Saturday, July 27, 2013

What the Republicans want

Now I know that the title happens to be a little bit board when it comes to the Republicans, however considering how much they happen to be holding this country hostage right now, one can start to understand.

However I'm not writing because of those that understand this already (though most of you reading this will already understand this anyway, no I'm writing this because of those that don't happen to understand this. You see yesterday I saw a truck that I could clearly tell had a Republican (and a possible TEA Bagger) for an owner, after all there were not only Romney stickers all over it, but the fact that these words had been written on the back window of the cab: "Congratulations America, You've elected a communist president". Now I could tell that this guy was not only a Republican, but he also believed all of the lies that he had been getting told, and more than likely also watched Fox Lies on a religious basis.

You see for the longest time (at least within the last couple of months) I figured that I would lay of the political writing and stay mostly with working on my book, but after I saw that truck there and seeing everything going on around me, I knew that I couldn't stay out of this, and had to write something about it. After all, once one becomes involved in something, you're not getting out of it, no matter how hard you try.

So I figured that I would finally write something up after I saw that truck. Now mind you I try to keep out of certain things and don't want to broadcast what I don't know, but to actually willfully do this and to show everyone, I'm sorry but that's something that even I can't stand. To believe the lies that you're getting told, to think that the Republicans are working for you even though you have no money and are the middle class, I'm sorry but that right there I just can't stand. They're not listening to us at the Capital any more, and have stopped listening to us for a long time. I know that there are going to be those out there that are still going to call thinking that they're actually doing something, but in all truth (and I know that this is going to hurt here) but you're really not. I tried it, and the guy that I connected to on the other end sounded so bored that it seemed to me that he was constantly getting these calls to the point that he wasn't even taking down notes any more. It's gotten beyond that point now.

Now what the Republicans want is something that I've actually said and noted before, but I think it honestly need to be reiterated, they want a country of their own that they have total control over, which means that the middle and lower classes are legal slaves, and that the Bible is the law of the land and not the Constitution of the United States, and want those with money to be in control. It's like the new movie coming out that actually talks about this in whole, where all of the rich live in splendor and have EVERYTHING, while those of us that don't have the money are struggling just to get by. Of course all of the rich live up in space and have all but abandoned the planet (saw this as a trailer for the Wolverine movie). Kicker is, right now, they're actually working to make all of that not just a movie, but reality instead, and it's the one thing that those that support the Republicans in the Middle and Lower classes, they honestly believe the lies that they're getting told because the White House isn't countering them, and yet the results are proving for themselves what others have known all along, that the Republicans are lying about EVERYTHING, and don't give one rats fucks about us, and I honestly fear that the day people do finally wake the fuck up, not only will it be too damned late, but we will no longer be able to vote for anything because not only will the religious right, the Republicans, and the Corporations own the US, but they will have gotten rid of the Constitution of the United States and replaced it with something that will doom our country to anything that doesn't agree with them at all.

If you don't think this is happening, just open your eyes to the world around you and you'll see you damned moron!!!!

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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