Monday, December 30, 2013

End of the year BLOW OUT!!!!

2013...2013...2013..., what an amazing year that we've had, and believe me this is going to be one year that we happen to look back and think, what the fuck were we thinking!! After all this year the Republicans have done even more that one could even think of to lie their way into EVERYONE's homes and to continue to try and take over the country and rule for the rich.

I mean all the way from Paul Ryan admitting that they wanted to destroy the healthcare system for the American people ( to the Duck Dynasty interview ( where the guy really didn't know what he was talking about when it came to the Bible.

But beyond those two, there have been other things that have been making the political news, like the filibuster gone nuts in Texas with future Texas Gov Wendy Davis, for which the Republicans in charge there tried to change it so that her filibuster didn't count or matter and everyone caught onto that little scam that they did there. However thanks to Perry, it was still pushed through and her efforts had been naught.

Now I know that you might be expecting a whole year long blog entry here that would cover everything that's happened, however that's not the one thing that I can do. After all between running the page and helping run the group and writing my stories (that I'm currently still having a hard time trying to sell right now). But with all the past entries it still gives you a chance to read over those as well.

However what do the past lesson of this year mean for the coming year and the future, for me it means more than ever that the GOP need to be purged out of office and that their reign of terror that they've been bringing on us needs to end, that if we can get rid of Fox News, that would also help things out. So yes I am looking forward to the elections that happen this year, getting rid of the Republican contenders that show up in June, and then doing a full on out Purge in November. This is going to be one year coming up that's going to be different for EVERYONE.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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