Monday, December 30, 2013

End of the year BLOW OUT!!!!

2013...2013...2013..., what an amazing year that we've had, and believe me this is going to be one year that we happen to look back and think, what the fuck were we thinking!! After all this year the Republicans have done even more that one could even think of to lie their way into EVERYONE's homes and to continue to try and take over the country and rule for the rich.

I mean all the way from Paul Ryan admitting that they wanted to destroy the healthcare system for the American people ( to the Duck Dynasty interview ( where the guy really didn't know what he was talking about when it came to the Bible.

But beyond those two, there have been other things that have been making the political news, like the filibuster gone nuts in Texas with future Texas Gov Wendy Davis, for which the Republicans in charge there tried to change it so that her filibuster didn't count or matter and everyone caught onto that little scam that they did there. However thanks to Perry, it was still pushed through and her efforts had been naught.

Now I know that you might be expecting a whole year long blog entry here that would cover everything that's happened, however that's not the one thing that I can do. After all between running the page and helping run the group and writing my stories (that I'm currently still having a hard time trying to sell right now). But with all the past entries it still gives you a chance to read over those as well.

However what do the past lesson of this year mean for the coming year and the future, for me it means more than ever that the GOP need to be purged out of office and that their reign of terror that they've been bringing on us needs to end, that if we can get rid of Fox News, that would also help things out. So yes I am looking forward to the elections that happen this year, getting rid of the Republican contenders that show up in June, and then doing a full on out Purge in November. This is going to be one year coming up that's going to be different for EVERYONE.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday hell on wheels

I know that it's again been a while since I last wrote an entry for this blog, but considering that I've been doing a bit of fictional writing and publishing (Ninja Chronicles for the Nook, and the Kindle, shameless plug, but hey it's my blog :D, and they're both only $2.99), but considering that politics doesn't end or hold even when I happen to be writing this, I figured that it's about time that I wrote something considering everything that I've been seeing, namely since I've already written something for my local hometown paper that I deliver three days a week the Martinez News-Gazette, however this right here I figured might be time considering EVERYTHING that the morons over at Fox Lies and the GOP idiotic command center have been putting out.

Now just today, I've noticed that the CEO board controlled Walmart is at it yet again, the employees are getting the royal shafting thanks to Sam Walt's vision being totally destroyed by the ones that were put into control after his death, and no it's not his son. His son never wanted the company, and so handed the entire thing over to the board of directors who then went and did the one thing that would've gotten them all fired had Walt still be alive to this day, basically made working conditions like crap, which then in turn goes over to the customers seeing as there are things that should be there that aren't. (Believe me, one visit to the bathrooms, I know not the best to go on but still, shows you what's going on.) Either way it doesn't help things that Walmart has now become the impossible store, impossible because they can't be stop, protested against, or boycotted at all. After all one still has to go there for things that you can't get literally any where else (including online), It's because of this that they've become the Impossible Store that's what doesnt help anyone or anything at all. Plus what they've done because of the poor pay that they refuse to raise (and they're also one of the companies behind eliminating min wage, which means that if they do that, then we'll get the same level of pay that the sweatshops overseas (and down south) get for their workers. So unlike the TEAPublican's fake war on whatever they decide for the week there's a war over, this right here is a war on people right to work here in the US fairly.

Plus the one thing that I don't happen to like is the GOP beating a dead horse all over again, and this time not everyone is going for it. So while President Obama and the White House actually deal with a very real crisis (one that if a Republican had been in control of the White House would've let it go right to hell, then again if a Republican had been in control, we'd still be fighting and endless war overseas right now) namely with a religious zealot country having nukes, the GOP in this country is still going nuts over the ACA site, considering that even if you can't get through on the site, there's still the phone option too.

The one thing that I have noticed is that the GOP have their idiots already lining up to try and take the White House in 2016, kicker is, they're not looking to what happens in 2014. After all 2014 is where the turning point is going to be when House reps get fired so that way we can actually take back the country from those that would like to completely destroy it. I've seen a few reports that have been saying that the Democrats could lose both the House and the Senate, but the fact of the matter is, people are tired of the TEAPublicans and everything that they're doing in order to make sure that nothing works, and then placing blame on the President even though it was them that did it all in the first place.

So I will continue to harp on everything that the Republicans do to make sure that this country isn't ever going to work again, and still continue to call for a Republican Purge in 2014, each and every single one of them getting fired and tossed out of the House and Senate to make sure that we can actually take back this country for the working people.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Biggest unknown breakdown in history

Considering everything that the Republicans have been doing as of late, including screwing over the people of this once great nation (and I say once, because it's thanks to that party right there that we've fallen so far from grace that other countries are really they're not starting, they already hate the crap out of us right now thanks to these morons). Unless one is looking right at everything that's currently going on right now, and there are a few people out there that I've talked to that have zero idea what's really going on, it's like they want to have a blanket of blinders always covering their eyes.

