Now I know that there are somethings that even the republican party does that surprises me, but this is just going way too bloody far. Plus from what I've now see, someone else has stuck their foot in their mouth. Now I've already been saying, and I'll continue to say as well, that the Republicans DO NOT belong in the white house. However for those that are blindly loyal to that party, they will never change and will continue to believe the lies that are being spread forth from that party.
One has got to know where to stop when it comes to these guys, namely since it's getting out of hand here. Now as I tend to think about it when it comes to the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats, the two parties do things completely different. You have one party that will actually try to do things the way that they're supposed to be done in the first place, while you have another party that will lie steal and cheat their way to getting things done. Now if someone hasn't been keeping up and believes all of the lies that the Republicans have been putting out, that person would think that the lie, steal and cheating would be the Democrats while the Republicans are doing everything by the book and trying to get things done. In truth the answer is actually the other way around, and this is actually very evident when it comes to the Bush Regime (and I call it that because we lost a massive load of rights during his reign as this countries President). The Republican party will do what ever it happens to take to get what ever bills they like passed, and it doesn't matter who they happen to either step on, or toss in prison, if they can get it they will. The Democrats on the other hand actually try to get things done the right way, but half the time to just about all the time, they can't because the Republicans are stonewalling the crap out of them.
Now I'm not actually saying here that the Democrats are way better than the Republicans, no the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans only on a different scale. The Democrats are idiots when it comes to things in politics, and it's actually because of that idiocy that the Republicans actually take advantage, and do what they can to make sure that things actually go their way, and part of the time they actually do.
However with what's going on between Mitt Romney, and his new VP potential Paul Ryan, we're talking a major set back when it comes to everything that we've worked hard for since Bush Jr was fired from office (I know that he served a term in a half, but I'm sorry I still consider his first term to be stolen). You see if Mitt Romney actually gets back into office, then everything that Bush had put into motion that Obama had reversed, will be put back the way that they were and that will actually hurt us worse. Everything that Romney plans on doing will only benefit the big companies that are out there and not us. Though I doubt that anyone supporting the Republicans will actually ever see that. After all the Republicans have painted Obama is such a bad light that those that either voted for him or supported him or both, well they're actually thinking about voting for Romney now, and that's a very bad thing to have happen right now.
Look I know that this is only my opinion, but this is words of sage advise as I continue to check things out and continue to watch and listen to what's going on out there in the world of politics, it's looking more and more the same for the Republicans. Honestly not only do they need to be stopped, they should be out right disbanded completely.
Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97