Monday, June 17, 2013

A Political Purge

The one thing that this country is needing right now with everything that's going on, is we need a political cleansing, putting government back into the hands of the people instead of the ones that are buying EVERYTHING out in the first place. Now I know that the TEA Party nut cases would say that that's what they've been saying the entire time, only problem with their solution is that it goes against what the United States happens to mean in the first place. This country wasn't founded on Christian values, it was founded on the very right of every man woman and child to be free. However we've lost that way thanks to those that have been in charge for the last couple of decades. Now the Republicans have tried telling us that they know what they're doing, however it's their deeds and actions that we've been seeing for the past couple of decades, and that's the one thing that needs to be noticed by those that want to turn a blind eye to everyone and everything.

Thing is, as long as the Republicans and the churches continue to spread fear around, and you have law makers that are willing to pass laws that are supposed to help everyone out, but in the end really actually hurt people, and mind you it doesn't matter what laws they are, after they're written and passed, people often think that these laws are needed, and yet one of the major problems is that years after they're written and passed and signed into law, they slightly fade from memory till something happens and then the ones that thought that they were doing right, they end up getting caught up in something that they helped actually bring about in the first place.

Now I'm not talking about those laws right there, because let's face it, laws that are emotionally written they're idiot laws, basically laws written up by idiots that think that they're doing something right and it turns out not only costing major cash later on, it doesn't do anything but cause pain and suffering after.

No I'm talking about getting rid of those that happen to be corrupting a system meant to help those that can't help themselves yet. Now a little while back there was some mention of the equal pay act that had been signed into law, yet it's been one law that has been greatly ignored by employers for the longest time now. Why has this not been changed at all, because mostly employers are looking to their Republican brothers to make sure that nothing actually happens that shouldn't happen in the first place.

That is why come next year, we must do the one thing that will go down in history as a shock to the Republican Party, and will be spoken about for years, centuries, for all time, the purge of the Republican Party. Doesn't matter what level of government they happen to be in at all, they all need to go no matter what now.

The one thing that I've been seeing as off late, is that in the local government where I live in Martinez, CA, there is a system that is currently in place (and mind you I haven't been to any of the city counsel meetings at all, considering I haven't had the time yet), but it seems that there's something called a "Good Ol' Boy" system in place right now. What that means is that instead of following the will of the people that elected them into office in the first place, they're going with those that are business owners instead, and that right there actually hurts those that elected them into office in the first place. Now the one thing that I noticed on the last election ballot last year was that for everyone that was running for election, their party wasn't stated on the ballot at all, just what they happen to do. That right there doesn't help anything when they get elected and their true intentions become known after wards.

That's why I'm saying that we need to get rid of the ones that don't do anything for us at all levels of government, namely the Republicans that are only working for the corporations and only the top 1-2%. Once we get rid of them, we can begin to restore EVERYTHING back to the way that it should be in the first place, and country for and of the people, not those who think that since they own all of the money in the first place can own and control everything.

This Purge is something that must happen, and will happen. The Republicans are doing so much not only to screw over the people of this country, but they're also screwing over their own party at the same time. Plus considering that this is the information age and the age of truth, it means that the Tri-Axis of Evil (ooh I like the sound of that), which is The Republicans, The Corporations, and the Churches (mostly the Catholics, but in truth any Christian church that advocates for religion to be mixed into government or that this country was founded as a Christian nation at the start for which it was not). It's them right there that are fighting against the people, sending jobs overseas, trying to bring religion into the one place that it was never meant to be in in the first place, and their lapdogs that are doing their bidding constantly. Once we purge them completely from the system, only then can we actually be able to take back our country for the better.

Now I know that I might get hit up on this, but there is a side deal to this, and it's going to be a major problem until corrected (and if you think that you're not going to be effected by this, it's like the new movie World War Z, no one is going to be unaffected by this). The ones that I'm talking about are the ones that get brought to court for many things and yet the judges always side with them, to the point where there is no justice and they can get away with murder in the end. The ones that I'm talking about here are the police, and it doesn't matter what city you happen to be in either. Now there are those out there that are doing good for the better and are trying to help out the community, but what doesn't happen to help things is the few that make the rest look bad. However when it happens to be in the higher ups that happens to be lying in order to get things for their department. That also includes getting more people to join up, and when that tends to happen, those that are the bad ones tend to try to bring the good ones over to their version of the Dark Side. Now like I said, there are those out there that aren't bad, but it's the few that are bad that make the rest look bad as well.

Now the reason why I've brought this up in the first place is because of a shirt that I've seen twice, and all of the stories that I've been reading as well over the years when it comes to the police. The shirt says "If you see da' police: Warn a Brother" (the shirt happens to have the Warner Bros. shield on it as you can see from the image above). It's gotten that bad that there are people and kids walking around with this around, and I seriously doubt that there is going to be any coming back from this any time soon, yes we might end up coming back from this, but unlike the election next year that is going to be the Purge of the Republican party, this will take longer to actually come back from in the end.

We must take back our country, and come November next year it's going to be the only way. Doesn't matter the level of government that it happens to be, we must purge the Republicans out of our system for good, and show anyone that tries to do what they did that if they tried to do it again, that there will be consequences to their actions. The Tri-Axis of Evil must be purged from not only our country at all levels, but also the world as well. We owe this to the future generations of our country and our world. To save it for them and to get rid of those that would be willing to do harm to everyone for the greedy few.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer,  Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
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