Monday, May 27, 2013

The Republican's plan and what it will really mean for the country

Not since Clinton had been in office had the Republicans actually tried to gain control and power over EVERYTHING. For a time they did have it while Bush had been in office and had been lying to everyone about everything, but then again we had been attacked shortly after Bush Jr got into office, so at that point we seriously would've wanted to do what ever they wanted in order to be able to get revenge against the ones that hurt us in the first place.

However once we started opening our eyes to everything that was going wrong in the first place, and realized that the Republicans didn't have our best interests in mind, only those of their rich backers that were paying them millions just to be able to do what they wanted in the first place. We started trying to take back control of our own country. Kicker was there was two brothers that saw what was going on and had decided that they needed to put something into place that would serve to not only gain the interests of the people but at the same time focus on one thing that the rich wanted the most, to cut taxes. You see the TEA Party was created for one thing and one thing only, and that was to make sure that the rich wouldn't pay taxes any more so that way they can get to keep their money, those brothers are the Koch brothers, Oil Tycoons that could care less about the working class people or anyone that doesn't happen to have any money at all. So what did they do, they not only created a sub-Republican party, they started buying out those in Congress (both the Senate and the House) that would serve their interests only, and not those of the people.

You see, that whole call your rep and tell them how crappy of a job they're doing day, well that doesn't work. After all we don't happen to have the money for them to listen to us. They'll give us lip service, but that's about it, they really don't care. Yeah, they'll act like they're listening, but in the end all those notes that they took, they'll just toss them out with out really paying attention at all. So calling them is completely pointless, and to be honest it seriously doesn't matter how many times that we happen to call them, they still don't give a crap. So that's why we need to vote them out in the first place.

However (and this is the main reason why I'm writing this up in the first place), the Republicans are trying to do the one thing in 2014 that I honestly never thought they would, they're trying to gain control fully but taking over both the Senate and the House, that way not only can they gain total control over congress, but at the same time, they can do the one thing that they've been wanting to do, impeach the President and put their own party back into power again. After all, if they can get enough people to believe their lies, then they can get those members on the Senate side that happen to be Democrats to be voted out and their Republicans members to be voted in.

Now think about this, what would happen if the Republicans had total and complete control over all of the federal government, and believe me this is the one thing that I've been thinking about for a while now. If the Republicans gained total control over the government, it would allow for total access for the Churches to gain access and have control over EVERYONE's lives, the Constitution would be eliminated, everything that we've worked for would be set back by decades, and the rich would grow ever more powerful, and then there would be a second self made depression since the first one wasn't bad enough, but this time it would be even worse by far. You see if the Republicans do gain control it will seriously be the worst thing that has ever happened to this country since Bush had been in office.

Now if they're fear-mongering has actually worked, then come 2014 they will not only retain power majority in the house, they will take control over the senate and then that's when everything right there starts. First they'll impeach President Obama on trumped up charges, which the people will actually see through, however they won't care because they don't want him leading the country at all. Then once President Obama is out of office, they'll put a Republican in the White House, and then work on getting rid of the Constitution since it doesn't work for them allowing EVERYONE to have the freedoms that they should in the first place. After all in their minds, the only ones that should have any freedoms are the ones that can afford and pay for it, just like in Starship Troopers, if you're rich you have citizenship, however if you're not then you join up with the military and earn it that way.

Now during the time that I've been writing this, I've been seeing things that scares the crap out of me, and the thing is, it's actually being done and they're getting away with it too. Namely that of canceling out first amendment rights, so that way you can't openly protest anything, it's nuts, Just another reason why we need to vote out the Republicans in 2014.

