Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Day the World Wept

It is said that for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction, well for the first time I can actually count how much bullshit there is in that for an election. You see, as of this writing right now, a reality show guy is winning control of the White House, and the world is crying.

Now I may be a geek and not have written in this blog entry for a few ages now, but that's only because in this day of social media, everything is moving far faster than one would think it would. After all, look at Twitter, you write up a good hash tag and within five minutes, it's trending.

Now personally I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring, no one knows that, however the one thing that we must NEVER lose is the Hope of a brighter future.

Now while right now that may be a good an catchy line, the truth of the matter is, a 3rd party candidate as I kept mentioning on Facebook (which is where I'm mostly at), is what was giving this election to that failed reality star in the first place, one that might end up setting off world war 3. No one knows what's going to happen right now. After all, with the race too close to call, even Hillary sent her people home for the night. There is still a lot more ballots that have to be counted, and there's still Hope and a chance. However it's a long chance right now, but it's still a chance either way.

Now to those of you out there that know me, and have talked to me, please understand this Republican'ts will ONLY talk to Republican'ts and their rich masters. They DO NOT care for you and I, and this election is now proving that 10 times over. After all, your healthcare that you once had that the Republican'ts refused to do anything over, that healthcare that you so loved that President Obama helped you get, well that's going to be gone. Doesn't matter if it happens to be a private health plan or not, the only ones that are going to be allowed to have them are those that are rich and can pay a politician off. Also those environmental laws that helped to protect our world, consider those to be history as well. Religion is going to have a field day, science is out the window, and just like it was during the Bush Regime Fox Lies will be the ONLY channel that you'll be able to get any state run news from, all the rest will be taken down. Shoot I don't even know how long online ones are going to last.

Either way, this is going to be a world that I know no one is going to want to be a part of, except for those that are really into the hate, and that's going to be one very scary world.

Felix Sanchez

My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/
My Political World Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/politicstodayworldgroup/ 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Trump Vs. Clinton / Trump Vs. Sanders: The Fights of the Year

Considering how much has been going on in politics these days and how fast it's been moving, haven't been able to actually write anything, at least till now.

Within the past several days we've seen things happen very quickly to both the Democratic Party and the Republican't Party, some good, some not so good. For the Republican'ts they are now down to just one person, their nominee, whom sadly happens to be Donald Trump right now, and he's not the one this country needs. Well then you might ask whom does this country need? Well we need someone that's not only going to put this country first, unlike that of the Republican'ts since they're sending jobs overseas, working on getting oil from outside the country and not even thinking of renewable energy sources. No the Republican'ts aren't the ones we need anywhere near the White House. We need a Democrat to stay in the White House, and since President Obama's time is up this coming November, it means that we've got two possible choices to make, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

Now anyone that knows me knows that I've already made my choice when it comes to who should really be in the White House, however there are those of you that think that this is the wrong choice. Well here's the thing, I know that Hillary is the right person for the job, and that will be explained as I go along here.

Now that the rest of the Republican'ts have been defeated, and Donald is the only one left standing, which means that this political game just shifted to a whole different level. This is now going to involve a load of strategy, something of which Bernie has not been ever too good at as of late. The most that Bernie has been doing is complaining when he doesn't win because of the closed primary states. As a result, he's dropped way behind Hillary. However it's not a matter of open or closed primaries, it's a matter of who the voters are actually picking, plus it also helps that Hillary actually is a true Democrat where as Bernie is an Independent and has been trying to get people to focus on that despite the fact that he's doing the one thing he said he would NEVER do and that's run as a Democrat ever.

If Bernie were to become the nominee, Trump would actually eat him alive. He'd go after the socialist part and consider Bernie to be un-American, despite the fact that he is American, hell he's more American than Donald Trump ever will be. It's Bernie's record that will be getting fried like crazy under Trump.

Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself and will do literally now ANYTHING it takes in order to get to the White House. However the only person that can actually take on Trump and defeat him in truth isn't Bernie, it's Hillary. Despite everything that's been thrown at Hillary by the Republican'ts (and we're talking since Bill was the President), Hillary has managed to come out on top each time. However it's been news sources like Fox News that have been trying to cloud that fact over and destroy her at each and every chance that they've been able to get. Now considering that she's their best bet to stop Trump from winning the White House, do you think that they might be willing to stop the attacks…yeah right, what planet are you living on. These are the same people that want to not only run the country based on the Bible, but at the same time, instead of passing laws that will help their states out, are basically screwing their states over. So I doubt the attacks are going to stop in the least.

