Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Science Fiction becoming a Reality

I first read a book back in 1997 after I got out of high school called The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter, now I didn't think anything of it except for the fact that it dealt in time travel, and for me I happen to love time travel a lot. So I'm reading this book, and it not only takes the reader back to the future that we had all read about since it's supposed to be the stunning sequel to H.G. Wells immortal classic Time Machine, but at the same time it took us to a different level, and one that I had only just started hearing about with the show Sliders, namely that there are multiple different versions of the Earth out there. However unlike Sliders where they traveled between world on the current time, Time Ships traveled to different time lines through time travel. When I read that book, it took me on an adventure that I never knew would be so amazing, however little did I know that part of that book would eventually be coming to pass.

Now I know that you might be thinking that something that's written in a book can't exactly come true can it, well you'd be surprised at how close we've actually come to having a book come to pass when it comes to story right now. Take Orson Wells 1985, the year might've been wrong, but more than ever before Big Brother is watching over us, and I'm not talking about some CBS reality television show either, after all we have more cameras out there looking out over us than ever before and it doesn't look like it's going to be getting better but actually worse than ever before. After all I saw the bumper sticker above and it made a load of sense "One Nation under surveillance". I know that it's a constant fight right now just to make sure that we keep all of our rights and that's the one thing that they want to take away from us.

However there was one book that I was talking about before that told about a possible future that is coming to pass that I would rather not want to have come to pass in the least. The book was written up back in 1997 by Stephen Baxter, it's supposed to be the sequel to H.G. Wells Time Machine, only it goes on the possibility of multiple time lines and that instead of traveling back and forth on one line. However the one part in the book that I'm dealing with here is something that the Koch Bros. and their ilk are trying to do right now for the almighty dollar and they don't give one rats damn about what they have to do in order to be able to get it either. It's called White Earth, and it's where all of the Earth and its resources have been used up and there's nothing left, the planet is barren and destroyed.

Here's a couple of excerpts from the book that deal with what we're going through in real life, and mind you I'm trying not to take them out of context, but for those of you reading this that might be a bit harder than one thinks, but I'm going to give it my best.
"He told me that the atmosphere of the earth was a dynamic thing. The atmosphere had just two naturally stable states, Nebogipfel said, and neither of these could sustain life; and the air would fall into one of these states, away from the narrow band of conditions tolerable by life, if it were too far disturbed.
'But I don't understand. If the atmosphere is as unstable a mixture as you suggest, how is it that the air has managed to sustain us, as it has, for so many millions of years?'
He told me that the evolution of the atmosphere had been heavily modified by the action of life itself. 'There is a balance-of atmospheric gases, temperature and pressure-which is ideal for life. And so life works-in great, unconscious cycles, each involving billions of blindly toiling organisms-to maintain that balance.
'But this balance is inherently unstable. Do you see? It is like a pencil, balanced on its point: such a thing is ever likely to fall away, with the slightest disturbance.' He twisted his head. 'We learned that you meddle with the cycles of life at your peril, we Morlocks; we learned that if you choose to disrupt the various mechanisms by which atmospheric stability is maintained, then they must be repaired or replaced. What a pity it is,' he said, heavily, 'that these New Humans-these star faring heroes of yours-had not absorbed similar simple lessons!'
'Tell me about your two stabilities, Morlock; for it seems to me we are going to be visiting one or the other!'
In the first of the lethal stable states, Nebogipfel said, the surface of earth would burn up: the atmosphere could become as opaque as the clouds over Venus, and trap the heat of the sun. Such clouds, miles thick, would obstruct most of the sunlight, leaving only a dull, reddish glow; from the surface the sun could never be seen, nor the planets or stars. Lightening would flash continually in the murky atmosphere, and the ground would be red-hot: scorched bare of life.
'That's as may be,' I said trying to suppress my shivers, 'but compared to this damned cold, it sounds like a pleasant holiday resort...And the second of your stable states?'
"White Earth.'
He closed his eyes, and would speak to me no more."