Now one of those things that I've noticed, and this came out a few days ago, and it's that TEAPublican Senator Ted Cruz is being likened to that of Jesus Christ. Now aside from the fact that TEAPots are becoming the biggest religious zealots in this country, we're look at a group of people that would like to destroy EVERYTHING that has made this country now one of the best that has ever been created on this world.

Now aside from the Republicans self imploding on their own party, there are a few of them that realize what's going on and are actually breaking away from the pack and understand that they can't continue with the norm that has become of the rest of the party.

Yet the kicker is, from what I've seen of those that want to keep those blinders, they honestly still continue to think that the Republicans will actually take over the Senate and maintain control of the House. Thing is with the shutdown behind us and the possibility of another one before us right now, the Republicans don't realize that they're shooting themselves not only in the foot, but at the same time, in the head. I honestly think that the ones that are doing this in the first place don't ever want to think that they really doing it in the first place. I've stated this several times before that they honestly think that they're doing the will of the people, but the will of the people is nothing that the Republicans are doing in the first place. Now the Republicans and they're sound machine continue to say that Obama is the worst thing for this country, and yet everything for this country is actually starting to get better despite the Republican obstruction that they're doing in the first place.

With the Party of No self imploding, this actually is going to be a good thing for this country, because the fallout is going to be something that is going to actually benefit those that would like to see this country become great again, and one of the ways that this country will become great again is to stop being isolationist, reform immigration laws, and show that we do welcome other nations in, and that we're not all racist. However as long as the TEA Party continues their murderous rampage, that's going to be extremely hard to prove.

We need to end the Koch sponsored TEA Party, and return this nation to the glory we had before them, and kick the religious nuts out of the government forever.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Hunger Games, a future that might happen

I just got finished watching the Hunger Games movie, and the one thing that struck a chord with me the entire movie was the one thing that I seriously hadn't thought about till I started watching the movie, and that is, what if the Republicans and the corporations took over the country, what if they won everything and took completely over the entire nation, what would happen. Well if one happens to think about it, the reality would be the Hunger Games. A world where the rich rule over everything and any chance of having a life to life by would be considered insurrection and a rebellion and would need to be put down, that's the concept that is the basis of what the Republicans are trying to do, and even though they say that they're constantly trying to change their image, but considering that they're not working for us, they suck at changing that image.

There are a few movies that are currently showing what our future might end up being if they do take over, and they're actually showing the truth in the matter too, and believe me this is a future that I would rather not have anything to do with at all. I honestly don't like the thought of all the rich having total control and leaving next to nothing for those of us that are constantly struggling just to make ends meet. I know that anything that I might say or think would fall on Republican deaf ears.

However it's not the Republicans that I'm interested in informing when it comes to this, no I'm interested in informing those that would be interested in realizing that their future is not only being hijacked, it's being completely destroyed and that's something that needs to be stopped. We can't lose our futures to people that only care about money and lying to American people (doesn't matter the nationality at this point). They've already tried to use our vets for their own twisted means, and they got called out on it too right on video.

They're trying to make it out like they're the victims, but in truth they're the ones that are causing all of this in the first place, and they need to be stopped, and at this point doesn't matter if it happens to be either by the elections next year in 2014, or a recall right now, they just need to be stopped period.

It's either that, or these movies that are showing are future, they're going to happen and there will be no stopping them in the least.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A petition for ending the Shut down

A few days ago, I happen to be walking into my local Starbucks when I noticed something that I didn't think about at first, but when I looked at it I realized what it was, it was a petition to get the government back open. However the moment that I saw it, my mind flashed back to when I actually called up the Republican members of the house, and I either hit a voice mail, or I hit someone that would take a message, and they never wrote it down in the first place.

Now I even stated that the petition wasn't going to work in the least since we're not paying them the money that they're getting in the first place, I know that's sad, but it's also the truth as well since none of the TEA Party Republicans or the Republicans in general have been listening to us in the least. After all, if they had been listening to us, then they wouldn't have closed down the government over the ACA in the first place. After all, in the first couple of days since the shutdown started, the governments web site crashed twice, namely thanks to the 6.1 Million hits that it got from people wanting to get health care that wasn't under the total control of the insurance companies that could be able to do ANYTHING that they had wanted to before. You see the ACA wipes that part out, if you had something before and were coming into a new insurance company, then they could say and do whatever they wanted in the first place all without having to answer to anyone at all. The Republicans had been called on by their insurance masters to make sure that the ACA (or as they called it Obamacare) never made it to the public, and the hitch is, they kept failing over it too.