So trust me when I tell you that when it comes to this entire election year, Bernie is going to be fried for being a socialist and Hillary is going to be attacked for just about everything under the sun and then some. This isn't going to be something to take lightly either, this is going to be an attack on not only everything that we're going to be holding dear, but at the same time, Trump is going to want to change the very fabric of this nation. Personally I honestly don't think that I could be able to live in this kind of nation if he's elected, and everyone that I know of doesn't want to live here either.

Felix Sanchez
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/

Friday, March 6, 2015

The United States of Hydra

Question, what is a Hydra, well if you happen to know you Greek Mythos, you'll know that a Hydra is a creature that happens to start off with three heads and had poisonous breath and blood that were very deadly, and when I said that it started off with three heads that's only because when you cut off one "Cut off one, two more shall take its place." So the end result was a creature that was very hard to kill, however Hercules did end up killing it with fire as part of his labors that he had to do.

Now the question you've got to be asking yourself at this point is what in the world does this have to do with politics? Well that answer actually happens to be very simple. You see the other day I was watching Captain America© The Winter Soldier, and as I'm watching a scene dealing with Director Nick Furry played amazingly by Samuel L. Jackson, I started to notice something else. All of the fake police officers in the scene were all white, not one of them (at least as far as I could see since there were a few of them that were wearing hoods and goggles at the time) was of any other race. Now the reason this hit me is because I'm seeing all white officers going after this one lone black guy, and that right there spoke volumes to me and I realized that this right here is just about mirroring real life when it come to everything that's going on with the police and the racial profiling that they've been doing.

Now I know that you're once again going to ask what in the world does Hydra have to do with politics? The answer is this, if you look at the Republicans in Congress, their TEA Party counterparts and equals, along with the police, you'll start to see a pattern there that one wouldn't have normally noticed before. What that pattern happens to be is that all of them want one thing and will go to extreme lengths in order to get it and that's total control over everything and everyone, the same thing that Hydra is constantly trying to do in Marvel comics. However this isn't Marvel comics where superheroes come to life and help take on things that we mere humans can't actually do for ourselves.

Each time that we liberals try and get rid of one TEA Party member or Republican official in office, another ends up stepping up to take their place, doesn't matter if it happens to be one or two or three, someone always shows up when one is taken down, hence the line "Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." And right now it honestly doesn't look like there's anyway in sight that we're going to be able to get rid of them ever, not as long as we happen to have those like Fox News and hate radio (really doesn't matter if it happens to be Rush or someone else). Now we hit them in the courts, but the problem is right there that they just end up coming back saying that they're protected under the First Amendment, and that's correct up to a point, and that is that it's considered free speech. However the point is that as long as there are people willing to pay them to be out there, then they will always be out there and causing the kind of hatred that we shouldn't ever have in the first place. I know that it's going to take time to get rid of the hatred, you can't do it over night, but we can start getting it done. Hell there are people and organizations out there right now that are working to get rid of those that would spread lies and hate. Shoot Mr. No Spin Zone himself O'Rilley got hit up on the lies when mounting evidence basically hurt Fox to the point that they called him on it. However does he actually care about that, not in the least, he just knows that there are people out there that believe him, and not those that are presenting evidence to the contrary of what really happened. Shoot Rush is doing the same thing over and over again, and right now it's being worked to get rid of him through his sponsors right now. Once they know what he's doing, they tend to pull their advertising for him and since he has no advertisers, well that means that you have no way of paying for air time that you need in order to get your hate radio out on the air.

Now aside from them, you also happen to have those that have been elected into office that aren't doing the will of the people like they're supposed to be doing, they're doing the will of their masters, and that's the Republican Party. The GOP only wants one thing and that's the ability to push their master's agenda. To control women, to make this nation the one thing that it's not and that a nation of only one religion and that's Christianity, nothing else will do. Shoot that's been getting pushed since Bush Jr was…actually no it started back when Reagan had been in office however back then when Reagan got their backing, he screwed them over after he ended up in office. Now when Bush Jr was about to get into office the first time around, he got the Christian backing, but this time instead of getting to screw them over like had been done the last time, they came back to collect and collect they did. Since then, they've been pushing an agenda that's actually not Christ's agenda at all. Theirs is to make sure that all other faiths and religions in the world are stomped out. When they want is to start the apocalypse and bring Jesus back to Earth. These people have lost their minds that much that they actually believe that they can jump start the entire thing. They've been setting the entire thing up both in politics and outside in the streets for years now. However the one thing that they hadn't been counting on is that the people that they've been talking to, they aren't the sheeple that they thought they were. You see we were born with the one thing that the church and the rich hate, and that's a brain, and even if you tell us something over and over and eventually believe it as truth, kicker is, there's someone that actually comes along with the correct truth and the evidence to back it up and frees the mind with said evidence. They hate that, boy do they REALLY hate that.

