what (Fox "News" is the perfect example), or a combo of any of the above at all, and they try to spread that fear and hatred to literally ANYONE that will listen to them. One of the main reasons I'm so against this in the first place is because of being bullied back when I was a kid back in school (and being bullied doesn't happen to matter if it's physical, teasing, or otherwise, it's wrong PERIOD). So when I happen to find out that the EXTREME right wing is using Fox Lies tactics in order to be able to spread their fear and lies and through social media, it means only one thing, that they are willing to literally do just about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING they can in order to win the 2014 election. They're that scared right now considering what happened this past election. After all they thought they had a landslide win, that America hated Obama that much from their lies that they were willing to vote him out of office and put a Republican back in charge of the White House, never knowing that the entire time that they were doing this, the people were still willing to trust Obama when it came to the running of the country.

You see the one thing that they didn't realize was that when it comes right down to it, if you don't happen to pass anything or you don't do anything to help out your country or you try to blame someone else for the faults of someone else, then you're going to run into the one thing that they didn't want to count on, WE REMEMBER. Boy did we remember when it comes to this past election, after all the House didn't do a damned thing for the American people at all, all they were willing to do was either filibuster literally anything that came into the House, or vote it all down. They wanted to make him a one term President, but their tactics shot them in the foot, actually it just shot the entire foot off is what it did.

So now besides screwing themselves over with the other races in the country that aren't white, they're trying to go after the one area that they know they might have a chance in and that's the social media area, namely that of Facebook, Twitter, etc. And they seriously don't care if facts or lies are being spread, as long as fear and hatred is being spread around. As you can see from the image above, they are actually employing people to do this (nice they finally create jobs, the only problem is, it's the wrong way to do it), and they don't care what's said either. Believe me this is the one thing that I seriously wish that I could never see actually happening. But the problem is, if the extreme right wing does this, (and I wouldn't doubt it if it the GOP was behind this either, or at leas the Koch brothers, or someone of similar ilk either), then they want the White House back and they really want to control this country and kill off a major portion of the population. After all it's going to be like population control, and that's actually what they're doing in the red states right now.

By not allowing health care in the red states at all, in other words the Medicare expansion, it allows the Republicans to have population control and to kill off those that are of the middle and lower classes, something that shouldn't be happening in the first place, but it is. Right now with Obamacare, it basically tells the red states that they have to provide health care coverage to EVERYONE, so they're trying to do everything in their power to say that not only does it cost more for it but at the same time, that it's supposedly going to hurt people in the end. However why don't we listen to the Nurses that know best about it in the first place, after all they have to know about the laws that the health insurance companies don't want you to know about.

However that's partly getting off the track here, no we have to deal with all of this head on, and right now the one thing that they're trying to deal with is spreading their fears and lies to make sure that everyone is kept under their control. I'll tell you this, years ago, we never had that much to fear about, after all we mostly just feared hurting the feelings of someone or getting hurt ourselves and that was about it, but these days, you can't sneeze with out someone acting like you have the damned plague, we've gotten that bad these days. We never feared our next door neighbors, or those that we worked with, we treated our fellow man like they were friends that you hadn't seen in years, but now, we see someone that we don't know we cross the street or get away from them as fast as we can, that's one of the major problems that this fear had brought us to, that we no longer want to interact with anyone any more. This has been brought on not only by the churches that wants to control and dominate everyone and everything, and even though you happen to have those that fight this, the problem is the news media that is basically telling us to fear everyone and everything, to become germ a phobes and not to interact with anyone that might be out there doesn't matter the reason either.

This is something that we need to end, doesn't matter how or why either. I'll tell you about an ad that I've been hearing on the radio as I've been doing my paper route in the mornings the three days that I do the route. In the ad, it's talking about internet and broadband that you  can get through AT&T, and at one point in the ad, you have two guys that are talking to each other, and one of them says "Why don't we meet up for coffee" and the other one says, "No need I've got a strong internet connection, let's chat online". It's this right here that is wiping out the personal interaction between people that needs to stop in ways that I can't even begin to count here, and it's this same level that is in the fear that has come through everyone and everything that we happen to be dealing with when it comes to the Republicans and everything that they're doing. The last interaction that you actually have out there that you slightly can't get away from, considering that they're slowly adapting to the current level of technology, it means that when it comes down to it, they're trying to wipe out schools where kids interact every day of their lives. They don't want people interacting or sharing their ideas or spreading any kind of truth out there that could hurt the Republicans chances of winning the country back over. After all, being online it means that they have the chance of spreading their lies and making sure that the only truth that happens to be out there is their own truth and that's the one thing that we have to fight on a daily basis. Because once we go to online voting and never have to step into a booth at all, it'll completely wipe out interaction between people all together, and then you'll have people that fear ever stepping out side their own homes each day. That is what the Republicans (and the churches) really want, they want us staying in our homes and letting them make all of the decisions and never letting us think for ourselves. They want a slave class, and they want to kill off those that can't afford health care. Is this seriously the party that you really want making any kind of decisions for us at all?

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
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Skype: timetracker2643

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