The one thing that I've been fighting since my eyes were opened back when Bush was in office, is all of the misinformation that happens to be out there, and those that happen to think that the misinformation happens to be truth and is real. In fact none of that is true or right, the truth is that everyone is being lied to, and unless they actually see the truth for what it is, then they will continue to give power to the ones that don't actually care about them at all. For example, everyone's constantly signing petitions these days, now in all honesty, the Democrats will actually work on dealing with the petitions that come their way and seeking justice and help for the people. However the party these days that don't care about what the people want and the petitions that are out there are the Republicans, and the reason for this is because of the simple fact that we don't have any money for them. After all the Republicans don't care about those that aren't rich, after all only the rich can afford anything at all, like health care, they're not going to stop till they completely destroy it (Paul Ryan and health care), and this is Paul Ryan saying this mind you. After all, if they can't enslave us, then why not just kill us all off, at least those that aren't rich at all, make sense doesn't it. Mind you, all of this is perfectly legal, and they can fully get away with all of it.

Now I know that I'm going to be saying this constantly through out all of this year and next as well considering everything that they're pulling right now, but think about this, last time that they said that Republicans are fiscally responsible, we not only ended up in two wars, our national debt ended up in the trillions, and the debt ceiling got raised so many times that when Obama came into office and the Republicans refused to raise it, suddenly Obama is getting blamed for our countries credit rating getting down graded even though it wasn't his fault at all, and all of the spending that was posted up at the start of Obama's time in office was everything that was discovered from Bush's time in office, however for those that think that Obama is the worst President going, you'll never be able to convince them of that. No we need to make sure that the Republicans actually pay for everything that they've done, and then some, they are getting desperate and are willing to pull out all of the stops to make sure that Obama is taken down along with anyone that happens to believe in freedom.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Something that hits close to home

I figured that I would write this all out considering that I've told it a few times, but I know that each time that I happen to post something, there's always new people that happen to read these entries. You see the one thing that I've been doing is looking back, hell everyone should look back every once in a while, Of course what I'm talking about is looking back upon what's been going on with this country and seeing what's going to be happening to our country.

Now unlike those that you happen to see that say what's going to be happening, they get paid to tell you what's the direction that's going to be taken, and half the time it's 50/50. No since I'm not getting paid by anyone for writing this up, it means that I'm not going to be bias towards anyone. That right there is actually a good thing, all things considered.

There are a few things that I've actually noticed when it comes to what's been going on with our country and the direction that we're going in unless things get changed BIG TIME. Now for me this is going to get personal since I'm actually working on trying to get out of this mess and situation right now, this is something that I actually don't tell that many people considering that I'm not looking for pity or a free hand out, but I'm actually homeless. Now for those of you that happen to check my about page on Facebook, you'll actually see that I happen to be married. Now even though I happen to be married, I don't live with my wife since she happens to live with her mother and her step-father (who happens to be a Jehovah's Witness jackass, and has never liked me at all). However right now I'm trying to actually save up the money while living to get a place to live. Yet the one thing that the government is doing (and it doesn't matter if it happens to be Democrat or Republican't), is making it where credit checks are needed, and that's the one thing that I know I'll never be able to pass EVER, though I did have good credit till an ambulance ride that I had no choice in taking killed it all. One of the things that I've noticed from them, it doesn't matter if you happen to be homeless (like me) or happen to be a money maker making gobs of money, they charge you the same and that doesn't help anything at all.

However that's not the reason why I'm writing this in the first place, the reason for this is because I understand and want to warn others (though it might all fall on deaf ears) about what's going on right now. Yes the Republicans pass on party lines the anti-over time and less pay for more work act (that's what I'm calling it), what it means is that they're one step closing to making a legal slave class, one that lives not just in poverty, but we're talking about worse than the depression. After all, the cost of everything isn't going to go down despite the lack of money that everyone I going to be getting, no the cost will just continue to go up no matter what is said. No the Republicans are trying to do the one thing that no one realizes that they're trying to do, they not only want a legal slave class, but at the same time, they want to completely wipe out the middle and lower classes, and make sure that EVERYONE that isn't rich is living not just in poverty, but homeless as well (and that's where the personal part happens to kick in there). However they don't want a poverty class at all, they just want EVERYONE homeless. After all if you happen to be homeless gives them a reason to have the police harass and constantly checking on you and looking for an excuse to haul you off to jail, and that's honestly the one thing that no one really ever wants in their life so they end up keeping a low profile constantly. It leads to the one thing that has overcome our country in the worst way, and that's the fear that someone is coming to do something very bad to us.