However for each person that you get to stop spreading the lies, there's another one or two in the wings waiting to take his place. So the only thing that we can honestly do is work to stop them and eventually free the minds of those around listening to make sure that they know the full truth in the end.

Now the masters that are behind all of this and are trying to control everything, they right there for the politicians would be the rich that are behind the Republican Party right now, they're the ones that are bankrolling everything from getting the Keystone XL pipeline built in to stopping the minimum wage from getting increased. They would be the main three heads of Hydra, and if you cut any of them off, another one or two would end up taking their place. A never ending cycle that will eventually end, however right now the ones in control happen to have people in key positions, and they're so deeply embedded that the only way just about that you would ever know is if you end up hearing them whisper to each other "Hail Hydra" just about.

Shoot the Koch brothers are constantly throwing different parties for their followers to make sure that everything lines up with their agenda, from climate change, to anything at all. It doesn't stop there either, they're actually paying scientists to actually push that everything that they're doing is having zero effect on the environment or the climate at all. Which everyone knows is real by now, at least those that happen to have a brain and think for themselves instead of following everything that the brain washers are telling them. Shoot the brain washers are yet another head of the Hydra beast, and one that we can NEVER seem to get rid of.

Now there's another part of the Hydra beast that I haven't even mentioned before since these days they seem to be only coming out after some nut case happens to do a mass shooting, and that's the National Rifle Association (NRA) head part of the Hydra beast. Each and every single time that something happens and families want something to make sure that the guns stay out of the hands of nut cases, the NRA's lawyers are there to make sure that any laws that would stop said nut cases from getting any guns at all are all killed. To top it off, they keep going onto their media friends like Fox News and Rush to blow everything out of proportions and say that the President is going to come by and take every single gun out there, or that only a good person with a gun can stop someone bad with a gun (and that one still doesn't make any damned bit of sense if the bad person doesn't give a damn either way). So they take up the paranoia bandwagon to make sure that guns of all types end up staying out there for literally anyone to get, and that even a background check will be passed even if you happen to have a federal felony and had all of your gun rights taken away, they make sure that you get them back. That's how little the NRA cares about anyone's life or anything other than making sure that there's a gun in every man, woman, and child's hand out there. Shoot if they could they would even make sure that the mother's womb had one. Talk about a complete perversion of why the 2nd Amendment had been created in the first place.

I guess in the end, unless this real life version of Hydra is stopped, there's not going to be anything that can be done. Personally I hate saying that, but seriously it's true, just look at how things are going in our Congress, but the Senate and the House that keeps proving and bearing this out as proof. Everything that they said that they would do once they've gotten into office, getting the people their jobs, making the country safer, repairing the roads, you name it. None of it's been done in the nearly 8 years that President Obama's been in office. The only thing that the Republicans and TEA Party have been interested in is not only making the President look bad, but to also make sure that the rich keep all of their money and have complete say so over everything, even anything to do with women, they've been passing everything that would keep and take control over them. Shoot they've tried repealing the ACA close to 60 damned times since they've been in office. It's gotten that bad. So knowing these clowns, they're going to continue to do something stupid and idiotic still.

I honestly wish that there was a true way to reach those that are getting trapped by the lie that's being spread through Fox News and their ilk. However till they can be legally taken out, there's currently no way to get the truth to them at all. I honestly wish that there was.

I guess in the mean time that we just keep our ears open for the slight whisper of what ever version their "Hail Hydra" happens to be.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Chronicleskindle
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/

Monday, December 8, 2014

Why we’re now a police state

I've noted this to friends and family alike, and even mentioned it from time to time on Facebook and Google+ (G+), and that is due to changes, some over time, some that came during the last decade (and I'm talking before President Obama took office). What I'm talking about is this nation being in a police state.

With all of the riots going on right now all over the nation thanks to two police officers getting off for the deaths that they caused, one being a gunshot, while the other happens to be a choke hold death. It's basically telling people that the police can literally get away with murder and there's nothing that anyone can do about it. The thought had been to place body cams on the officers that are out in the fields to make sure that they're not going to do anything stupid since they'd be caught on camera in the first place. However that notion was blown away with the choking death of the black man by the white police officer on Staten Island which was caught on camera, and the only one that was indicted in this was the damned camera man for filming it in the first place.

