Yesterday I was going over my Facebook postings, and I noticed that Facebook had decided that this one page was similar to others that I had liked. However it clearly wasn't, everything that I've liked is all anti-Republican, and yet this one page (
Flip This House 2010) wasn't even in the closest to being similar at all. It's an ALL Tea Party page, and I actually decided to post both in the message as well as to the page time line, and in the end had a little bit of a conversation with possibly one that runs the page, here is the conversation:
- "Conversation started Friday
Felix Sanchez Only thing is when it comes to your page (which I will never like by the way), the TEA Party isn't grass roots, it was started by the Koch Bros, you might want to look that up. The TEA Party was started to make sure that the rich don't pay more in taxes and get to keep the money that they've made. You and the ones that are under TEA Party control are what are bringing the House of Reps in Congress to a halt, and with believing lies that are constantly getting told by Fox News and Glen Beck and company, you'll always be sheep to the slaughter and bring this country down. We need to move forward and not be stuck in the past, and that right there is the truth of the matter.
- Friday
Felix Sanchez Kicker is, if you look at all of the facts, you'll see that the Republican Party is hurting themselves by only going for the Rich, and if you're talking about the TEA Party, that really is a Koch Bros endevore, just like with them putting money into concervative think tanks that keep producing GOP talking points and lies. They don't want to have people that think for themselves, they want those that are mindless robots that will believe everything that they're told.
Flip This House 2010 The republican party is growing up. The democrats are doomed. Read my lips. No new liberals.
I am sure you know what is best for America and the GOP. NOT!
Flip This House 2010 I am the Tea Party. I don't even care about the Koch brothers. They have had so little effect on this movement. You're clueless. We are coming for your power. Be afraid. 2010 was the warm up. A tea tsunami is coming to dc in 2014 that will make democrats with is was 2010 all over.

Felix Sanchez ROFLAO, you're so delusional it amazes me. No one can stand the TEA Party, not with how the government is getting shut down because of no compromise, exactly the one thing we need right now and that's not happening. The American people are sick of everything that's going on right now, the truth is out there about Obamacare, and everyone knows that the Senate won't pass anything that doesn't help the middle and lower classes out, which the House doesn't care about. Look this right now seems to have gone past parties, but the truth of the matter is, the TEA Party was taken up by the Republicans and then tossed to the side after a while by that same bunch of nut cases. Come 2014, there will be a Purge of TEA Party and Republicans. The party of No will be kicked out. You call yourselves conservatives, and yet the only thing that is ever seen by any conservatives these days is a harken back to days when things weren't better off for us, a time when there were no unions, no equal rights, or anything that is actually helping us today. I know that there are those that don't want what we have today, but think about it this way, if we didn't have any of that today, the corporations would be able to pay the people literally anything that they felt fit to pay and we'd have ZERO say in the matter at all, not exactly the way people would like it to be in the first place. Then you have those that think President Obama shouldn't be President, why is that, just because he's black, oh bloody hell come on, if he was white and Republican no one would bitch in the slightest, but since he's black, democrat and working for the people, suddenly every TEA but out there is spouting out Fox Lies and Glenn Beck talking points saying that he's the worst President we've ever had, wrong that would fall with Bush Jr. Now before you go off again, you might want to get some of your facts checked before you come back to me saying how the TEA party is going to take over, check things out first, like I said the TEA Party of No is screwing things up so badly right now that they will be gone in 2014."
Now I'm honestly sorry for anyone whose I.Q. levels went down because of reading the talking point from the TEA Partier, but he couldn't even hit me when it came to anything.
I just wanted to share this with you all considering that each day there's always someone out there there that is trying to convince people that the TEA Party is there for the people, they're not.
Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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