We've lead ourselves right into the one thing that we actually bitch about like crazy all over the place, the one thing that no one actually wants at all, we've placed ourselves into a police state, and I honestly don't know if there's any way that we can get out of it at all. I remember seeing a bumper sticker on the back of a truck here in my home city after I was leaving a place for lunch. The sticker said "One nation, under surveillance", and it's something that I doubt is going to be changing any time soon. We are a nation that fears EVERYTHING, and it's one that we've actually been lied into, just to make sure that two different sides happen to have all of the power, a power that they happen to be abusing like crazy, and one sides is losing that power but they're working to get that power back any way that they can. Those sides are the Republicans, who're willing to get back control through literally any means possible, and the religious church side (doesn't matter the faith at all). Those two sides are willing to do whatever it takes to get that power and keep it.

For the religious side, they don't care what fear it takes, but they know that in order for them to keep their power base, they need to keep a nation under fear, however they (like the Republicans) are screwing up when it comes to keeping their power base. Everything that they're doing is undermining everything that they've been building up for years, claiming sin all over place unless they follow Jesus and become zealots like them, and that believing anything that they don't do is a sin. The only problem with this is they believe in the one thing that actually undermines everything that they're doing, and it's this "Do as I say, not as I do" and everyone knows that that's wrong.

Plus what also doesn't help is that they're trying to get people to believe lies that they keep telling, saying that this country was founded as a Christian nation. That right there is not only wrong, it's an outright lie, this country was NEVER founded as a Christian nation, the founding fathers were agnostic and believed in a higher power yes, but not especially God.

Anyway, as per usual I seem to have gotten off the beaten path, while at the same time keeping everything on the path as well. You see everything that I see online, from both my friends as well at the pages that I'm with (that I do happen to share in order to spread the truth about everything), it's all pointing to one thing that I know that no one is going to believe in the slightest, and that is the fact that both the Republicans and the Church actually want us all living like I'm living currently, and with no way out, no matter how hard one tries to get out. After all, the one thing in this country (which is actually two things, but they're all in one) that everyone has and can't do without is credit, and I'm not talking about the credit cards (of which I can't get one anyway), but the kind that actually gets you that car loan, or that whatever. Credit these days is what will actually get you a place to live, and once something is hurt against you, it brings your credit rating down (basically like what the Republicans did to our country in the first place). Once we're homeless and the middle and lower classes have been completely wiped out, then they'll have the power to make us into legal slaves, which will mean that they'll be able to get rid of the unions along with all of the benefits and everything that would actually help us out.

All of this is just something to think about as you continue to watch what they're doing out there.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Blog:
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The apathy in our country

I was thinking about something last night that got me wondering, and then I thought back to how my own mother (whom mind you I next to never speak to any more since she insists on being the center of the universe and expects everyone to bow down before her, yeah right) used to be so anti-political it amazed everyone, but then again she had two reasons for this, 1)she didn't want to do jury duty and believed that once she registered that would set her up for being called up (she found out other wise when she was still called up for jury duty and discovered that the state of California runs it off of your ID/Driver's licence number and not voter registration), and 2) she was apathetic in the entire thing thinking that her vote wouldn't count.

Kicker is, unlike in the movie "Swing Vote" with Kevin Costner (great movie by the way, I highly recommend it), every vote does count, but one can't see that. Now there are others out there that happen to think that doesn't matter if one happens to vote or not, it's still all decided by the electoral college, that it doesn't matter what the rest of the state votes they'll still vote for whom they want to vote for in the first place. Now this right here is only partly true, however unlike the Bush scandal that happened back in 2000 (and it was a scandal since the Supreme Court should never have decided something that the people had already decided, and handed Bush the White House in the first place), these days it's mostly decided by the popular vote in the end. After all if it hadn't been for the popular vote, then we actually wouldn't have a democratic President in the White House currently. Thing is Obama won in both times by both the college and the popular vote.