Now considering that they in the book were seeing this in fast forward (since they were traveling through time), one might think that this happens so slowly that we don't need to worry about it and can just keep going,'s wrong we can't. You see we've already been screwing over our world for too long to count, and now while the world has adapted to us, the problem is, we're using up the resources like crazy, and we're not replenishing them at all, and that's where things are falling apart. Yes we've got the recycling programs and the lot that can help, but right now with the oil and coal industry having a full on field day, we're not going to be able to survive for long. Hell we're wiping out our own atmosphere, what allows this world to be the way it is, and keeps harmful sun and space radiation off this world.

Now I read yesterday (or it might've been either the day before or before that, I honestly forgot, sorry) that the coal industry is saying that the internet is using up a ton of power and energy and that we need the clean coal to keep it working. OK did I just read and write that right, clean coal, come the hell on here, since when it is clean. I mean sure when you wash it off yeah it's clean then, but still coal isn't clean, and we're strip mining our own planet to get this crap out of the Earth in the first place. This seriously has to be one of the worst things we could be doing to our planet right now. Yeah I know that if we shut down the mines that those that work there would be put out of a job, but I'm honestly sure that once the Republicans are kicked out, and the corporation lose their power, then the jobs will end up coming open, it's a long shot but still worth it.

Here's the hitch (yeah there's always one of those hanging around, you just have to wait for it), it's not just the coal industry or the oil industry, but about the majority of the industries that tend to strip the planet of it's natural resources and hardly ever give anything back. Plus considering that we don't happen to happen to have the space travel yet in order to go find another planet (and this is yet another reason why we need to fully start up the space program again), we need to get to taking care of this planet again. Which means that those that not only don't care about this world but are willing to make a buck and don't care how they do it in the first place, they need to be shut down, or if not shut down, at least scaled down. After all for the longest time, it was the oil industry that fought against the all electric cars that we now have going all over the place. Which means that we know now after all this time that what was being said had been a lie to keep us in oil.

I know that I might be sounding like a tree hugger like I did in an earlier posting, but when you happen to have rain in the middle of summer, or at the start or summer, then you know that something is screwed up. Hell part of the time when I happen to see a bumper sticker that says stop global whining, I'm seriously half tempted on telling them to get their heads out of their asses and look around at the planet around them. I know that the oil and coal industries (among others) don't care not only one wit about us, nor about the planet that they're killing, but only about the amount of cash that they happen to be making in the first place.

With me being homeless, I always keep my eye not only on the weather channel at all times (I look at it every day after 4p pst because it gives me that night along with what the next day is going to be), but also on the sky. Now just this past weekend we had thunder and lightening storms here in the bay area with rain, now we're talking about rain in the middle of summer here, this seriously shouldn't be happening at all. I know that every morning except for a few times this summer, it's been cold and cloudy each morning that I happen to wake up. This seriously isn't normal in the least. Now I don't give one rats ass what the so called bloody experts are saying since they're getting paid off anyway, but yes I'd say that we're suffering through global warming here right now. Now I don't know if we're going to end up being like Water World, or that something else is going to happen to our world fast, but I do know that this crap that they're pulling right now has to stop, it's going to be the only way that we're even going to have a chance at all.

After all I know that eventually I'll get off the streets (and get my wife out of her mother's place), but in the mean time the one thing that we need to do is not only get people's heads out of their asses, but we need a MAJOR radical shift when it comes to our planet right now. Other wise everything that's been written by those that wrote science fiction about how our planet is doomed, well they're going to be coming true, and that's going to be the last things that we're going to be needing here at all. I mean I personally don't want to see our world go right into the crapper, but out of lack of choice the one thing that I do know is that the Republicans and those that want the money don't give a damned about our world, and from a comic book stand point, they're not only the bad guys, they're the ones that have been able to convince the rest of the people of this country and the planet that what they're doing is best for the whole world when in fact it's actually not.

