Friday, March 6, 2015

The United States of Hydra

Question, what is a Hydra, well if you happen to know you Greek Mythos, you'll know that a Hydra is a creature that happens to start off with three heads and had poisonous breath and blood that were very deadly, and when I said that it started off with three heads that's only because when you cut off one "Cut off one, two more shall take its place." So the end result was a creature that was very hard to kill, however Hercules did end up killing it with fire as part of his labors that he had to do.

Now the question you've got to be asking yourself at this point is what in the world does this have to do with politics? Well that answer actually happens to be very simple. You see the other day I was watching Captain America© The Winter Soldier, and as I'm watching a scene dealing with Director Nick Furry played amazingly by Samuel L. Jackson, I started to notice something else. All of the fake police officers in the scene were all white, not one of them (at least as far as I could see since there were a few of them that were wearing hoods and goggles at the time) was of any other race. Now the reason this hit me is because I'm seeing all white officers going after this one lone black guy, and that right there spoke volumes to me and I realized that this right here is just about mirroring real life when it come to everything that's going on with the police and the racial profiling that they've been doing.

Now I know that you're once again going to ask what in the world does Hydra have to do with politics? The answer is this, if you look at the Republicans in Congress, their TEA Party counterparts and equals, along with the police, you'll start to see a pattern there that one wouldn't have normally noticed before. What that pattern happens to be is that all of them want one thing and will go to extreme lengths in order to get it and that's total control over everything and everyone, the same thing that Hydra is constantly trying to do in Marvel comics. However this isn't Marvel comics where superheroes come to life and help take on things that we mere humans can't actually do for ourselves.

Each time that we liberals try and get rid of one TEA Party member or Republican official in office, another ends up stepping up to take their place, doesn't matter if it happens to be one or two or three, someone always shows up when one is taken down, hence the line "Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." And right now it honestly doesn't look like there's anyway in sight that we're going to be able to get rid of them ever, not as long as we happen to have those like Fox News and hate radio (really doesn't matter if it happens to be Rush or someone else). Now we hit them in the courts, but the problem is right there that they just end up coming back saying that they're protected under the First Amendment, and that's correct up to a point, and that is that it's considered free speech. However the point is that as long as there are people willing to pay them to be out there, then they will always be out there and causing the kind of hatred that we shouldn't ever have in the first place. I know that it's going to take time to get rid of the hatred, you can't do it over night, but we can start getting it done. Hell there are people and organizations out there right now that are working to get rid of those that would spread lies and hate. Shoot Mr. No Spin Zone himself O'Rilley got hit up on the lies when mounting evidence basically hurt Fox to the point that they called him on it. However does he actually care about that, not in the least, he just knows that there are people out there that believe him, and not those that are presenting evidence to the contrary of what really happened. Shoot Rush is doing the same thing over and over again, and right now it's being worked to get rid of him through his sponsors right now. Once they know what he's doing, they tend to pull their advertising for him and since he has no advertisers, well that means that you have no way of paying for air time that you need in order to get your hate radio out on the air.

Now aside from them, you also happen to have those that have been elected into office that aren't doing the will of the people like they're supposed to be doing, they're doing the will of their masters, and that's the Republican Party. The GOP only wants one thing and that's the ability to push their master's agenda. To control women, to make this nation the one thing that it's not and that a nation of only one religion and that's Christianity, nothing else will do. Shoot that's been getting pushed since Bush Jr was…actually no it started back when Reagan had been in office however back then when Reagan got their backing, he screwed them over after he ended up in office. Now when Bush Jr was about to get into office the first time around, he got the Christian backing, but this time instead of getting to screw them over like had been done the last time, they came back to collect and collect they did. Since then, they've been pushing an agenda that's actually not Christ's agenda at all. Theirs is to make sure that all other faiths and religions in the world are stomped out. When they want is to start the apocalypse and bring Jesus back to Earth. These people have lost their minds that much that they actually believe that they can jump start the entire thing. They've been setting the entire thing up both in politics and outside in the streets for years now. However the one thing that they hadn't been counting on is that the people that they've been talking to, they aren't the sheeple that they thought they were. You see we were born with the one thing that the church and the rich hate, and that's a brain, and even if you tell us something over and over and eventually believe it as truth, kicker is, there's someone that actually comes along with the correct truth and the evidence to back it up and frees the mind with said evidence. They hate that, boy do they REALLY hate that.

