Monday, November 3, 2014

The most contested election of our current history

The election of 2014 is going to go down in history as the most contested election in our history, one can't say ever because there may be another that comes along that will either trump this one or be just as big as this one happens to be. However the biggest thing isn't on the state level, well in part it is, but for the most part, it's on a national level. What it happens to be is the fight for both the Senate and the House in Congress.

Now for the most part, The Republicans are wanting to not only keep the House, but at the same time they want to take control over the Senate and that's where the problem lies right now. Because once they take control over the Senate, that happens to mean that it gives them access to work on impeaching President Obama, and all on a pack of lies when in truth it means that they can fully give control over to the rich and the Republicans. After all, the only thing that they want is the power to do literally anything that they want. However the one thing that they seem to think that they can do if they have full control over both the House and the Senate is being able to shove through Constitutional Amendments, and they refuse to acknowledge that they need bipartisan support in order to pass something like that in the first place. After all, there are several things that the Republicans want to have forced through:


·         Banning Gay Marriage (Constitutional Amendment)

·         Banning Abortions On Any Level (including rape and incest)

·         Making sure that the rich keep their tax breaks

·         Making Christianity the national religion

·         Repealing the ACA (Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare)


Those above are just some of the many examples of what the Republicans want to do if they take over the Senate and keep the House. This is honestly something that can't be allowed to happen at all.

Now to be honest here, those Republicans that are currently in power have been so corrupted by the money that's flowing in right now from not only the Koch Bros., but also by all of the rich that happen to be out there as well. However it's not only that, but also the churches making sure that those that have corrupted the Bible and its teachings are coming center stage for everything. After all, Jesus taught us to love our brothers and sisters no matter what. Yet more often than one can imagine, Christians are being taught to hate instead of love, that fighting gets your point across and several other points as well. This is the world that is currently being taught to our children and that right there isn't right. To hate and fear those that are different, and all in this land of freedom and choice, and yet by those that are getting elected into office are leading people on a false pretense, and people don't realize it till after the election is over and the wrong person has been voted into office that had no intention of helping anyone but himself out.

The perfect example of this is Mitch McConnell; the only thing that he has EVER been interested in is the power that comes from being elected in. He willingly took money from not only the Koch's but others as well, all in an effort to make sure that he was elected into office so that he could do their bidding. No jobs, a constantly blocking of literally anything that could help out the American people. If it doesn't fit the rich's plan or the church's plan, they don't want anything to do with it at all. The rich want to rule the country through their money, and the churches want to rule as they had back during the dark ages. Both sides on this are completely nuts in more ways than anyone could even begin to think.


Now I know that I mostly talk about politics on a national level, but this time around I'm also going to be talking about my local hometown and what we're going through right now. This year's we not only have the mayor up for election, but also two council seats as well. This is one that is turning into a dragged out war. You see here in the small (just about unknown) city of Martinez California, we have the mayor's seat, and two council. Now the one that is running for re-election is Rob Shroder with the slogan of "Getting things done". Going up against him is one Gay Gerlack, and considering this year, she's one to go on top of everything. For the two council seats, we have Mike Menisini and Lara Delany, both are running for reelection. The ones that are gunning for their seats are Mark Thomson, Mike Alford, and Debbie (something, I forgot her last name sorry).

Now all things considered for the mayor's seat, Rob Shroder has been saying that he's been getting things done here in Martinez, however it doesn't look anywhere near what he said has been getting done. Our streets are in shambles, and businesses are leaving in droves, among the many things that are currently wrong here that he said that he was going to be fixing. Plus he's set so many deadlines and nothing has come about. There was a repaving of a parking lot that was supposed to be adding space for parking and that actually wasn't done at all. Shoot everything that has happened to Martinez that's been positive has been done by the one running against Rob and that's Gay Gerlack. She's gotten the parks renovated and cleaned up. Our community pool was even renovated to be better than ever before, and that's just the tip of the ice berg. Beyond that there's just been so much that Gay's been doing for the city of Martinez.

Now when it comes to the Council seats, you have Mike Menisini and Lara DeLaney running for reelection. However here is where the great divide comes in, and that's the fact that while Mike has been serving in Martinez City Hall since I was in the 5th grade (yeah he's been in there that long, both as council and mayor), and Lara has only been in office for the past few years, this right here if she wins from what I understand (though I might be wrong so feel free to correct me on this one) will be her third term in office. However unlike Mike, Lara has actually been working for the people in trying to get things done that are to the benefit of the people of Martinez, though at times she has had to make tough decisions, and I fully understand that. The ones that are going up for the seat, Mike Thomson who I've noticed is fairly new to the arena, along with a forensic sheriff's office, and the wild card of Mike Alford. Now with the exception of Thomson, I understand what he's trying to do for Martinez, trying to help get things going here, however it honestly looks like the sheriffs officer is in same area as Mike Menisini and Rob Schroder and that's not good for this city.

Now like I said, the only one that's the wild card here is Mike Alford. The reason why he's the wild card is because he's mostly known for he's rants both in the Martinez News-Gazette and also now on Facebook as well. However he can't be faulted for that, considering that he is credited with pointing out the corruption that had taken hold in City Hall. However the one thing that he's been asked now several times is what his plans are for Martinez, and he actually has yet to say anything, other than to continue to rant about everything wrong with the city.

Come election day, that's when the dust storm will be hitting when it comes to all the voting, hell I can't even get to watch The Flash because of this. But this election will help decide if the country is going to either be lost or saved when it comes to the House and the Senate, and right now the Republicans are lying their asses off to make sure that they keep the House and take over the Senate. Once that happens, then the rich have a door wide open not only to impeach President Obama on lies, but at the same time put a puppet in office that they have control over. They had one at first with Bush, however once the people elected Obama into office, that's when they realized that they had screwed up and lost their power base. They're willing to do whatever it takes in order to get that control back, including changing the laws in order to make sure that the Republicans win no matter what, and yet those that have their eyes open are actually fighting all of this, and right now that's the important thing.

So go vote, and make sure that you help save this country.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:

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