Wait, wait, wait, did I just write that...actually yes I did, considering that after EVERYTHING that Bush had done during his time in office, the people were completely not only fed up with everything that had happened and what was going on, but it was seriously time for not only a major change, but the start of something bigger that the Republicans have been fighting ever since Obama won the White House. Now in the first election that Obama won, one might end up calling it a major land slide. However the same cannot be said for this past election, since the Republicans pulled out almost all the stops in order to try and topple Obama from the seat of the President to regain their power that they had. It was an extremely narrow victory for the Democrats considering that the Republicans were using just about EVERY dirty trick that they knew of and that included the TEA Party fear mongering that was brought up by the Koch brothers (of course my stupidity at the kept pronouncing them Kosh instead of coke, didn't know till I heard it over the radio what it really was, hate when that happens).

The one thing that was brought up BIG TIME in this country was the one thing that had almost been wiped out thanks to what Bush did during his run, and that was the apathy that this country had in thinking that there was nothing that they could do in order to be able to bring about the change needed to make this country better. Of course with radio and 24/7 news cable channels running their hate games 24/7. The only kicker that the Republicans couldn't deal with was that they had NO ONE that could actually stand up to President Obama in the least. After all their last resort that they nominated was a Mormon that everyone could see sided with BIG business and the corporations. Hell he even said it himself "Corporations are people too", that right there was the biggest idiot move of all times, and in this day and age of social media, he was NEVER going to get away from that one EVER.

However that little problem is still around, and considering that the next election (barring the special ones) is in 2014, it means that the Republicans are going to do what ever it takes, (and I really do mean WHAT EVER IT TAKES) in order to be able to make sure that anyone that the Democrats put up will be taken down. However EVERYONE already knows who's going to be running on the Democrats side of the political wagon, and that's going to be Hillary Clinton (on a side note here, there is a Facebook group that is siding with Hillary and helping her out when it comes to her running for President, it's called Hillary in 2016 for Smart People Only, and you can join and help out, and be sure to add all of your friends as well, don't worry about the Republicans among your friends, they'll be weeded out when they start spewing Republican lies).

The Republicans right now have already started trying to bring down Hillary with lies and redirects all over the place. Hell right now they're trying to say that the Benghazi incident happened because of her. Yeah right, it happened because the Republicans voted for cuts to the security of the embassy, and no one is falling for it, and yet they keep on keeping on. They're trying to bring back the apathy that was around pre-Bush years, and it's only partly working. With the increase that everyone happens to have when it comes to what's being put out there by the Koch TEA Party, Rush Dimbot, and everyone else at Fox Lies, it's only partly working, but not at much as they would like. After all for every time that they happen to put out lies, everyone that happens to know the truth is putting that truth out there. It's something that has to be done in order to fight the hate and fear machine that is the Republican party.

Now there is another side to this entire thing that is also at fault here, a side that I hadn't gotten into before because they've only had a small part to play in all of this, and that's the religious zealots side. I saw a movie once that was based on Joan De Arc, and there was a line that had been said when it came to the church versus the government. "If I want to get money, I have to tax the people and they never like that, for you, all you have to do is offer to get mama out of hell and it'll work every time" and that's what the churches these days do, and guess what it's working like crazy. However there's a hitch that only a few people saw and were able to pass the work on, that the church (doesn't matter the denomination or faith at all) was able to get free reign when it comes to their taxes as long as they could preach politics from the pulpit. Well guess what as long as it was all pro-Republican, they didn't care, and that's exactly what the church's did, and still continue to do to this day. Last I knew doing that was against the law, federal constitutional law at that, however the Republicans aren't willing to do anything about it, and it's so low on the President's radar to the point that it happens to not be there at all. Now I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but considering EVERYTHING else that's currently going on right now, I actually understand this. However (and yeah I know I say that a lot) we know for a fact that they've been preaching to their people who to vote for for each election. After all the Catholic (and I'm highly anti-Catholic, at least to the origination not to the ones that were either raised or blindly follow them), kept telling people that unless they voted for Bush (or for any Republican nominee) they would be committing an unforgivable sin and would burn in hell for all time. Now personally I happen to be Christian (and those that read this on Facebook that are friends of mine can go to my page and see this on the About Page), but I also don't believe that you confess your sins to anyone other than that of Jesus and God Himself. You don't confess crap to a man, don't matter who the hell it happens to be in the first place (personally I don't give a crap if it happens to be the Pope or the next King of England, you don't answer to them for your souls, only to Jesus and God period), and that means that if I've done anything stupid that it might hurt me on the other side I ask for forgiveness from either God or His son Jesus, no one on Earth has the power to forgive you of your sins at all, but the Catholics don't want you to believe that.