Now over the years, the police have been brought to court because of the death of someone that they claimed had broken the law and ended up pulling a gun, from a 5 year old to teens to adults. The police have gotten off literally on everything, no court will convict them and every civil case that opens up on them gets tossed out of court, and it's not the lawyers that are getting them tossed out in the first place, it's the judges that are doing this. Yes the lawyers that are defending the police officers are getting wins for the case getting tossed out of court, but the problem is, when the cases get tossed out of court it leaves the whole thing open for the police to do anything that they want to do since they know that they'll never get convicted on anything, the only thing that happens is that they get put on paid admin leave till the entire thing blows over, and either return to work or they resign in the end. However for most people that are on the other end of this for the wrongful death of a loved one, what they want is not for the person to return to work or to resign, they want that person to go to jail. After all, through all of this, the one thing that a police officer has NEVER done is gone to jail for killing anyone, doesn't matter if it was on purpose or accident or anything, they've never been punished.

Now you may be asking why are these past couple of death important, well for those that actually care, these last two are important because it's been racially involved. A white officer with a black suspect, and 9 times out of 10 each time has ended up in death. Now the Republican noise machine will tell you through Fox News that there's no more racists in the country since President Obama got elected and reelected into the White House as President of our nation, however the problem is, Fox News has been the number one leader (aside from the TEA Party) leading the charge when it comes to race. Even though they say that they're not raciest, they're the most because a black man was elected to the White House and not the white guy instead. Well gee just because he's a democrat and not rich and actually fighting for the middle class and not the rich in the first place is the number one reason why they don't happen to like him, that and the fact that he's black doesn't help matters. So they're doing everything that they can to make sure that he gets completely screwed over in the first place.

Yes our justice system is completely screwed up; however the only thing that can actually fix this is by changing things from the top down. After all, when you replace the ones at the top with judges that actually will work and fight for the people and not be completely bought off, then you know that you've got a system that actually works correctly. However in the mean time, that's not going to be happening any time soon. So because of that, justice will never be served correctly.

So is there anything that can be done, sadly at this time no there's nothing that can be done. After all, if the police shoot someone, then Internal Affairs gets involved and eventually absolves the officer of literally any wrong doing, which in turn only keeps the problem going over and over again. So let's see, suing the police is out of the question since they keep getting out of that in first place, and actually beyond that there's not anything that one can do in the end and that's the part that really happens to suck right there because of it in the first place. Look believe me, I'd love a justice system that actually worked correctly, but with everything that's going on out there, and the mass media being controlled by those that shouldn't have control over it in the first place (at least with the exception of social media that they can't control at all) there's no way that the police can be nailed for anything since no one will actually do it in the first place. After all, who's to say that if the grand jury had indicted both of those officers that the judge wouldn't have just turned around and tossed out the case, come on that is the one thing that we do have to look at as well. So till we can actually get change in the justice system, the average person is going to get screwed over because the ones that are supposed to be protecting us in the first place have turned this nation into a police state.

*       *        *

Now on another more local note, there's a slightly problem here in Contra Costa County, and it's dealing with the higher ups that are acting more like congressional Republicans than they should in the first place. Right now there's a petition going around the county because the county supervisors voted to give themselves a MAJOR pay raise while only giving their works a small one, we're talking they're getting 30% increase, while the workers are only going to be getting a 3% increase. Come on here, there's something VERY wrong with this picture, and unless you're a congressional Republican you're never going to see it.

Just the fact that they did that in first place is what blows my mind away, all the while trying to justify it by say that this is to make sure that they don't have to do it again for a long while! Come on here, not only is that wrong, it's basically telling people that they would rather have the money than care about their workers more. Now the outcome has yet to be decided since the signatures are still being gathered, but this is one that I'm going to be keeping my eyes on till it's over and will be letting you know what's going on.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Out country is lost

(Please note that this entry as explicit language, and not for the faint of heart that don't like to hear the truth)