Now years ago when Hillary had been first lady, and had gotten a taste of correctly running the government, she had actually tried to get universal health care out there for everyone, but had been shut down before she had even had the chance to do it. However years later, things end up getting changed around, and the work that Hillary started back in the 90's President Obama finishes. Once the Republicans and their masters figured that all out, they went to great lengths to make sure that it never made it to the public spot light. Problem was, that after they had done zero and had tried to repeal the law some 40 some odd times. After what happened at the start of the month, people are starting to see that the Republicans seriously aren't listening to the American people in the least, only their masters.

Now mind you this petition is no longer available in the stores at all, however it's still available online at and how long that's going to be there for even I don't know that. Personally I honestly don't think that it's going to do a whole lot of good, but that's just me. After all, when I first arrived at the Starbucks that I go to, the sheet was blank, however it soon ended up filling up with people that wanted the government reopened up.

Will this work, I doubt it, but there are those of you out there that actually think that it will work.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Shutdown and other Republican crap

For the past week I've been trying to come up with an entry for the blog since this Shutdown actually started, I came up with one so far, but with everything that the Republicans are doing, it's been harder and harder, and that's not just because of everything happening in my own life, but also because of all the crap they're supplying me with in the first place.

Now mind you I already happen to have one entry that's already being worked on right now, but I figured that I'd get this little burst out there (of course burst is subject to term right there), but I needed to say something here. I know that I've been seeing a lot out there when it comes to the Republicans back firing when it comes to the shutdown, hell they ran their campaigns on shutting down the government in the first place, but now that's it's actually happened, it's coming back to bite them in the ass worse then they could've ever expected it to in the first place.

However there is one thing that they NEVER expected us to find out about, and that is that they put a last minute clause into the entire deal that makes it so that only the Republican Majority Leader can be able to reopen the government ( and the hitch kicker is, the one that has the power to reopen the government has zero intention of doing so, we're basically being held hostage by someone that only wants what he wants and will do literally anything that he can in order to be able to get what he wants no matter what. This right here is a zealot, the same people that I've spoken about before on the religious side, only now it's on the political side, and it's actually hurting our country worse than anyone ever thought before.

But then you happen to have the ones that watch ONLY Fox Lies and believe everything that's being said there in the first place, instead of doing the research that they should be doing on their own in the first place. I honestly doubt that this country is going to open any time soon, and that's something that seriously needs to change.

You know I'm done personally waiting for November 2014 with these idiots running things in the House, I say we recall the bastards and put people in there that actually will get the government back to work again and this time working for the American people. Now they're already willing to spend millions shutting the government down, well let's do a recall since it's going to cost slightly less and we can put people in there that will actually work and get the government back open the way that it should be in the first place. That's what I'm saying here, it's time we took action and recalled these morons and show them their real boss, not some billionaire that's got the money to do what ever they want, but the American people that have the choice to actually vote these idiots out. Hell they were voted in, let's vote them out.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Government Shutdown, history repeating

If someone tells you that it takes a while before history can repeat, let them know not only is that a lie, but at the same time we've got history repeating right now. The way that's working is that Republicans in Congress aren't remembering the last time that government shut down, and that turned out to be bad for their party in the end.

You see the last time that the government shutdown was back during the Bush Sr. Administration, when Newt Gingrich had been speaker of the house at the time. When they pulled this, not only did the Republican Party suffer for this, it put Clinton into a favorable position, just as it's now doing to Hillary right now. They never bothered to learn that the one thing that the people of the United States want is a functioning government. Not one that not only will never listen to the people, but one that will actually work for them in the end.

However this is why I've been calling for the Purge in the first place, because we know for a fact that the only ones that the Republicans aren't EVER going to listen to, are the ones that actually elected them into office in the first place. Yes they ran with idiots on shutdown, but the truth is, those that went for it, don't know the impact that this will actually have on the people of this country in the end. This will force the one thing that the Republicans think that they can handle, and since we've seen this coming, we know for a a fact that they won't be able to handle it all. The TEA party thinks that they'll take control over the Senate come 2014, but with this taking place, we now know that not only is history repeating during all of this, but it will back fire on them worse then they could've even imagined come November 2014, so for things that you relied on from the federal government that you're now not getting, remember this come 2014 when the TEA Party and the Republicans tell you that Obama and the Senate couldn't pass anything. The Republicans were told repeatedly that this shouldn't be happening in the first place, and yet the House Republicans kept saying that they were doing the will of the people, actually that would translate out now to "We weren't listening to the American people and we don't give a damned what they want or think. We're doing the will of those that really pay us and don't care about anyone else at all."