In fact the Catholics are so big in themselves thinking that they have such power that their churches (if you look at them from above) look like crosses (even the Catholic church here in Martinez, CA looks like a giant cross laying on the ground, pathetic). The kicker is, they have no power at all, and they're also the biggest idol worshipers of all time, and they make dead people into saints that have no power in the first place. Just look at everything that they've done, and everything that they've brought into their corner of the world from other religions and you'll see that they've screwed up just about everything, and if you don't agree with what they say or do, then your soul will be condemned to hell for all of eternity. Between you and me, I'd say that's a YEAH RIGHT!!!!

Look all in all, there's still a lot of work to be done, but in order to be able to move on forward, and not be held back, we need to get rid of the block that is currently keeping us in place. Now at this point you might be thinking "Well we have advanced computers and smart phones", yeah yeah, we've advanced fast within a couple of years, those right there couldn't be avoided at all. Besides I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about advancing us in ways that would help EVERYONE out at the same time, High speed rails, electric cars, hell hover and flying cars (yeah nod to the Jetsons there), but thanks to the hold backs from the Republicans and their money backers, we're not where we should be in the first place, and it's up to us to change that. But the apathy thing is kicking in again there and that's what ends up stopping us from actually moving forward. After all we've been built up on that if the private industry hasn't done it yet then it's not worth it. I've heard and seen that damned line way too many times, what the hell happened to the dreams that moved this country forward in the first place, I'll tell you what happened, the corporations bought them out and starved them to death and refused to let them live. After all if dreams are allowed to roam free, then the money gets taken out of their hands and put back into the hands of the people were it actually belongs and you can't have that now can you. Nope wouldn't be right :)

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643

Friday, May 10, 2013

Hillary in 2016 and the Republicans that can't stand her

Now I for one can't wait for either 2014 or 2016, and the reason for these is two fold, 1)Cleaning out the Republican crap that's been holding the country back for years now. I mean seriously we should be much further ahead in our country than we are now. I mean we were heading there when Clinton was in office, but now thanks to the Bush Regime we've been stunted, and the Republicans that were left over from that who continue to get voted in left and right (thanks to people that believe the lies), continue to make sure that we're not moving forward at all. After all they want us to believe the lies that actually help out their rich backers (of course I've been saying this for a while now). And 2) Voting Hillary Clinton into office and making history for the second time in our countries life.

The one thing that I've noticed and remember from back when Bill had been in office had been from Hillary, she didn't give a rats ass what anyone said or thought, she worked to get her job done. She wanted to get health care for everyone, and even though she wasn't able to finish while her husband had been in office, her dream actually came true thanks to our current President Obama. (Of course the Republicans can't stand ANYTHING that President Obama is doing right now and are doing their worst to make sure that he can't actually do anything at all, and on certain points they're actually failing like crazy).