The image above is the new image of the GOP, it's not the elephant, it's actually the emblem for the Orange Lantern Corps which is greed or Avarice.
After the elections last night, I was a bit depressed from the news on a national level that the Republicans won the Senate. After reading some of the remarks that had been made on Facebook (namely since one finds out information on social media these days far faster than what the local news happens to have), and one person noted that they needed a certain majority in order to get anything passed, basically bipartisan support. Well I hate to say this but with the Republicans in control of the senate, they're not going to care about majority anything, they're going to do what they damned well feel like now. After all, the one thing that the Republicans have wanted to do is repeal literally anything that the President has put forth. So now that they have control in both the House and the Senate, they can do what they've wanted to do since the black man won the White House in the first place. Impeach him and get rid of anything that he's been doing to help the American people instead of the rich.
Look even I can see the writing on the wall here and it's not pretty to look at, but at the same time it's the sad truth. The Republicans conned the country, and everyone that didn't bother to vote fell for it hook line and sinker and that's where one of the problems was located at. The other problem that we happen to have in this country right now, this was a midterm election which means that a lot of people out there were thinking that since it wasn't a Presidential election that this one didn't matter. Here's the kicker for that, and that is that both McConnell and Boehner were elected during the midterm and both won reelection. So even if we have another election in two years, both of them are not up for reelection in two years, they're up for reelection in 4 years.
So now everything that I pointed out in my last entry along with other things that don't help the rich out are what the Republicans are going to be going after, and it's not going to help out the nation in the least. This might end up being a short entry, but at least we know where the hell we stand.
However there is one group of people out there that I would love to smack the shit out of, and that's those out there that say that they don't vote because nothing changes. Well get the fucking clue, of course nothing changes because you don't fucking vote in the first place. That's what the fucking rich want in the first place, they don't want your piece of shit ass to vote, after all if you don't vote, it gives those money fucking hungry morons the power that they want in the first place. Get the damned clue already, or did 8 fucking years of Bush not give you enough of a fucking clue right there in the first place. Everything got fucked up during Bush's years, I know that some of you out there think that Bush did an amazing job and that Obama is fucking everything up, guess what Bush let 9/11 happen in order to put this nation into a war based on a damned lie. After all the first theater operation name once we invaded Iraq was title Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL), if you can't get a damned clue from that you're really fucking blind. They changed the name after people, started to figure it out, they changed it to Operation Iraqi Freedom. They have NEVER given one shit about us and they never fucking will either, and guess what Bush is not that fucking idiot Reagan either. Considering that Reagan was the original Mitt Romney when it came to helping the corporations out. However the one BIG difference between Bush and Reagan, the churches.
When Reagan was running for office, for a bunch of promises that Reagan made to the Churches, they supported him in order to get him into the White House. However once Reagan was in office, that was it, Reagan basically told the churches to go fuck off. It was the churches in the end that ended up getting the help and not the churches. However years later when Bush Jr is running for office, the churches figured that they had their chance once again. So they supported Bush, and this time once Bush was in office, that's when they pounced and Bush was more than willing to help them get everything that they wanted in the first place and in part we as a nation started getting a double screwing. Both from the Rich and the Churches, that's where the problems started coming in. After all, the churches wanted to pervert the Bible towards what they wanted in the first place, and they wanted the one thing that they hadn't had since the Dark Ages and that was more control over the people. After all if they couldn't have the world, then they wanted this nation. Again after all, they who controls this nation, in part controls the world. Bush and company learned this first hand, and it's a lesson that the Republicans have NEVER forgotten. However the American people seem to have completely forgotten this little rule here, after all why would they need to remember when they're being told 24/7 what to eat, think, now and understand. After all science is going to be tossed out the window, anything dealing with the Bible only is going to be going in now. The Climate deniers are going to have a bloody field day, because now they're going to get more fucking power than they've ever had before.
You know, in all honesty I do wish that those that vote (or don't vote) for Republicans would actually see this, but I know that there's no chance for that considering that as much as I would like it, there's nothing in this world that will make this entry at all go viral. I can see the writing on the bloody fucking wall, just watch and you can see it happen during the next two years.

Now on a local level, I was both pleased and disappointed. Pleased that Lara DeLaney and Mark Thomson both won their Council seats, defeating both Mike Menisini and Debbie. Disappointed that Rob Shroder won over Gay Gerlack considering that Rob has been doing jack shit for this city despite what he's been saying on his boards about "Getting things done". Bullshit, if he was getting things done, then the city of Martinez wouldn't look as crappy as it does right now. Rob should never have won, but people bought into the lies that he and his camp were putting forth. Mind you they weren't about Gay; they were just about getting things done in Martinez.
Speaking of lies, this was the one election where a smear campaign went off on Lara DeLaney, and not once, but twice, and thanks to those smears, people instead actually voted for Lara instead of against her. That right there had to be the MOST idiotic thing that I've ever personally seen. Now me personally I only got one of the smear mailers that had been sent out, but I had been told that there had been a second one that had been mailed out, but I never got that one in the first place.
However what gets me for this election is that it's not that people didn't vote, it's that those that chose to do mail in instead of going to the office to vote, or did mail in and trusted it to the postal service. Now I don't have anything against those that chose to vote via mail, but please don't honestly trust something this important to the post office, after all they've been known to toss out mail that either needs to get to some place, happens to be money intended for someone, or is time sensitive. I know that there are people out there that are thinking that they can't do that since it's a felony, here's the hitch right there, the postal workers know that they can get away with it considering that they never get caught and never get investigated about it at all. So something as important as voting CAN NOT be left to the mail, sorry but that's the truth of the matter.
There is one person however that is going to be pointed out when comes to this local election that has to be the most amazing, and I'm not saying this as a good thing either. His name is Mike Alford. Now I know that he means well, but in this case what he wants for Martinez is farfetched, his ideas are on the moon instead. Yes he did get some of the votes, but he was so far behind that he was basically a foot note when it comes to this election. Normally he would run for mayor and then turn the votes into a three way instead of leaving a two way race. Mike honestly needs to stop trying to run, yes he's studied when it comes to the laws and the rules, however when it comes to politics, unless you've been keeping an eye on that, you have zero idea what's really going on in the first place. Yes a change is needed, but not his change, that change right there is just completely unrealistic in the first place.