Just remember that come next year when it comes time for elections. And if you forget, believe me on this, I will happily remind you of everything that's happened.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Conversation with an idiot (namely a TEAPublican)

Yesterday I was going over my Facebook postings, and I noticed that Facebook had decided that this one page was similar to others that I had liked. However it clearly wasn't, everything that I've liked is all anti-Republican, and yet this one page (Flip This House 2010) wasn't even in the closest to being similar at all. It's an ALL Tea Party page, and I actually decided to post both in the message as well as to the page time line, and in the end had a little bit of a conversation with possibly one that runs the page, here is the conversation:
  • "Conversation started Friday
  • Felix Sanchez
    Felix Sanchez

    Only thing is when it comes to your page (which I will never like by the way), the TEA Party isn't grass roots, it was started by the Koch Bros, you might want to look that up. The TEA Party was started to make sure that the rich don't pay more in taxes and get to keep the money that they've made. You and the ones that are under TEA Party control are what are bringing the House of Reps in Congress to a halt, and with believing lies that are constantly getting told by Fox News and Glen Beck and company, you'll always be sheep to the slaughter and bring this country down. We need to move forward and not be stuck in the past, and that right there is the truth of the matter.

  • Friday
  • Flip This House 2010
    Flip This House 2010

    Very humorous. Saw the same fairytale on MSNBC last night.

  • Felix Sanchez
    Felix Sanchez

    Kicker is, if you look at all of the facts, you'll see that the Republican Party is hurting themselves by only going for the Rich, and if you're talking about the TEA Party, that really is a Koch Bros endevore, just like with them putting money into concervative think tanks that keep producing GOP talking points and lies. They don't want to have people that think for themselves, they want those that are mindless robots that will believe everything that they're told.

  • Flip This House 2010
    Flip This House 2010

    The republican party is growing up. The democrats are doomed. Read my lips. No new liberals.

    I am sure you know what is best for America and the GOP. NOT!

  • Flip This House 2010
    Flip This House 2010

    I am the Tea Party. I don't even care about the Koch brothers. They have had so little effect on this movement. You're clueless. We are coming for your power. Be afraid. 2010 was the warm up. A tea tsunami is coming to dc in 2014 that will make democrats with is was 2010 all over.

  • Felix Sanchez
    Felix Sanchez

    ROFLAO, you're so delusional it amazes me. No one can stand the TEA Party, not with how the government is getting shut down because of no compromise, exactly the one thing we need right now and that's not happening. The American people are sick of everything that's going on right now, the truth is out there about Obamacare, and everyone knows that the Senate won't pass anything that doesn't help the middle and lower classes out, which the House doesn't care about. Look this right now seems to have gone past parties, but the truth of the matter is, the TEA Party was taken up by the Republicans and then tossed to the side after a while by that same bunch of nut cases. Come 2014, there will be a Purge of TEA Party and Republicans. The party of No will be kicked out. You call yourselves conservatives, and yet the only thing that is ever seen by any conservatives these days is a harken back to days when things weren't better off for us, a time when there were no unions, no equal rights, or anything that is actually helping us today. I know that there are those that don't want what we have today, but think about it this way, if we didn't have any of that today, the corporations would be able to pay the people literally anything that they felt fit to pay and we'd have ZERO say in the matter at all, not exactly the way people would like it to be in the first place. Then you have those that think President Obama shouldn't be President, why is that, just because he's black, oh bloody hell come on, if he was white and Republican no one would bitch in the slightest, but since he's black, democrat and working for the people, suddenly every TEA but out there is spouting out Fox Lies and Glenn Beck talking points saying that he's the worst President we've ever had, wrong that would fall with Bush Jr. Now before you go off again, you might want to get some of your facts checked before you come back to me saying how the TEA party is going to take over, check things out first, like I said the TEA Party of No is screwing things up so badly right now that they will be gone in 2014."

Now I'm honestly sorry for anyone whose I.Q. levels went down because of reading the talking point from the TEA Partier, but he couldn't even hit me when it came to anything.

I just wanted to share this with you all considering that each day there's always someone out there there that is trying to convince people that the TEA Party is there for the people, they're not.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A letter to the Republican Party

Dear GOP;

My name is Felix Sanchez, I'm one of the many homeless living in Martinez, CA. A city and town that you would never consider even thinking twice about let alone once. Each day I get up and put my things away to make sure that I can get through each day. I have a paper route (for the local paper) that only gets delivered three times a week, and I work for a hair cutting place doing sign dancing for them. Each job doesn't pay that much, but it still pays either way. The only thing with both those jobs is that they don't pay enough either way to actually let me have a place to live, or maintain the rent at all.

