Monday, January 21, 2013

Our President's Second Term

Our President has now been fully sworn in and is now taking on the GOP congress with a full on storm. Now considering that this GOP controlled congress has promised to do zero for this President, mainly the need to kick them in the head and start to get things rolling in Washington for the better of all America. I know that there's going to be rough times ahead, but the hard times is when we usually end up kicking ass. However when we kick ass it tends to be with the truth, and that's the one thing that the GOP doesn't do at all. So even while we happen to fight with the truth, that's not the only thing that we need either.

I was recently talking with a friend of mine that happens to be a major gun guy, and I realized that the one way to get him off of the GOP train was to get him to understand that Obama isn't going to do what the GOP have been lying about him wanting to do in the first place. So in order to get the people's eye's open is to get to what they really like and have them see the truth through what they happen to like, and right now the GOP is attacking every aspect of what the people normally do and lying about everything. So we need to strike back and make sure that we not only get the truth out there, but to make sure that there's no way in hell that the GOP can counter it at all.

Now, let's kick ass with this second term.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643

Monday, January 7, 2013

Two worlds that will NEVER mix, religion and politics

You take a look at that title and you start to think, how in the world can those two never mix, well if you look at every single government body that has ever had religion as it's central body, they've all failed, doesn't matter in what form, they've all failed. Our for fathers knew this when they created our country in the first place, and yet we have those nuts cases out there that think that God has been apart of our country since the start, that our country was Christian from the start. The problem with that is that our For fathers (and I've been over this before too) were Agnostic, meaning that yes they believed in a higher power, but were not Christians. and if the nut cases (like the one that runs Focus on the Family) have their way, this country will go down in prejudice flames. 

So yeah religion and politics can NEVER mix, only a non religious working governing body can ever work, and this is a fact as determined by how long our country has survived.

When you go back to earlier posts that I've made here, you'll noticed that I mentioned a church that happens to have a video talking about putting God back into our country and that the Declaration of Independence has 27 Biblical verses written into it. I know that the video was being used to bring people over to Christ, but it was wrong when they did that because the video was a lie in the first place, I even pointed that out to my friend that was sitting next to me watching the video and thinking that the video was telling the truth in the first place, I had to show him a copy of the document from a site that was a .gov site that had the document on it. Even he could see right at that point that they were lying when they made that video.

These are the same people that would do literally anything to gain power to make sure that they got their way, and it's the one thing that seriously needs to stop. These are the same people across the country that don't pay any taxes at all, believe me if they did, then not only would we have to pay less in taxes, but at the same time EVERYTHING in this country would be in working order and the repairs would be made at once and bond measures for those things would never be needed in the first place, plus education would be top of the list for everything and we would be on top of the world for everything. However the downside if they got their way, it would mean that science would reflect what religion says instead of the truth of what we've learned so far, which in truth is NOT good at all. Believe me, if you want to live in a city were churches and schools are just about one in the same, then go live in Fresno (just watch out for the police there, they shoot first and ask questions never), the churches there are as numerous as Starbucks, one on every corner, and they make sure that the schools bow down to them. However if you don't want to live in that kind of controlled world, then stay away from Fresno. After all, Fresno is the perfect example of why you don't want to mix religion and politics, EVER.

During the last decade I actually lived in Fresno, and saw things that I knew would never be allowed in the rest of the country but were perfectly legal right there (despite the signs that were displayed right where everyone, including the police, could see them). I remember sitting at a bus station waiting for a bus (city bus station, not Greyhound) and despite that there was a sign not two feet away and above me, a couple of people came by trying to sway people over to God. When they came over to me, I told them that I not only believed in God, that I was Christian (which I am), but I have no religion. They tried telling me that being Christian is having religion, and I straight up told them that no, being Christian is not the same as having religion. Religion is an organized form of control, where as I have faith not religion. After all religion is telling you that the world is going to end soon (a lot of people are thinking that the world was going to end last year on 12/21/12, didn't happen, however now they're saying that it will happen when it happens. Every time that something like this comes up, they say that yes the end is near, but then when the expected pending arrival never happens, then they say that it happens when He determines, then they go right back to trying to figure out when it;s going to happen again. And the only reason why they do this in the first place is so that they can sin right up to the day of the event and then ask for forgiveness and know that they'll get it period. The only religion that I don't like period because they set someone up in Jesus's place is the Catholics, and that right there is a controlling religion right there. They want you to confess your sins to a person and follow what they say to earn forgiveness, sorry but it doesn't work like that. You don't confess to a human, you confess to Jesus, and when they say that you need to go to Church in order to be able to worship God and His Son, that right there is also wrong, you can worship God, and Jesus literally anywhere. Jesus abolished the church to let His followers know that in the first place. However the Catholic church doesn't want their people to ever remember or know that in the first place, Before Martin Luther, they tried to change the 10 Commandments to suit their will and needs, however when Luther broke away from them in the end, they changed everything back to pre their take over, and said that he was wrong on everything that had been written down in the Bible that he copied. Mind you I just wrote that he copied, he didn't just create it himself, no he copied it from their works and wrote the entire thing in German so that others could actually read it. Now at the time, the Catholic Church was the governing power back then and people bowed down in droves, however they lost their power and lost it faster than they had gained it in the first place, which only proves what I had been saying in the first place.