Please remember that every election is important, not just the Presidential election, but both that one and the midterm elections. Which means that if you don't get out there and vote, then the rich will take the control that they want in the first place and run roughshod over all of our rights and not give one fuck when it comes to what they think.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Blog: http://politicstodayworld.blogspot.com/
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/

Monday, November 3, 2014

The most contested election of our current history

The election of 2014 is going to go down in history as the most contested election in our history, one can't say ever because there may be another that comes along that will either trump this one or be just as big as this one happens to be. However the biggest thing isn't on the state level, well in part it is, but for the most part, it's on a national level. What it happens to be is the fight for both the Senate and the House in Congress.

Now for the most part, The Republicans are wanting to not only keep the House, but at the same time they want to take control over the Senate and that's where the problem lies right now. Because once they take control over the Senate, that happens to mean that it gives them access to work on impeaching President Obama, and all on a pack of lies when in truth it means that they can fully give control over to the rich and the Republicans. After all, the only thing that they want is the power to do literally anything that they want. However the one thing that they seem to think that they can do if they have full control over both the House and the Senate is being able to shove through Constitutional Amendments, and they refuse to acknowledge that they need bipartisan support in order to pass something like that in the first place. After all, there are several things that the Republicans want to have forced through:


·         Banning Gay Marriage (Constitutional Amendment)

·         Banning Abortions On Any Level (including rape and incest)

·         Making sure that the rich keep their tax breaks

·         Making Christianity the national religion

·         Repealing the ACA (Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare)


Those above are just some of the many examples of what the Republicans want to do if they take over the Senate and keep the House. This is honestly something that can't be allowed to happen at all.

Now to be honest here, those Republicans that are currently in power have been so corrupted by the money that's flowing in right now from not only the Koch Bros., but also by all of the rich that happen to be out there as well. However it's not only that, but also the churches making sure that those that have corrupted the Bible and its teachings are coming center stage for everything. After all, Jesus taught us to love our brothers and sisters no matter what. Yet more often than one can imagine, Christians are being taught to hate instead of love, that fighting gets your point across and several other points as well. This is the world that is currently being taught to our children and that right there isn't right. To hate and fear those that are different, and all in this land of freedom and choice, and yet by those that are getting elected into office are leading people on a false pretense, and people don't realize it till after the election is over and the wrong person has been voted into office that had no intention of helping anyone but himself out.

The perfect example of this is Mitch McConnell; the only thing that he has EVER been interested in is the power that comes from being elected in. He willingly took money from not only the Koch's but others as well, all in an effort to make sure that he was elected into office so that he could do their bidding. No jobs, a constantly blocking of literally anything that could help out the American people. If it doesn't fit the rich's plan or the church's plan, they don't want anything to do with it at all. The rich want to rule the country through their money, and the churches want to rule as they had back during the dark ages. Both sides on this are completely nuts in more ways than anyone could even begin to think.


Now I know that I mostly talk about politics on a national level, but this time around I'm also going to be talking about my local hometown and what we're going through right now. This year's we not only have the mayor up for election, but also two council seats as well. This is one that is turning into a dragged out war. You see here in the small (just about unknown) city of Martinez California, we have the mayor's seat, and two council. Now the one that is running for re-election is Rob Shroder with the slogan of "Getting things done". Going up against him is one Gay Gerlack, and considering this year, she's one to go on top of everything. For the two council seats, we have Mike Menisini and Lara Delany, both are running for reelection. The ones that are gunning for their seats are Mark Thomson, Mike Alford, and Debbie (something, I forgot her last name sorry).

Now all things considered for the mayor's seat, Rob Shroder has been saying that he's been getting things done here in Martinez, however it doesn't look anywhere near what he said has been getting done. Our streets are in shambles, and businesses are leaving in droves, among the many things that are currently wrong here that he said that he was going to be fixing. Plus he's set so many deadlines and nothing has come about. There was a repaving of a parking lot that was supposed to be adding space for parking and that actually wasn't done at all. Shoot everything that has happened to Martinez that's been positive has been done by the one running against Rob and that's Gay Gerlack. She's gotten the parks renovated and cleaned up. Our community pool was even renovated to be better than ever before, and that's just the tip of the ice berg. Beyond that there's just been so much that Gay's been doing for the city of Martinez.