I am one of those people that I know you don't care about. I'm not rich so I can't pay you anything to actually help out the real people that need it, and despite what Romney had said before, corporations are not people too, they don't think for themselves, have lives outside of work that they deal with each day, or pay taxes like the average American worker does. No they're made up of people that happen to have all of those things. However I'm thinking that when it comes to the corporations that you're more thinking of the ones in the top slots, the CEO's and the rest that actually run the place. those are the ones that actually get to decide who gets to continue on, or ends up with no jobs and not being able to make a living at all and eventually end up in my same place.

You see I'm one of the many that thanks to your economic policies that I can't get a well paying job, that I can't actually have a place to live or maintain anything worth a damn, or have the health care that's needed in order to be able to stay alive. The only health care that I happen to have is just the emergency kind where unless it happens to be an emergency, I can't get anything else at all.

What erks me, is that I know for a fact that none of you Republicans care in the slightest about anyone that even voted for you in the first place, as much as those you've lied to think that you do, you really don't. You don't care about the vets that you sent to war in order to keep the oil to the Dollar instead of going over to the Euro, and when you realized that you screwed up the plans in going over to Iraq, instead of bringing everyone back home, nope you continued to screw us over by not only keep the troops there, and then bring up Stop Loss, you sent over contractors to remake the place on no bid contracts, all the while not only with them making major money, but at the same time the locals hating us more and more.

Now what really kicks it for me, is that you guys are bringing the one thing into all of this that by the very founding of this country is against the law of the land, and that's bringing religion into the politics. After all, the founding fathers made it that way because of the tyranny that those using religion put on their people. This nation was created for the freedoms of all religions and not just one. So even though the churches got a free pass during the Bush Jr time in office, they actually shouldn't be doing what they've been doing. However it seems that you guys and Religion are wanting to go hand and hand these days, and that's wrong. Now please don't get me wrong here, I'm a Christian, but I'm not a C.I.N.O. (Christian In Name Only), but that's what you all seem to be, after all if things don't go your way, then you keep using God's name in saying that everything that's going bad is because of God's hatred towards what's wrong, that's about as bad as that Baptist Church that everyone hates saying the same damned thing. However unless we happen to pay you with the same money that the top 1-2% and churches are paying you, then you'll never listen to us at all.

So I guess this is why come next year I'm going to be voting to fire all Republicans, doesn't matter what level of government that you happen to be in. You see the reason why I'm doing this, is to make an example for anyone else that might try and do what you're doing, working not for the people but for those that happen to have the money, and that's wrong right there, that's why I'm voting to fire all of you. That way the ones with the money, the corporations and the Churches will know that this country is not up for the highest bidder any more, but for the people. Plus with this, the churches will learn to keep the gospel where it belongs and that's in their churches only.

So I hope that you happen to have nice day, but remember that your days are numbered and that come next year you will be fired and that we will get this country moving forward, no matter what you try.


Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Monday, September 23, 2013

Republicans, NOT the party of Fiscal Responsibility

I used to think that back as a kid that the rescission was something that happened every year, of course my mother did nothing to dissuade me from this, but then again she had not been much into politics back then as she some what is now. However the problem back then unlike now is that for some reason everything was business as usual, meaning that nothing would ever change, and that notion has actually tripped on up to today's world and life, it's like they honestly think that nothing will ever change.

I mean I've actually talked to a few people here where I live and literally nothing has changed in their minds, and that nothing will actually change either, that's the extremely bad thing to think, but it's also the truth. With how bad things are in Washington right now, there are people out there actually believing that nothing is going to change, and even though a fight is being waged for the people right now fighting against those that are willing to do what ever it takes to shut down the government for those that are rich and don't care.

Now I've been (as I've stated before on here) advocating for a complete Purge of the Republican Party from EVERY level of government (local, state and federal), and there are those out there that tell me that it's not just the Republicans that are the bad ones, and I know that there are Democrats out there that are the same way. However the reason why I'm calling for a complete Purge of the Republican, is not only because of the complete stupidity that the TEA Party has done to them, but also because of the money that they've taken in, something that they should never have taken in.

So we're going to use the Republican Party as an example to OTHER parties that if you aren't working for the American People, your ass is gone, doesn't matter if it happens to be just you or your entire damned party, you're gone. Trust me on this, those that look bad on election day next year will think about it if someone happens to come to them and say that if they vote this way that everything will be fine and that nothing will happen and they pay them a large wad of cash. They'll look at that person and say, are you out of your mind.

