Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Out country is lost

(Please note that this entry as explicit language, and not for the faint of heart that don't like to hear the truth)

The image above is the new image of the GOP, it's not the elephant, it's actually the emblem for the Orange Lantern Corps which is greed or Avarice.
After the elections last night, I was a bit depressed from the news on a national level that the Republicans won the Senate. After reading some of the remarks that had been made on Facebook (namely since one finds out information on social media these days far faster than what the local news happens to have), and one person noted that they needed a certain majority in order to get anything passed, basically bipartisan support. Well I hate to say this but with the Republicans in control of the senate, they're not going to care about majority anything, they're going to do what they damned well feel like now. After all, the one thing that the Republicans have wanted to do is repeal literally anything that the President has put forth. So now that they have control in both the House and the Senate, they can do what they've wanted to do since the black man won the White House in the first place. Impeach him and get rid of anything that he's been doing to help the American people instead of the rich.
Look even I can see the writing on the wall here and it's not pretty to look at, but at the same time it's the sad truth. The Republicans conned the country, and everyone that didn't bother to vote fell for it hook line and sinker and that's where one of the problems was located at. The other problem that we happen to have in this country right now, this was a midterm election which means that a lot of people out there were thinking that since it wasn't a Presidential election that this one didn't matter. Here's the kicker for that, and that is that both McConnell and Boehner were elected during the midterm and both won reelection. So even if we have another election in two years, both of them are not up for reelection in two years, they're up for reelection in 4 years.
So now everything that I pointed out in my last entry along with other things that don't help the rich out are what the Republicans are going to be going after, and it's not going to help out the nation in the least. This might end up being a short entry, but at least we know where the hell we stand.
However there is one group of people out there that I would love to smack the shit out of, and that's those out there that say that they don't vote because nothing changes. Well get the fucking clue, of course nothing changes because you don't fucking vote in the first place. That's what the fucking rich want in the first place, they don't want your piece of shit ass to vote, after all if you don't vote, it gives those money fucking hungry morons the power that they want in the first place. Get the damned clue already, or did 8 fucking years of Bush not give you enough of a fucking clue right there in the first place. Everything got fucked up during Bush's years, I know that some of you out there think that Bush did an amazing job and that Obama is fucking everything up, guess what Bush let 9/11 happen in order to put this nation into a war based on a damned lie. After all the first theater operation name once we invaded Iraq was title Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL), if you can't get a damned clue from that you're really fucking blind. They changed the name after people, started to figure it out, they changed it to Operation Iraqi Freedom. They have NEVER given one shit about us and they never fucking will either, and guess what Bush is not that fucking idiot Reagan either. Considering that Reagan was the original Mitt Romney when it came to helping the corporations out. However the one BIG difference between Bush and Reagan, the churches.
When Reagan was running for office, for a bunch of promises that Reagan made to the Churches, they supported him in order to get him into the White House. However once Reagan was in office, that was it, Reagan basically told the churches to go fuck off. It was the churches in the end that ended up getting the help and not the churches. However years later when Bush Jr is running for office, the churches figured that they had their chance once again. So they supported Bush, and this time once Bush was in office, that's when they pounced and Bush was more than willing to help them get everything that they wanted in the first place and in part we as a nation started getting a double screwing. Both from the Rich and the Churches, that's where the problems started coming in. After all, the churches wanted to pervert the Bible towards what they wanted in the first place, and they wanted the one thing that they hadn't had since the Dark Ages and that was more control over the people. After all if they couldn't have the world, then they wanted this nation. Again after all, they who controls this nation, in part controls the world. Bush and company learned this first hand, and it's a lesson that the Republicans have NEVER forgotten. However the American people seem to have completely forgotten this little rule here, after all why would they need to remember when they're being told 24/7 what to eat, think, now and understand. After all science is going to be tossed out the window, anything dealing with the Bible only is going to be going in now. The Climate deniers are going to have a bloody field day, because now they're going to get more fucking power than they've ever had before.
You know, in all honesty I do wish that those that vote (or don't vote) for Republicans would actually see this, but I know that there's no chance for that considering that as much as I would like it, there's nothing in this world that will make this entry at all go viral. I can see the writing on the bloody fucking wall, just watch and you can see it happen during the next two years.

Now on a local level, I was both pleased and disappointed. Pleased that Lara DeLaney and Mark Thomson both won their Council seats, defeating both Mike Menisini and Debbie. Disappointed that Rob Shroder won over Gay Gerlack considering that Rob has been doing jack shit for this city despite what he's been saying on his boards about "Getting things done". Bullshit, if he was getting things done, then the city of Martinez wouldn't look as crappy as it does right now. Rob should never have won, but people bought into the lies that he and his camp were putting forth. Mind you they weren't about Gay; they were just about getting things done in Martinez.
Speaking of lies, this was the one election where a smear campaign went off on Lara DeLaney, and not once, but twice, and thanks to those smears, people instead actually voted for Lara instead of against her. That right there had to be the MOST idiotic thing that I've ever personally seen. Now me personally I only got one of the smear mailers that had been sent out, but I had been told that there had been a second one that had been mailed out, but I never got that one in the first place.
However what gets me for this election is that it's not that people didn't vote, it's that those that chose to do mail in instead of going to the office to vote, or did mail in and trusted it to the postal service. Now I don't have anything against those that chose to vote via mail, but please don't honestly trust something this important to the post office, after all they've been known to toss out mail that either needs to get to some place, happens to be money intended for someone, or is time sensitive. I know that there are people out there that are thinking that they can't do that since it's a felony, here's the hitch right there, the postal workers know that they can get away with it considering that they never get caught and never get investigated about it at all. So something as important as voting CAN NOT be left to the mail, sorry but that's the truth of the matter.
There is one person however that is going to be pointed out when comes to this local election that has to be the most amazing, and I'm not saying this as a good thing either. His name is Mike Alford. Now I know that he means well, but in this case what he wants for Martinez is farfetched, his ideas are on the moon instead. Yes he did get some of the votes, but he was so far behind that he was basically a foot note when it comes to this election. Normally he would run for mayor and then turn the votes into a three way instead of leaving a two way race. Mike honestly needs to stop trying to run, yes he's studied when it comes to the laws and the rules, however when it comes to politics, unless you've been keeping an eye on that, you have zero idea what's really going on in the first place. Yes a change is needed, but not his change, that change right there is just completely unrealistic in the first place.

Please remember that every election is important, not just the Presidential election, but both that one and the midterm elections. Which means that if you don't get out there and vote, then the rich will take the control that they want in the first place and run roughshod over all of our rights and not give one fuck when it comes to what they think.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Blog:
My Political World Facebook Page:

1 comment:

  1. They want to impeach The President, as a parting gift i'd release half of the US incarcerated black males, release a African American political prisoners, Mumia, Assata, the GOP will destroy there selves, they created 2 wars ,without an exit plan, this country has lost their moral compass,they are sociopaths, dead and inhumane,