Now when it comes to the Council seats, you have Mike Menisini and Lara DeLaney running for reelection. However here is where the great divide comes in, and that's the fact that while Mike has been serving in Martinez City Hall since I was in the 5th grade (yeah he's been in there that long, both as council and mayor), and Lara has only been in office for the past few years, this right here if she wins from what I understand (though I might be wrong so feel free to correct me on this one) will be her third term in office. However unlike Mike, Lara has actually been working for the people in trying to get things done that are to the benefit of the people of Martinez, though at times she has had to make tough decisions, and I fully understand that. The ones that are going up for the seat, Mike Thomson who I've noticed is fairly new to the arena, along with a forensic sheriff's office, and the wild card of Mike Alford. Now with the exception of Thomson, I understand what he's trying to do for Martinez, trying to help get things going here, however it honestly looks like the sheriffs officer is in same area as Mike Menisini and Rob Schroder and that's not good for this city.

Now like I said, the only one that's the wild card here is Mike Alford. The reason why he's the wild card is because he's mostly known for he's rants both in the Martinez News-Gazette and also now on Facebook as well. However he can't be faulted for that, considering that he is credited with pointing out the corruption that had taken hold in City Hall. However the one thing that he's been asked now several times is what his plans are for Martinez, and he actually has yet to say anything, other than to continue to rant about everything wrong with the city.

Come election day, that's when the dust storm will be hitting when it comes to all the voting, hell I can't even get to watch The Flash because of this. But this election will help decide if the country is going to either be lost or saved when it comes to the House and the Senate, and right now the Republicans are lying their asses off to make sure that they keep the House and take over the Senate. Once that happens, then the rich have a door wide open not only to impeach President Obama on lies, but at the same time put a puppet in office that they have control over. They had one at first with Bush, however once the people elected Obama into office, that's when they realized that they had screwed up and lost their power base. They're willing to do whatever it takes in order to get that control back, including changing the laws in order to make sure that the Republicans win no matter what, and yet those that have their eyes open are actually fighting all of this, and right now that's the important thing.

So go vote, and make sure that you help save this country.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Great War That Each Of Us Must Fight

There is so many ways that I wanted to start this off at, so many that it's actually taken a while just to start this off in the first place. I mean I could've started it off with the fact that I'm homeless and currently working a job were the owner of said job is refusing to pay min wage, despite being an independent contractor, so he think that he doesn't have to pay us but we have to pay him instead. I could've started it all off with the fact that the one party that's been saying that they want to help people has in fact been destroying everyone and the country that they happen to be in. Shoot I could've even gone the local route and talk about how my cities mayor is saying that he's getting things done, when in truth he's not getting anything done till it becomes an election year and suddenly he's doing everything that he needs to do, just to score the political points needed to try and win reelection.

In sad truth, all of that is a good start and in fact considering that it's all part of the first paragraph it is the start. I am in fact homeless and working for a news paper that I deliver where the owner of said paper (for which I'm leaving out at this current time) is not only not paying any of the carriers min wage, but at the same time is having us pay for the papers that we have to deliver. Now I've talked with a few people and only one of them thinks that that's a good idea (personally, and everyone else that I've talked to don't think it's a good idea, if we were getting paid min wage, then sure, but otherwise no). I've worked that paper for over a year now, delivering it three days a week to nearly 100 people, and all while also doing the entire route on my bike too.

Now when it comes to the one party that's been destroying our country, we all know that it's the Republican Party that's been destroying our country, hell the Republicans are honestly thinking that they can do whatever they want and never have to suffer for it. Like a war that they got the country into through a lie, just so that they could make sure that oil supplies stayed with the Dollar instead of going over to the Euro. I've been told by a lot of Republican people (those that honestly think that the Republicans are right and that it's the Democratic Party that's actually trying to hurt the country) that we need to stop harping on Bush and the illegal war that had been fought. Well guess what; we'll stop harping on that war, the day that the Republicans allow Bush Jr to get locked up for war crimes. That right there isn't going to be happening any time soon. We have to face facts as a nation; this country is right now suffering because of what a few people wanted to do to make sure that they stayed rich no matter what. Hell the Republicans think that they're apart of the military chain of command, they are in fact NOT a part of that chain. Hell the only civilian that happens to be in that chain and gets to give the orders is the President of the United States; he's the ONLY one that can do it. Yet here we see, Republican Senators and Congressmen constantly trying to order our military. That's actually currently happening, and the orders that are being given, they're actually being accepted; at least till someone remembers a little something called the Uniform Code of Military Justice (or UCMJ). That right there basically tells the military (doesn't matter what branch either), that the military can only follow orders given from military personnel only, and no one else. It also allows them to be able to refuse orders that they don't believe is right and just. However considering the untold number of years that the soldiers in the military have been getting told to do things by someone not in the chain of command, well let's just say that something should've been done a long time ago about it.