Republicans themselves though are not the one thing that they've been claiming they are since the 80's with Reagan in office. They DO NOT know how to handle or manage money at all, they are doing what ever it takes to spend other people's money and don't care about what happens in the end. So they draw up a debt that this country can never pay and it ends up killing the American people in the end. After you got those thinking out there that since the Mint is constantly printing up money, that we can pay for literally anything that needs to be paid for. that's not how it works (though a lot of people actually do wish that was the case). We actually have that tax system set up for a reason, and though we do need our minimum wage raised, that has to be raised gradually since the Cost of Living would also go up as well at the same time and it would be like nothing ever changed at all. Now if the richest 1-2% actually paid more in taxes that they should be in the first place, but considering the incentives that they're being offered in order to make jobs here in the US instead of over seas, short of ANYTHING (other than the unions getting totally taken out), they're not going to be willing to keep any jobs over here at all, after all what's the point in keeping jobs here when you can't pay your workers a prison wage of $.05 an hour like they do over seas at the sweat shops over there (sweat shops that the Republicans honestly believe there's nothing wrong with at all (like Ted Cruz had said there's nothing wrong with them, though I think he was saying that there were no working problem, like no one could get hurt there), and that's another thing that they need to be taken out for).

So with the Republicans no only getting us into wars (and unlike President Obama, the Republicans had ZERO intention of getting us out of the Iraq war), and spend other people's money for those wars that we really don't need. After all, this last war that we were in, the Operation name told EVERYONE what they were really there for before the name had been changed. Operation Iraqi Liberation OIL, then it got changed to Operation Iraqi Freedom, but those that saw it and figured it out knew what we had gone there for in the first place, even  though they denied it like all get out. Problem was, a little known fact had surfaced up which had threatened the Oil Companies here in the US, and that was that Iraq oil was planning on changing from the Dollar over to the Euro which was more stable at the time then the Dollar was then. So on our dime and a lie of Weapons of Mass Destruction (of which there were none, still waiting for that apology you lying sack Bill O'Rilley), they went in to a fight that they should never have gone in on, plus it was right on the heels on 9/11, which helped give them the perfect excuse (only thing was, Bin Laden was killed on President Obama's watch since the Republicans were so keen on keeping the oil and didn't care about Bin Laden at all).

Now during the times since Reagan had been in office and we actually had back to back Republican Presidents (which really didn't help out the country at all), we'd seen the end of the Cold War, (all the while the Iran-Contra scandal was going on), the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (yup, need to mention that little historical fact right there), but then the start of Desert Storm war during Bush Sr.'s time in office, which also included the screwing over of the Iraq people at the time then, which actually didn't help us later on. After all thanks to what Bush Sr. had done, all they think of us now (and some of them still do too), is that we happen to be heartless Christians that need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. Of course when Clinton came into office, that's when for the first time that things started to turn around for not only the country, but at the same time if there were any fights and wars, we never heard about them because they were taken care of with out any one knowing about them at all. Plus Clinton actually put the country in the red (which you have those out there that are thinking that the only reason why Clinton put us in the red was because of that bull shit (yeah I swore) trickle down theory that doesn't work because the money doesn't trickle down in the least. However you will always have those out there that will continue to think this even though it happens to not be true in the least.

No Clinton actually put us in the red and balanced the budget, the one thing that NO Republican has actually been able to do since Reagan, nope they just spend your money and don't care about what the effects are going to be like in the least. Which is another reason right now why we can't have them in charge of our country since they refuse to see what's going to happen to our country with their actions.

However once Bush stole the White House, everything that Clinton put in for the people Bush took out and was there for the Church and the corporations only and that's the one thing that we don't need.

So now Obama is fighting for the people right now, and when he's done with his time in Office, then it's going to be up to (hopefully) Madam Clinton to not only continue his work, but to take it further. However we need to help her out in 2014 by Purging the country of the Republican menace that's currently hurting our country right now. So go out there next year and vote.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We shall NEVER forget 9/11

I know that for each person in this country, you ask anyone where they were on this day. For me I had just woken up and had no clue as to what in the world had happened. But I knew that all the news that day was nothing but the Trade Towers dying.

You all know that I'm so anti-Republican that one would think unless told otherwise that I'm an extreme Democrat, actually if you've read my blog before hand, you'd know that I'm not Republican or Democrat, I'm Tomorrow Party. After all you're allowed to create your own party, my only thing is, I'm the only one that happens to be in the party and I'm fully registered as Tomorrow as well.