I was reading today an article that I've got to share with you all (yeah click the blue "article" to go there, however if it doesn't work here's the copy and paste link here: This is something that's been getting brought up left and right is that if (and that's more like when) Hillary runs for President, none of the Republicans will be able to compete against her at all. After all they're right now going to all this effort just to make sure that they can smear her like crazy right now, after all if people believe the worst about a person, then they tend to stay away from that person or not vote for them at all, and that right there is what the Republicans want. They want to make sure that no one votes for her (of course that's not going to happen at all), that way they have access back to the White House and back to the ULTIMATE power in the world, and we all saw how that went for them the last time (i.e. Bush Regime), nearly the entire world hated this country like crazy, and you couldn't even use US Dollars outside of our own country. Even those that are allies with us hated the hell out of us because of Bush and his cronies.

However before I can get the chance to actually vote Hillary into office in 2016, I've got to deal with 2014 and that means voting the corrupt GOP out of office, other wise we're still going to have the same problems that's aren't going to go away any time soon. However one of the main problems that we happen to have for those that want to make sure that Hillary gets into office is not only all of the right wing nut cases, religious zealots, and the like, namely that of Fox Lies and their idiots. The TEA Party is one of the biggest problems that are out there, it's basically another version of the whole "South is rising" deal to with. They don't know how the country actually works and would rather be idiots and be told what to believe instead of using their own damned minds. That's the crap that we currently have to deal with right now. Plus the kicker is, their actually learning too, they're learning to go after any media that they can in order to spread their lies to make sure that Hillary doesn't actually get into office. Hell I can't begin to count (other than what I had mentioned a couple of entries ago) how many Facebook pages there are against the Democrats or the President, not to mention the web sites that are out there as well. The Republicans know that their former ways of getting through to people are dying, so they're willing to use any other method that they can in order to be able to get their power base back. This includes YouTube as well, basically any form of media that they can turn they will in order to get people to believe the lies that they happen to be telling people.

So yeah, it's up to us to get the word out there and to make sure that Hillary has a fighting chance come 2016, which means that we have to vote out the Republicans and the TEA Party favs as well. We fight for our children in this world and their children, after all our current world is already gone, but we still have a chance to save our world for our children. However make sure that when you're fighting the Republicans and not only their rich backers, along with everyone else, you don't stoop to their level in doing everything, yes keep an eye on what they do, but make sure that you fight them with the truth and let them see that truth and shine a light on the lies that they not only tell but have been told as well. That way the Republicans can be safely put down BIG TIME, and we can save our world for the better.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Bill of Rights, and why Republicans and TEA Baggers are screwing them up

Now in all honesty, I've tried to stay off of this for the longest time, basically not wanting to get in on any of the gun nuts crap because let's face it, the Republicans and the gun nuts that are out there, don't want the change that is coming to this country, and I hate to say it, but change has been coming to this country since the founding of it, hey your Android and iPhone are a showing of progress and change, and yet people don't want to know or think about that, after all if it's there to use then why not.

However there is one thing that people don't realize and that happens to be the one thing that the Republicans actually want to get rid of more than anything else in the world right now, and that's our constitutional rights that we have, and say that the liberals actually want to get rid of them. Actually the liberals above all want to make sure that they keep our right, all of them, and that's the one thing that the Republicans, conservatives and religious zealot nut cases out there don't actually want. Hell after all if they can't control you and have mindless drones, then what's the point. After all, a world with out free will is the one thing that they would love to have, mindless slaves and that's all they want over all. After all if you can't make your own decisions, that's perfect for them since that means that they can make all the decisions for you, doesn't matter if it happens to be good for you or not, they don't care, they want it to be uniform for everyone.

However the one thing that they want to make sure of is that our current government is turned not only entirely over to the religious nut right, but also is owned by the corporations that are out there right now. Now the one thing that I've already figured out a long while back is that the Republicans want their power base back (and I've been mentioning that as well for the longest time), and they're willing to do anything to get that power back. Now I've only mentioned this once before, however this was something that I've only stated as a possible thought in, namely since I have no idea if it's true or not, but at the same time also have no evidence towards at all. But the one thing that I've mentioned before and I'm honestly starting to think might be true in the end (and there are reasons for this that I will get into in a bit here), but I honestly think that the Republican party (and part of the TEA Party is as well) might be communists of a new breed, namely that of reverse communists. What I mean by that is that they're the type of people that want their own government in place, and are willing to do what it takes to get rid of the current government to replace it with their own. That type of government, would not only be a religious type (which when you look back on history has never survived at all), but also one that happens to be run by the corporations and companies and rich people (namely the 1-2%ers out there), those that don't care about the middle and lower classes out there. They only want your money and don't care about anything else in the mean time.