Look to be totally honest here I'm just a guy with dreams that has a hard time writing a book because 1)I have no one encouraging me to actually get it done (and right now I'm on 6 or 7 of 28 chapters), and 2)it's because of that lack of enthusiasm that won't let me actually write the book (or my fictional blogs) at all, and it's starting to get irritating. I write these blog entries for everyone, and yet except for the two that admin the page with me, I don't hear back from anyone else at all. I get maybe a like or two where I might end up posting it, but beyond that, there's nothing. So please let me know what you all happen to think of all of this, and maybe encourage me to keep working on the book that I'm writing, yes it's science fiction, but unlike what I had been talking about above this here, is a more positive spin on time, considering that I had first written it back in high school but couldn't get it published, so now I'm writing it for ebook publication, and hoping that you'll all love it when it does come out.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Blog:
My Political World Facebook Page:
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643
My page: 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Politics in our daily lives

For the longest time I actually was wondering if I should write this one, but considering the bumper stickers that I happen to see in my daily life, I realized that there's no getting away from it no matter how hard one tries. I'm talking about politics in our lives that are there influencing how we happen to think in our daily lives, and it one that's a fight no one realizes that they're even fighting in the first place.

The three pictures above I took at different times when I saw them, but as you can see these are mostly from those that want to get our current President out of office, but that's only because they're following the lies that they're getting told. However either way, you can't get away from this at all, doesn't matter if it happens to be a bumper sticker that hates Obama, or a tiny square that happens to be an equal sing for marriage equality, you're seeing how and what people think when it comes to the politics that are all around us.

Now the hitch is, those that want President Obama out of office so badly they're willing to take what ever they can to impeach him, they don't realize that the Democratic Presidents are in a way more wholesome than the Republican ones are. After all, the Republicans are willing to lie cheat and steal in order to be able to get what ever they want from the American people, including starting a war on a lie and running a debt up like crazy and expecting the people to pay for it when in fact they can't in the first place.

Thing is, people are constantly bitching left and right about why things are as bad as they are right now, but if you ask them, a little over half will tell you that they don't vote for some reason or another. Most of the time it's because they think that their votes don't count. After all, even though they vote, it'll be the electoral college that will decided who the state votes for in the end. That right there is only partly true, for the last two elections, it's been the popular vote that has been winning, because the electoral college is voting Republican and yet the states and the popular are voting Democratic, and that's hurting the Republicans to the point that they are trying EVERYTHING that they can in order to win elections.

Shoot by rigging everything in Texas, they're even admitting that they don't want Democrats to vote, and it doesn't matter it if they happen to be black, Hispanic, white, or what ever, The Republicans don't want them in the voting booth at all. It's because of this in the end that the people that don't want to be in dealing with politics, hell a great part of them believe that ALL of the politicians elected in don't care about the people, and just the power that they were given. It's one of the main reasons why the corporations and the 1-2% have been able to buy out the Republicans in droves, because both don't care about the middle and lower classes and never have and never will either, and that's the sad thing right there. Imagine what could be done if they did care, but since they don't we're only getting dragged back instead of moving forward like we should be in the first place. After all conservatives try to keep things from moving forward instead of staying in one place, and that's the one thing that should be happening is that we should be moving forward. After all, those that want to move forward are being called Liberals, and yet the truth of the matter is that yes if they want to move forward and not back then they are liberals in the end.

Now despite what you dear reader might be thinking is that if I don't get involved then I don't have to worry about anything and it'll just be the usual as always. Well that's great to think, but it's also not the truth at all. The truth is, that if you don't get involved, then those that want to stay in power know that they can do what ever they want since you won't do anything at all. After all, if you vote for those that will actually work for you (and I've said this before too), then we can actually start to move forward instead of back. But you have to get involved and not just sit on the side lines.

Believe me, my father is the one that actually inspired me to get involved with politics even though he's not himself. You see he's constantly involved in things with his neighborhood and that of the surrounding area, and personally I think that he should at least run for Mayor of the city that he lives in, but I already know that he won't. However it's because he happens to be involved there that makes me want to get involved and make sure that our country and the world knows what's really going on and the truth that those that are corrupt in power don't want you to know.