Now if the Christian religious nuts get a hold of our government and fully take control, not only would our country descend into a second civil war, the people of this country would be torn between their faith and their freedom. Now from what I've heard their are several states (including California) that want to have a governing body separate from that of the U.S. government, they want to stay connected with the United States, but not have anything to do with the government portion of the country at all. Now mind you this is what I heard, so I'm chalking it up to rumor (which I seriously don't believe till I actually see something in action), but with what's currently going on with our Whites only GOP and their rich backers, this could lead us into a second civil war faster than what people really want to believe. The thing that I know for a fact that if something like this does happen where California decides to leave the government but not the country, then the Bible belt of California will strike, and will strike HARD, and make sure that they turn everything in California to their will. It will end up being the worst event of California's history, and this state will never be able to survive from it at all. After all people in the south said that the south will rise again, the only reason why the south never became the power that it had in the first place a second time was because the government left that part of the country poverty stricken so that it could never regain power ever again. They almost did learn their lesson, however it was those that are apart of religion that refuse to learn from history to understand what they're planning on doing. It's something that we all need to learn and understand and realize that it's something that we can never lead with EVER.

Religion and politics will NEVER mix and history has proven over and over why, hell even the movies have proven that, one title that I can think of off the bat "Escape from L.A." the president in the movie had predicted when there would be a major earth quake that would rock the L.A. area of California. When it happened the President at the time was given lifetime presidential term, and it lead to him not only going completely nuts in the movie, but he also was willing to kill or imprison anyone that didn't agree with what he said or thought, even his own daughter. Which means that if someone of religious nature gets into control and think that God controls their every move to the point that they want creation to be taught only and don't want anything to do with science at all, then the state or nation is pretty much screwed at that point. All you're going to get with religion in control is nut cases that really don't know what in the world they're doing, and right now, that pretty much includes the ENTIRE GOP. They not only don't want a black President, they want one that happens to be white and Christian only and that's it, they don't want anyone else in that top slot and are willing to say anything to make sure that it happens period. However thankfully for this past election that didn't happen, however can we be sure that that will happen when it comes to our own states, that's something that we have to watch out for, because then everything that we know and currently love will be gone in less than a heart beat if that happens.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A new year, and a new deal

It seems that as per usual a last minute deal gets reached to stem off something major, the only difference here between now and the last ones is that this deal actually benefits us regular people and not the rich, however this deal comes from the senate, which means that the GOP run house will vote it down and we'll still end up in trouble, and all because of Speaker Bonehead, and everyone else in the House that is getting paid from the rich to get things done their way. Personally I like what I read when it came to the whole deal that was actually brokered by the VP himself, and from what I noticed, Obama's name was never mentioned once when it came to this deal, which I'm thankful for, but also at the same time a bit wondering why they did this in the first place.

Either way, this actually help out us little people more than what the GOP would actually like, seriously why does anyone want to be apart of that lying bribe taking party any more is beyond me. Personally I can't stand them at all, I know that the Dems aren't any better, but at least when it comes to the Dems they at least try to help us out when it comes to what Americans actually need and not the rich. However the one thing that I've realized is that even though this last minute deal passed the senate, we all know that the bribes the GOP house is taking will mean more than the American people to them and they will vote down this to keep the Bush cuts in place, which will actually hurt us more more than they even want to realize. I personally can't stand what those ass clowns are doing to this country, and the only way to teach them is to fire them and vote them out and vote blue back in. I was (and part of me still is) advocating for recalling them out of office, but then I'm reminded of the one governor that had faced a recall effort and won the recall and got to stay in office. I believe that the only reason why he won was because the people actually believed the lies that he told in order to stay in office, and is now screwing his state over so much that the people are only just starting to see what's really going on and understand that the only way that they can ever get their state back is to vote him out of office for good. Thing is it might be too little too late by that point if they can't get him out of there sooner than that.

However with the start of the new year it means that there is new chances for everything, and that even means a new chance to end the GOP's evil rule over parts of the country that needs it. We seriously need to end the GOP's grip on what they have. After all if we don't stop them and end their rule, then the end result is that we'll end up worse off than we could've ever thought in the first place. For those of us that don't want to live under the GOP rule any more, we have to convince those that are currently swayed by the GOP and get them to open their eyes to the full truth. After all, now it's not a matter of being Conservative or Liberal, it's a matter of being a free country completely where we're not divided by party lines or by those being bribed. We need to be completely united, and as long as the rich have their way, we will never be united at all, PERIOD!

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643