Anyway, as we take this time today to look back upon the ones that not only lost their lives, but also the ones that braved EVERYTHING that was going on to go and look for and help those that had survived this tragedy.

One of the main reasons why I happen to be so anti-Republican in the first place, is because of what they're currently (and have been) trying to do to written history for Bush, they're trying to make it be that 9/11 NEVER happened, and we all know for a fact that it did, but this is what they're trying to do right now.

So as we take the time today to remember those lost and but never forgotten, also remember what's being done to make this day something that it should've been right from the start, an official holiday of resting and remembering.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Science Fiction becoming a Reality

I first read a book back in 1997 after I got out of high school called The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter, now I didn't think anything of it except for the fact that it dealt in time travel, and for me I happen to love time travel a lot. So I'm reading this book, and it not only takes the reader back to the future that we had all read about since it's supposed to be the stunning sequel to H.G. Wells immortal classic Time Machine, but at the same time it took us to a different level, and one that I had only just started hearing about with the show Sliders, namely that there are multiple different versions of the Earth out there. However unlike Sliders where they traveled between world on the current time, Time Ships traveled to different time lines through time travel. When I read that book, it took me on an adventure that I never knew would be so amazing, however little did I know that part of that book would eventually be coming to pass.

Now I know that you might be thinking that something that's written in a book can't exactly come true can it, well you'd be surprised at how close we've actually come to having a book come to pass when it comes to story right now. Take Orson Wells 1985, the year might've been wrong, but more than ever before Big Brother is watching over us, and I'm not talking about some CBS reality television show either, after all we have more cameras out there looking out over us than ever before and it doesn't look like it's going to be getting better but actually worse than ever before. After all I saw the bumper sticker above and it made a load of sense "One Nation under surveillance". I know that it's a constant fight right now just to make sure that we keep all of our rights and that's the one thing that they want to take away from us.

However there was one book that I was talking about before that told about a possible future that is coming to pass that I would rather not want to have come to pass in the least. The book was written up back in 1997 by Stephen Baxter, it's supposed to be the sequel to H.G. Wells Time Machine, only it goes on the possibility of multiple time lines and that instead of traveling back and forth on one line. However the one part in the book that I'm dealing with here is something that the Koch Bros. and their ilk are trying to do right now for the almighty dollar and they don't give one rats damn about what they have to do in order to be able to get it either. It's called White Earth, and it's where all of the Earth and its resources have been used up and there's nothing left, the planet is barren and destroyed.

Here's a couple of excerpts from the book that deal with what we're going through in real life, and mind you I'm trying not to take them out of context, but for those of you reading this that might be a bit harder than one thinks, but I'm going to give it my best.
"He told me that the atmosphere of the earth was a dynamic thing. The atmosphere had just two naturally stable states, Nebogipfel said, and neither of these could sustain life; and the air would fall into one of these states, away from the narrow band of conditions tolerable by life, if it were too far disturbed.
'But I don't understand. If the atmosphere is as unstable a mixture as you suggest, how is it that the air has managed to sustain us, as it has, for so many millions of years?'
He told me that the evolution of the atmosphere had been heavily modified by the action of life itself. 'There is a balance-of atmospheric gases, temperature and pressure-which is ideal for life. And so life works-in great, unconscious cycles, each involving billions of blindly toiling organisms-to maintain that balance.
'But this balance is inherently unstable. Do you see? It is like a pencil, balanced on its point: such a thing is ever likely to fall away, with the slightest disturbance.' He twisted his head. 'We learned that you meddle with the cycles of life at your peril, we Morlocks; we learned that if you choose to disrupt the various mechanisms by which atmospheric stability is maintained, then they must be repaired or replaced. What a pity it is,' he said, heavily, 'that these New Humans-these star faring heroes of yours-had not absorbed similar simple lessons!'
'Tell me about your two stabilities, Morlock; for it seems to me we are going to be visiting one or the other!'
In the first of the lethal stable states, Nebogipfel said, the surface of earth would burn up: the atmosphere could become as opaque as the clouds over Venus, and trap the heat of the sun. Such clouds, miles thick, would obstruct most of the sunlight, leaving only a dull, reddish glow; from the surface the sun could never be seen, nor the planets or stars. Lightening would flash continually in the murky atmosphere, and the ground would be red-hot: scorched bare of life.
'That's as may be,' I said trying to suppress my shivers, 'but compared to this damned cold, it sounds like a pleasant holiday resort...And the second of your stable states?'
"White Earth.'
He closed his eyes, and would speak to me no more."