Now you might be wondering where I happen to be going with all of this, well here's the deal on that, I read an article today that basically told about how a bunch of nut cases are going to be going to Washington DC and do the one thing that is against the law (and mind you it's again Federal law), and that is bring loaded armed weapons to the nation's capital. Which means that they're doing this with out permits, they'll be breaking federal law, and mind you these same people are constantly bitching about the government taking their guns away illegally, well now the government will be taking away their gun legally, even though the people will be bitching that the government planned on doing this the entire time. No they never did, you were the ones that started all of this off in the first place. You can read more here: "Gun Protesters Plan March On Washington With Loaded Rifles to 'Put The Government On Notice'"

But for me, I figured that it was past time to actually put it out there when it comes to the Bill of Rights, and the fact that they DON'T support each other they only support themselves and that's it. Now mind you I will include the actual text and then what someone else translated it to mean, and then I'll put down what I believe that it's supposed to mean. (Both of these can be found at the following sites:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

"Government can neither impose a state religion upon you nor punish you for exercising the religion of your choice. You may express your opinions, write and publish what you wish, gather peacefully with others, and formally ask government to correct injustices."

Now this is the one thing that the religious nut cases have been saying isn't true, this is basically (with out actually saying it in written words, and that's where they've been finding the fake loop hole) the separation of church and state. Now the religious right has been saying that this country was founded as a Christian nation, if that had been the case, then the anti-religion part of this would never have been written in the first place. They were agnostic which means that they believed in a higher power but not God for say, they weren't Christians, get that through the heads already. But this also means that they believed in the freedom of speech as well, something that the Republicans don't want at all, after all if you can disagree with them they can't do anything about it at all. Now this last part has been getting trampled on since who the hell knows when, and that's been the right to gather peacefully. Now cities don't mind you doing this, as long as you have the legal permits (that you have to pay for) in order to do this and obey all the local laws when it comes to gathering, and it doesn't matter if it happens to be in protest of something that the government is doing, or is something for religious reasons, this allows you to be able to do that. The very last part is something that is being used majorly these days considering all of the nut cases and idiots that you happen to have out there (and I don't mean just the Republicans in congress either). You can actually bring your complaints before the government to correct injustices that have been done. However the kicker here is that if the Republicans and the corporations get their way, this will never be possible again.

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

"Individuals ("the people") have the right to own and use weapons without interference from the government."

Now at the current times, there has been a ton of debate over this one here, considering the types of guns that you happen to have out there, personally I'm an archer and not really into this at all, but this right here they're talking about hand guns, not AR-14 assault rifles, they never have been. After all if you need one of those to protect your family home, then seriously there is something wrong with you right from the start. Now there have been those that have been saying that this amendment supports the first and the first supports this one, actually no it doesn't, as you can see it doesn't. The only ones out there that want you to have those bigger guns, the gun makers, NRA and the Republicans so that you can help them not only retake the government, but to put them back in power where they shouldn't be in the first place.

Amendment III

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

"The government cannot force you to house its agents."

