Saturday, February 8, 2014

Life Plan B getting changed to A

Question, when does Life Plan B become Life Plan A, Answer when the economy is not giving you a choice and your dream ends up getting put on hold for the rest of your life.


That right there is the main reason why a lot of people these days end up going to college and they get asked, what is it that you want to do, and the answer most often doesn’t fit what the college mainly offers when it comes to what your dream career happens to be in the first place. Personally I have zero desire to go into a field that happens to have zero openings in the least; yes certain new laws are opening the doors for those areas, but in truth, the area ends up becoming flooded with new applicants to the point that they’ll end up hiring very little of those that actually apply in the first place.


Yes the medical field and science field is a very high paying area to work in, but who in their right minds ever decides that their dream career is going to be that in the first place, usually that’s the secondary one that becomes the main stay for only a short time. However when certain factors prevent your dream from becoming the truth in the first place why is it that Life Plan B gets turned into A. Not only is that not right, it shouldn’t be happening in truth.


However all too often those dreams are getting destroyed and there isn’t anything that one can actually do to stop that. Personally I want to be a writer and get paid for that, I’ve even got a book out there right now in eBook format, however with no one ever buying the book, my back up plan is now becoming the main stay, and the end result is that I continue to stay in the current world that I happen to live in, which is being homeless. The one thing that I want most in the world is to have a place to live in, for not only me but also for my wife, and that’s the one thing that I honestly can’t provide right now because the level of pay that we’re forced to have right now is getting completely screwed over by those that are currently in charge right now. They not only refuse to raise the min wage, they honestly want EVERYONE to think that by having the min wage raised that it’ll end up killing jobs, actually in fact it not only won’t, it’ll jump not only the economy, but at the same time it’ll bring production to an to a high like never before.


Republicans on the other hand don’t want that at all, no they want to keep their money and make sure that this nation is kept only for their masters, those that would rather have the corporations in control over everything in the first place. Well for me, that’s not going to sit well at all. I’m sorry but I don’t want to get paid min wage for the rest of my life while the cost of everything around me goes right through the roof with no ending in site. Yes I’m a writer, but since my eBook (which is science fiction by the way) isn’t selling like I’d hoped it would, well then Life Plan B becomes A out of lack of choice, and right now my plan B is constantly looking for a job that I can’t get because of the things that I need and don’t have. Yes I’m going to be going back to school, but that’s not going to solve the current and first off problem because of the economy at the current state that it happens to be. And even though my book is extremely low cost, and the app is free to get for your phone (or tablet), not everyone is into science fiction, and I understand that, so I do my best each day to make sure that the book gets out there to sell, because I want my Life Plan A to stay my Life Plan A and not become B.


Question is, what do you want?

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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