Right now, we're facing perhaps the GREATEST battle of this country, one that will change the very face of the nation in the end. Plus here's the hitch, we're all involved in this battle. I've already started calling this a purge; however I would like to believe that it's a purge of a party that has been doing great harm to this nation, a harm that needs to be stopped no matter the cost. In part right now, we're already winning slightly that battle considering that the people of this nation seem to be waking up to the fact that those that they originally elected to be in charge, are not only NOT working for the American people, they had no intention of even doing that in the first place. I was once told by someone that it doesn't matter if we vote or not because nothing changes, I was honestly half tempted to tell him that sure nothing changes with that attitude and the rich in the end win and get everything that they want in the first place.

From what I learned shortly after President Obama took office and all hell started coming down from the Republicans with their true intent, not only had promises been made, but there were certain parties that had wanted control over certain things that had been promised to them from the Reagan era that they had been cheated out of. During the eight year run that Bush Jr had been in office, everything that had been promised back then was being at long last fulfilled. From the Churches to the corporations, everything that they had wanted was at long last being given to them, and they knew that there was nothing that anyone could ever do to them. Back during the Reagan era, churches were preaching from the pulpit telling people who to vote for, same thing for when Bush was running for office. Now normally that right there would be an offence that would have the churches tax exempt status yanked because they're not allowed to do it, however that wasn't the case. Not only were they allowed to do it in the first place, after all it's against the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. Of course that's just a piece of paper so why would anyone even bother to care about it, after all it seems that money is equal to or greater than that of something that helped keep this country running correctly for the past couple of centuries.

Hell not only were the churches granted immunity, but at the same time the corporations were promised deregulations for everything that they wanted. However the main difference between the corporations and the churches back during Reagan's time was that the corporations got everything that they had wanted, considering that Reagan was a business man and not so much church goer (mind you he went to church yes, but didn't care enough to actually do what they had wanted in the first place).

However once Bush Jr had been elected (OK in truth he stole the White House back when he started his first term in office, after all, everyone that had been (and partly still is) on the Supreme Court back then was placed in there by a conservative Republican that wanted to make sure that they could rig the system later on, and it worked back when Bush Jr ended up in office. So no he never won anything except for the second time around, he stole it the first time), everything that the churches and the corporations wanted, was being fulfilled and there was nothing that anyone could do about it in the least.

Jumping now to when our President takes office, suddenly the Republican Party knows that since their best shot for staying in the White House just took a dive bomb, then it's time to make sure that this President only last for one term, and that's to block EVERYTHING that he does. Little problem with this idea, and that is the fact that the people were actually waking up to what the Republican's were and are doing to this country. Considering the Bush Tax cuts that have killed our economy, and the war that was based on a lie that all started in retaliation originally because of the events that took place on 9/11. After all, Bush and company found that oil was about to go over to the Euro and that would tank the Dollar, so when they heard that there was an attack that was going to be taking place on US soil, they ignored it thinking that it would go away, sure did right after it took place and pissed off everyone in the country for it too. However they used that attack to attack a country that did nothing to ours, and that was only because they wanted to make sure that the Dollar stayed on the Euro. Now what this did was it made our country the most feared and hated country of all time, hell we're still recovering from that war and everything that Bush did to us. Believe me, that's not going to be something that anyone is going to get over any time soon at all.

Now let us jump to our current time, mind you I'm still homeless, the economy is picking up, unemployment is dropping. However the Republicans and their noise machine Fox News wants to make sure that everyone thinks otherwise, and for those that listen to Fox aren't going to be thinking otherwise, and you're not going to be able to change their minds. Nope the only way that this country is going to be fixed, is if we the voters do the one thing that is needed and that's vote each and every single Republican out of office, for the betterment of the nation. Hell I call it The Purge, where it doesn't matter what level of government that they happen to be, each of them gets voted out of office.

Hell even the mayor of my home town says that he used to be Republican till he changed parties, however if that had been the case, then this wonderful city that I live in, wouldn't look like a Republican dream world where nothing works and they're getting rich off of everything. That right there is one of the main reasons why I'm not reelecting him. His posters say "Getting things done" it's more like "Not Getting things done". At the only debate that they had so far, he stated that there was a huge rainy day fund that is not ever going to be touched. Hell at the rate that things are going right now, we're not only in the middle of rain right now, it's a bloody monsoon out there and will be getting flooded over. I believe that it's long past time for a change in leadership around my city, and I'm honestly determined to make sure that it happens.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Chronicleskindle
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/