Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Great War That Each Of Us Must Fight

There is so many ways that I wanted to start this off at, so many that it's actually taken a while just to start this off in the first place. I mean I could've started it off with the fact that I'm homeless and currently working a job were the owner of said job is refusing to pay min wage, despite being an independent contractor, so he think that he doesn't have to pay us but we have to pay him instead. I could've started it all off with the fact that the one party that's been saying that they want to help people has in fact been destroying everyone and the country that they happen to be in. Shoot I could've even gone the local route and talk about how my cities mayor is saying that he's getting things done, when in truth he's not getting anything done till it becomes an election year and suddenly he's doing everything that he needs to do, just to score the political points needed to try and win reelection.

In sad truth, all of that is a good start and in fact considering that it's all part of the first paragraph it is the start. I am in fact homeless and working for a news paper that I deliver where the owner of said paper (for which I'm leaving out at this current time) is not only not paying any of the carriers min wage, but at the same time is having us pay for the papers that we have to deliver. Now I've talked with a few people and only one of them thinks that that's a good idea (personally, and everyone else that I've talked to don't think it's a good idea, if we were getting paid min wage, then sure, but otherwise no). I've worked that paper for over a year now, delivering it three days a week to nearly 100 people, and all while also doing the entire route on my bike too.

Now when it comes to the one party that's been destroying our country, we all know that it's the Republican Party that's been destroying our country, hell the Republicans are honestly thinking that they can do whatever they want and never have to suffer for it. Like a war that they got the country into through a lie, just so that they could make sure that oil supplies stayed with the Dollar instead of going over to the Euro. I've been told by a lot of Republican people (those that honestly think that the Republicans are right and that it's the Democratic Party that's actually trying to hurt the country) that we need to stop harping on Bush and the illegal war that had been fought. Well guess what; we'll stop harping on that war, the day that the Republicans allow Bush Jr to get locked up for war crimes. That right there isn't going to be happening any time soon. We have to face facts as a nation; this country is right now suffering because of what a few people wanted to do to make sure that they stayed rich no matter what. Hell the Republicans think that they're apart of the military chain of command, they are in fact NOT a part of that chain. Hell the only civilian that happens to be in that chain and gets to give the orders is the President of the United States; he's the ONLY one that can do it. Yet here we see, Republican Senators and Congressmen constantly trying to order our military. That's actually currently happening, and the orders that are being given, they're actually being accepted; at least till someone remembers a little something called the Uniform Code of Military Justice (or UCMJ). That right there basically tells the military (doesn't matter what branch either), that the military can only follow orders given from military personnel only, and no one else. It also allows them to be able to refuse orders that they don't believe is right and just. However considering the untold number of years that the soldiers in the military have been getting told to do things by someone not in the chain of command, well let's just say that something should've been done a long time ago about it.

Right now, we're facing perhaps the GREATEST battle of this country, one that will change the very face of the nation in the end. Plus here's the hitch, we're all involved in this battle. I've already started calling this a purge; however I would like to believe that it's a purge of a party that has been doing great harm to this nation, a harm that needs to be stopped no matter the cost. In part right now, we're already winning slightly that battle considering that the people of this nation seem to be waking up to the fact that those that they originally elected to be in charge, are not only NOT working for the American people, they had no intention of even doing that in the first place. I was once told by someone that it doesn't matter if we vote or not because nothing changes, I was honestly half tempted to tell him that sure nothing changes with that attitude and the rich in the end win and get everything that they want in the first place.

From what I learned shortly after President Obama took office and all hell started coming down from the Republicans with their true intent, not only had promises been made, but there were certain parties that had wanted control over certain things that had been promised to them from the Reagan era that they had been cheated out of. During the eight year run that Bush Jr had been in office, everything that had been promised back then was being at long last fulfilled. From the Churches to the corporations, everything that they had wanted was at long last being given to them, and they knew that there was nothing that anyone could ever do to them. Back during the Reagan era, churches were preaching from the pulpit telling people who to vote for, same thing for when Bush was running for office. Now normally that right there would be an offence that would have the churches tax exempt status yanked because they're not allowed to do it, however that wasn't the case. Not only were they allowed to do it in the first place, after all it's against the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. Of course that's just a piece of paper so why would anyone even bother to care about it, after all it seems that money is equal to or greater than that of something that helped keep this country running correctly for the past couple of centuries.

Hell not only were the churches granted immunity, but at the same time the corporations were promised deregulations for everything that they wanted. However the main difference between the corporations and the churches back during Reagan's time was that the corporations got everything that they had wanted, considering that Reagan was a business man and not so much church goer (mind you he went to church yes, but didn't care enough to actually do what they had wanted in the first place).

However once Bush Jr had been elected (OK in truth he stole the White House back when he started his first term in office, after all, everyone that had been (and partly still is) on the Supreme Court back then was placed in there by a conservative Republican that wanted to make sure that they could rig the system later on, and it worked back when Bush Jr ended up in office. So no he never won anything except for the second time around, he stole it the first time), everything that the churches and the corporations wanted, was being fulfilled and there was nothing that anyone could do about it in the least.

Jumping now to when our President takes office, suddenly the Republican Party knows that since their best shot for staying in the White House just took a dive bomb, then it's time to make sure that this President only last for one term, and that's to block EVERYTHING that he does. Little problem with this idea, and that is the fact that the people were actually waking up to what the Republican's were and are doing to this country. Considering the Bush Tax cuts that have killed our economy, and the war that was based on a lie that all started in retaliation originally because of the events that took place on 9/11. After all, Bush and company found that oil was about to go over to the Euro and that would tank the Dollar, so when they heard that there was an attack that was going to be taking place on US soil, they ignored it thinking that it would go away, sure did right after it took place and pissed off everyone in the country for it too. However they used that attack to attack a country that did nothing to ours, and that was only because they wanted to make sure that the Dollar stayed on the Euro. Now what this did was it made our country the most feared and hated country of all time, hell we're still recovering from that war and everything that Bush did to us. Believe me, that's not going to be something that anyone is going to get over any time soon at all.

Now let us jump to our current time, mind you I'm still homeless, the economy is picking up, unemployment is dropping. However the Republicans and their noise machine Fox News wants to make sure that everyone thinks otherwise, and for those that listen to Fox aren't going to be thinking otherwise, and you're not going to be able to change their minds. Nope the only way that this country is going to be fixed, is if we the voters do the one thing that is needed and that's vote each and every single Republican out of office, for the betterment of the nation. Hell I call it The Purge, where it doesn't matter what level of government that they happen to be, each of them gets voted out of office.

Hell even the mayor of my home town says that he used to be Republican till he changed parties, however if that had been the case, then this wonderful city that I live in, wouldn't look like a Republican dream world where nothing works and they're getting rich off of everything. That right there is one of the main reasons why I'm not reelecting him. His posters say "Getting things done" it's more like "Not Getting things done". At the only debate that they had so far, he stated that there was a huge rainy day fund that is not ever going to be touched. Hell at the rate that things are going right now, we're not only in the middle of rain right now, it's a bloody monsoon out there and will be getting flooded over. I believe that it's long past time for a change in leadership around my city, and I'm honestly determined to make sure that it happens.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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