Now considering that they in the book were seeing this in fast forward (since they were traveling through time), one might think that this happens so slowly that we don't need to worry about it and can just keep going,'s wrong we can't. You see we've already been screwing over our world for too long to count, and now while the world has adapted to us, the problem is, we're using up the resources like crazy, and we're not replenishing them at all, and that's where things are falling apart. Yes we've got the recycling programs and the lot that can help, but right now with the oil and coal industry having a full on field day, we're not going to be able to survive for long. Hell we're wiping out our own atmosphere, what allows this world to be the way it is, and keeps harmful sun and space radiation off this world.

Now I read yesterday (or it might've been either the day before or before that, I honestly forgot, sorry) that the coal industry is saying that the internet is using up a ton of power and energy and that we need the clean coal to keep it working. OK did I just read and write that right, clean coal, come the hell on here, since when it is clean. I mean sure when you wash it off yeah it's clean then, but still coal isn't clean, and we're strip mining our own planet to get this crap out of the Earth in the first place. This seriously has to be one of the worst things we could be doing to our planet right now. Yeah I know that if we shut down the mines that those that work there would be put out of a job, but I'm honestly sure that once the Republicans are kicked out, and the corporation lose their power, then the jobs will end up coming open, it's a long shot but still worth it.

Here's the hitch (yeah there's always one of those hanging around, you just have to wait for it), it's not just the coal industry or the oil industry, but about the majority of the industries that tend to strip the planet of it's natural resources and hardly ever give anything back. Plus considering that we don't happen to happen to have the space travel yet in order to go find another planet (and this is yet another reason why we need to fully start up the space program again), we need to get to taking care of this planet again. Which means that those that not only don't care about this world but are willing to make a buck and don't care how they do it in the first place, they need to be shut down, or if not shut down, at least scaled down. After all for the longest time, it was the oil industry that fought against the all electric cars that we now have going all over the place. Which means that we know now after all this time that what was being said had been a lie to keep us in oil.

I know that I might be sounding like a tree hugger like I did in an earlier posting, but when you happen to have rain in the middle of summer, or at the start or summer, then you know that something is screwed up. Hell part of the time when I happen to see a bumper sticker that says stop global whining, I'm seriously half tempted on telling them to get their heads out of their asses and look around at the planet around them. I know that the oil and coal industries (among others) don't care not only one wit about us, nor about the planet that they're killing, but only about the amount of cash that they happen to be making in the first place.

With me being homeless, I always keep my eye not only on the weather channel at all times (I look at it every day after 4p pst because it gives me that night along with what the next day is going to be), but also on the sky. Now just this past weekend we had thunder and lightening storms here in the bay area with rain, now we're talking about rain in the middle of summer here, this seriously shouldn't be happening at all. I know that every morning except for a few times this summer, it's been cold and cloudy each morning that I happen to wake up. This seriously isn't normal in the least. Now I don't give one rats ass what the so called bloody experts are saying since they're getting paid off anyway, but yes I'd say that we're suffering through global warming here right now. Now I don't know if we're going to end up being like Water World, or that something else is going to happen to our world fast, but I do know that this crap that they're pulling right now has to stop, it's going to be the only way that we're even going to have a chance at all.

After all I know that eventually I'll get off the streets (and get my wife out of her mother's place), but in the mean time the one thing that we need to do is not only get people's heads out of their asses, but we need a MAJOR radical shift when it comes to our planet right now. Other wise everything that's been written by those that wrote science fiction about how our planet is doomed, well they're going to be coming true, and that's going to be the last things that we're going to be needing here at all. I mean I personally don't want to see our world go right into the crapper, but out of lack of choice the one thing that I do know is that the Republicans and those that want the money don't give a damned about our world, and from a comic book stand point, they're not only the bad guys, they're the ones that have been able to convince the rest of the people of this country and the planet that what they're doing is best for the whole world when in fact it's actually not.

Look to be totally honest here I'm just a guy with dreams that has a hard time writing a book because 1)I have no one encouraging me to actually get it done (and right now I'm on 6 or 7 of 28 chapters), and 2)it's because of that lack of enthusiasm that won't let me actually write the book (or my fictional blogs) at all, and it's starting to get irritating. I write these blog entries for everyone, and yet except for the two that admin the page with me, I don't hear back from anyone else at all. I get maybe a like or two where I might end up posting it, but beyond that, there's nothing. So please let me know what you all happen to think of all of this, and maybe encourage me to keep working on the book that I'm writing, yes it's science fiction, but unlike what I had been talking about above this here, is a more positive spin on time, considering that I had first written it back in high school but couldn't get it published, so now I'm writing it for ebook publication, and hoping that you'll all love it when it does come out.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Blog:
My Political World Facebook Page:
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643
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