Right now there is a movie out there, that I'll more than likely see after it comes out on DVD, it's called Elysium, and it's depicting a future that if things keep going the way they are, will come to pass, even if we don't happen to like it in the least, it's one of the reasons I've been plugging away every chance that I could at the last image above (or at least one of them up there) that talks about Purging the GOP out, and I'm personally not just talking about getting them out of congress, I'm saying at every level, Local, State and Federal, they must all go. After all if we get rid of them all, we show an example for anyone else that might try what they did in the future to make sure that this NEVER happens again.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

History actually repeating itself

I remember being taught back in high school (of course it was also during summer school too which didn't help things), that back during the time of the Roman Senate, that the bribery had gotten so bad, that gold coins were being handed out right out on the senate floor to pass something, and it was being handled like this was nothing new at all. It had gotten that bad back then.

Right now with our Congressional House Republicans, it's actually getting nearly that bad right now, only thing is, it's not gold coins any more, it's either stocks or money towards campaign funds to make sure that the person is reelected. So the majority of the money that is coming from these Super PAC's are coming from the top 1-2% out there, and that's actually hurting us very much right now. After all with what they're doing, unless the high court decides to change things, its all considered very legal, and that's where things are falling apart right now.

Right now the power that the people are supposed to have when it comes to letting congress know what in the world needs to be changed, it's all falling on deaf ears when it comes to those in the house. Now yes they're supposed to be working for us, however since we don't have the money like the rich do, we're getting screwed over here left and right, and that's one of the reasons calling them isn't doing anything, and why I stopped calling in the first place.

There will be no chance at all in the world to stop what's going on, considering that we the people don't have the money to change their minds at all. However since the Republicans seriously don't care about us, then it's time to change that tune. Now for some of the states in this country the voting is coming up this year, yet for the rest of the country the voting will be next year. It's time to send them a message, that anyone not working for the American people will be fired, however if you are working for the American people then guess what you get to keep your job.

However working for the American people doesn't mean that you work for the rich that happen to live here, nope if they pay taxes (fully), don't hide their cash in off shore accounts and actually think of someone else other than themselves and yet call themselves Christians and don't try to shove the Bible into EVERYONE they meet or know for a fact that this country wasn't founded as a Christian nation, then guess what you not only know the full truth you in fact happen to be a correct United States citizen (after all American (which just about ALL the Republicans are saying) is covering both North and South America). That and you know how this country correctly works, to think other wise is actually believe all of the lies that's you're getting told in the first place, and that's the last thing that this country needs, after all what's the one thing that the Republicans actually want in this country, something that they've been dying to get for years, and that's mindless sheep that will say yes to just about EVERYTHING that the pop out of their mouths. That is something that has been wrong for years and actually needs to be changed.

There's another point in history that I know others would love to have changed, but that's not how this country was founded in the first place, and that is to make this country an entirely Christian nation. I'm sorry to say, but not only is the Pope not going to be saying anything about who gets to rule our country in the first place, but he also CANNOT dispose the President who happens to be elected by the American people. After all, in history the only ones that the Pope has ever been able to take down (at least till they got fed up with it and told to go screw themselves in the first place) were monarchies and that's it. Yes the Presidents do go to visit the Pope, but the Pope has ZERO power over the President of the United States, none at all.

Now altogether, and this includes the church mentioned above too, the one thing that all of these happen to have in common, besides money (doesn't matter what form that takes, gold coins, cash, stocks, etc.), power (and anything else that I might not think of now but later), is the corruption that has run rampant through out all of politics both back then and now, and it's the one thing that needs to be stopped before it's too late. After all, Rome had corruption that became so bad, that it ended up becoming not only a visible thing in the senate, it became known as a so what deal it's how things are done. Yeah well look how that went for them.

We are not them, we are a country that was founded on principles that are currently getting tossed out the door for the almighty dollar and it's hurting us more than we want to actually let on right now. We as the people of this great country need to stop this, before it becomes too late and becomes common place.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643

Friday, August 2, 2013

A couple of subjects close to me that are too close for comfort

I know that this might seem like I happen to be a tree hugger when I talk about this, but when it doesn't help that it tends to hit close to the mark, you know that something is wrong here.