However for each person that you get to stop spreading the lies, there's another one or two in the wings waiting to take his place. So the only thing that we can honestly do is work to stop them and eventually free the minds of those around listening to make sure that they know the full truth in the end.

Now the masters that are behind all of this and are trying to control everything, they right there for the politicians would be the rich that are behind the Republican Party right now, they're the ones that are bankrolling everything from getting the Keystone XL pipeline built in to stopping the minimum wage from getting increased. They would be the main three heads of Hydra, and if you cut any of them off, another one or two would end up taking their place. A never ending cycle that will eventually end, however right now the ones in control happen to have people in key positions, and they're so deeply embedded that the only way just about that you would ever know is if you end up hearing them whisper to each other "Hail Hydra" just about.

Shoot the Koch brothers are constantly throwing different parties for their followers to make sure that everything lines up with their agenda, from climate change, to anything at all. It doesn't stop there either, they're actually paying scientists to actually push that everything that they're doing is having zero effect on the environment or the climate at all. Which everyone knows is real by now, at least those that happen to have a brain and think for themselves instead of following everything that the brain washers are telling them. Shoot the brain washers are yet another head of the Hydra beast, and one that we can NEVER seem to get rid of.

Now there's another part of the Hydra beast that I haven't even mentioned before since these days they seem to be only coming out after some nut case happens to do a mass shooting, and that's the National Rifle Association (NRA) head part of the Hydra beast. Each and every single time that something happens and families want something to make sure that the guns stay out of the hands of nut cases, the NRA's lawyers are there to make sure that any laws that would stop said nut cases from getting any guns at all are all killed. To top it off, they keep going onto their media friends like Fox News and Rush to blow everything out of proportions and say that the President is going to come by and take every single gun out there, or that only a good person with a gun can stop someone bad with a gun (and that one still doesn't make any damned bit of sense if the bad person doesn't give a damn either way). So they take up the paranoia bandwagon to make sure that guns of all types end up staying out there for literally anyone to get, and that even a background check will be passed even if you happen to have a federal felony and had all of your gun rights taken away, they make sure that you get them back. That's how little the NRA cares about anyone's life or anything other than making sure that there's a gun in every man, woman, and child's hand out there. Shoot if they could they would even make sure that the mother's womb had one. Talk about a complete perversion of why the 2nd Amendment had been created in the first place.

I guess in the end, unless this real life version of Hydra is stopped, there's not going to be anything that can be done. Personally I hate saying that, but seriously it's true, just look at how things are going in our Congress, but the Senate and the House that keeps proving and bearing this out as proof. Everything that they said that they would do once they've gotten into office, getting the people their jobs, making the country safer, repairing the roads, you name it. None of it's been done in the nearly 8 years that President Obama's been in office. The only thing that the Republicans and TEA Party have been interested in is not only making the President look bad, but to also make sure that the rich keep all of their money and have complete say so over everything, even anything to do with women, they've been passing everything that would keep and take control over them. Shoot they've tried repealing the ACA close to 60 damned times since they've been in office. It's gotten that bad. So knowing these clowns, they're going to continue to do something stupid and idiotic still.

I honestly wish that there was a true way to reach those that are getting trapped by the lie that's being spread through Fox News and their ilk. However till they can be legally taken out, there's currently no way to get the truth to them at all. I honestly wish that there was.

I guess in the mean time that we just keep our ears open for the slight whisper of what ever version their "Hail Hydra" happens to be.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

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