This one here is so simple it amazes me, and it was written because of what the Brits did before the revolutionary war took place. They forced the citizens to hold the soldiers in their homes, and no one was allowed to say anything about it at all. These days the government is NOT allowed to do that at all. However that doesn't mean that you can't fall in love with one and marry them and that right there doesn't count :)

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

"You may not be arrested or "detained" arbitrarily. No agency of government may inspect or seize your property or possessions without first obtaining a warrant. To obtain a warrant, they must show specific cause for the search or seizure and swear under oath that they are telling the truth about these reasons. Furthermore, the warrant itself must state specifically and in detail the place, things, or people it covers. Warrants that are too general or vague are not valid; searches or seizures that"

This is one that constantly gets violated all the time, after all, if they say they "see" something, then it allows them to totally trash rights left and right, and when taken to court, they'll lie to make sure that they can continue to get away with EVERYTHING. Thanks to this one getting violated constantly, we're living in police state that we placed there ourselves, and we actually need to get this one back into place. After all they're not allowed to search anything you have with out a warrant, and the kicker for this one is, when the police ask you if they can search your things and you say no, they'll arrest you for thinking that you have something to hide, now it that's not a violation of the law, then I really don't know what in the world is.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

"No one outside the military may be tried for a serious crime without first being indicted by a grand jury (of citizens). Once found not guilty, a person may not be tried again for the same deed. You can't be forced to be a witness or provide evidence against yourself in a criminal case. You can't be sent to prison or have your assets seized without due process. The government can't take your property without paying market value for it."

You know, this was actually covered pretty well above, the kicker is (being ex Navy) anyone in the military is cover by the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which means that if you think that you're free and clear think again. However, and I just thought about this one, most of the time when someone pleads the 5th, it tends to mean that they're apart of it in some way, but they don't want to implicated themselves for what happened.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

"Trials cannot be unreasonably postponed or held in secret. In any criminal case against you, you have a right to public trial by a jury of unbiased citizens (thus ensuring that the state can't use a "party-line" judge to railroad you). The trial must be held in the state or region where the crime was committed. You cannot be held without charges. You cannot be held on charges that are kept secret from you. You have a right to know who is making accusations against you and to confront those witnesses in court. You have the right to subpoena witnesses to testify in your favor and a right to the services of an attorney"

This one here, you basically can't be whisked away and be put on trial by the government with out the public knowing about it. The kicker is here that they make sure that the people know about it, but thanks to the news, they make sure that they can taint the jury pool to make sure that they can find everyone guilty with out a problem and lock everyone up. So you're screwed either way you put it in the end.

Amendment VII

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

"The right to trial by jury extends to civil, as well as criminal, cases. Once a jury has made its decision, no court can overturn or otherwise change that decision except via accepted legal processes (for instance, granting of a new trial when an appeals court determines that your rights were violated in the original proceeding)."

This one speaks for it's self right here.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

"Bail, fines, and punishments must all fit the crime and punishments must not be designed for cruelty."

The fines and bails that are given to you upon arrest must not be exceeding any amount that goes beyond what the crime is in the first place, and more often than not then never take into account what your living situation happens to be so they put a bail amount on you that you know that you can't pay, but they want to make money off of you for the city, and that right there tends to violate that amendment, but no one hits them up on it EVER!!!

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

"You have more rights than are specifically listed in the Bill of Rights."

This one here actually talks about the rest of the Constitution but aren't apart of the rest of the first ten.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

"The U.S. federal government has only those specific powers granted to it by the Constitution. All other powers belong either to the states or to individuals."

Basically except for the last two here, everyone above is for the state and the people, but the rest are for the government to decide. However most of the time, the government (depending on who's in charge at the time) decides to actually violate the majority of these rights here, and don't care who happens to get into the way.

Right now the ones that are trying to get rid of all of these are the Republicans and their corporate backers, along with the religious nut cases that happen to be out there in the first place. They don't care how it's done, as long as it's done and they don't care who they happen to hurt along the way, as long as they happen to get the power that they want in the first place, and that's where things tend to go wrong right there. The people who blindly follow the Republicans and the TEA Party, don't realize that they're getting lied to in order to get power back into the Republicans hands for all time. This is the one thing that must be stopped for all time. Personally I'm calling for the end of the Republican party for all time, but I know that that's not going to happen ever. So in the mean time those that continue to know the truth, must continue to fight for what they know is right and not to blindly follow something that seems to appeal to their sense of justice and never knowing that they're getting lied to the entire time.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643