First off, when it comes to the weather, some think that it happens to be normal, but what happens when normal is tossed out the window, well if you happen to be homeless like I happen to be, then you're wondering what in the world is going on, considering that on days that you know that it's supposed to be hot, it not only starts off cold, but at the same time it ends up be cold the entire day and you're hardly able to reach the higher temps. One might think that this is entirely normal, but in fact it's actually not normal in the least, and there's actually a very good reason why it's not normal.

Now I know what you're going to say, this can't be global warming, after all, that takes too long to actually take place. Yeah eh, no, actually if it happens to be man made in the first place then it actually doesn't take that long at all, and with all of the deregulation that Chaney kept pulling during the Bush Regime. It had gotten so bad to the point where things ended up becoming completely trashed, and now since those regulations were never put back into place by Obama at the current time, and so the end result is that things are still bad, and now those same companies that are currently trashing everything are having the those that are trying to stop it labeled as terrorists right now, and there are parts of law enforcement that is actually doing this too. We need to actually get this changed for the better other wise our kids won't have a future to live with. I know that money is being, but still this needs to be changed for the better.

Now the other thing that is a bit too close for comfort is that in the city that I live in I end up seeing a lot of examples of Republicans in our daily lives is the mixing of government and religion. I see way too much of it and it's the one thing that needs to be changed, but I know won't be changed any time soon at all. I mean I see so many bumper stickers out there talking about anti-Prop 8 that marriage should only be between a man and a woman or that Christ needs to be kept in Christmas or so on, or that they happen to be Catholic and they still vote. I'm sorry but we really don't give a rats ass when it comes to what your religion happens to be or that you are that and that you vote. Religion needs to be fully taken out of politics, and anything that was brought in during the Bush regime that dealt with religion needs to be killed. Other wise it's going to give rise to something that's been on the rise for some time now, but it's never going to hit its peak, and that is the hatred that the Republicans gave voice to in order to make sure that they could get the votes they needed in order to be able to try and win elections.

Now the one thing that Republicans and the rich have been pushing (which ties into what wrote earlier), is that there is no Global Warming, and that's the one thing is that is wrong. We're baking our own asses here and all so that the oil companies can be able to make a damned buck. Come on, if you think that there's no global warming, then why the hell are the seasons getting tossed out of whack here, I mean I'm living here in the Bay Area and we're getting cool trends when we should be getting baked by the sun. We got rain at the end of June when in fact there shouldn't have been anything, and just last week I'm getting sprinkled on right in the middle of summer. There's just some things that shouldn't be happening and these are just the examples. I've got friends around this country that are experiencing the same thing but in different ways. I know that the rich oil barrens are pushing this whole anti-global warming deal that way they can make a buck here, but at the same time they're actually getting people to believe this. I remember reading years ago a science fiction book called Time Ships, now this book was a time travel book that was supposed to be the squeal to H.G. Wells Time Machine, and it covered multiple time lines, but in one of those time lines, everything started out sooner than it should've for human kind and what it resulted in is something that we're actually heading towards in our real life, and it's coming faster than people actually want to think about. It's called a White Earth, and that's an Earth that is devoid entirely of everything that means to make this world be able to sustain life. And it's being done all on a scale to make money and kill our resources off, and this is the one thing that should be getting changed and it won't be any time soon at all.

Now I know that you're asking "Gee what can I do, go buy a hybrid?" Well that right there is a start, but I was thinking something more along the lines of what I have to do being homeless, ride your bike to work, ride public transit (yeah I know that last one there might not seem the best idea at all, but think about it this way, it'll actually save you gas money, and you might end up seeing something on the route that you didn't know was there in the first place that you might want to go check out later on when you have the chance. Now besides those, there are other things that you can be able to do that would start to help things out, and trust me trying to convince oil barrens to stop doing what they're doing or protesting is going to 1)have zero effect anyway so that's out, and 2)get your ass labeled as a terrorist and that's the last thing that you need.

So just do what you think you can do in order to be able to help things out here, after all the longest journey starts with a single step, and eventually the sheep that are listening to the Republicans are going to (hopefully) wake up before it's too late. However the rest of us can be able to deal with this before hand and try to get things going here.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @thecat2643
Skype: timetracker2643