Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Trump Vs. Clinton / Trump Vs. Sanders: The Fights of the Year

Considering how much has been going on in politics these days and how fast it's been moving, haven't been able to actually write anything, at least till now.

Within the past several days we've seen things happen very quickly to both the Democratic Party and the Republican't Party, some good, some not so good. For the Republican'ts they are now down to just one person, their nominee, whom sadly happens to be Donald Trump right now, and he's not the one this country needs. Well then you might ask whom does this country need? Well we need someone that's not only going to put this country first, unlike that of the Republican'ts since they're sending jobs overseas, working on getting oil from outside the country and not even thinking of renewable energy sources. No the Republican'ts aren't the ones we need anywhere near the White House. We need a Democrat to stay in the White House, and since President Obama's time is up this coming November, it means that we've got two possible choices to make, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

Now anyone that knows me knows that I've already made my choice when it comes to who should really be in the White House, however there are those of you that think that this is the wrong choice. Well here's the thing, I know that Hillary is the right person for the job, and that will be explained as I go along here.

Now that the rest of the Republican'ts have been defeated, and Donald is the only one left standing, which means that this political game just shifted to a whole different level. This is now going to involve a load of strategy, something of which Bernie has not been ever too good at as of late. The most that Bernie has been doing is complaining when he doesn't win because of the closed primary states. As a result, he's dropped way behind Hillary. However it's not a matter of open or closed primaries, it's a matter of who the voters are actually picking, plus it also helps that Hillary actually is a true Democrat where as Bernie is an Independent and has been trying to get people to focus on that despite the fact that he's doing the one thing he said he would NEVER do and that's run as a Democrat ever.

If Bernie were to become the nominee, Trump would actually eat him alive. He'd go after the socialist part and consider Bernie to be un-American, despite the fact that he is American, hell he's more American than Donald Trump ever will be. It's Bernie's record that will be getting fried like crazy under Trump.

Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself and will do literally now ANYTHING it takes in order to get to the White House. However the only person that can actually take on Trump and defeat him in truth isn't Bernie, it's Hillary. Despite everything that's been thrown at Hillary by the Republican'ts (and we're talking since Bill was the President), Hillary has managed to come out on top each time. However it's been news sources like Fox News that have been trying to cloud that fact over and destroy her at each and every chance that they've been able to get. Now considering that she's their best bet to stop Trump from winning the White House, do you think that they might be willing to stop the attacks…yeah right, what planet are you living on. These are the same people that want to not only run the country based on the Bible, but at the same time, instead of passing laws that will help their states out, are basically screwing their states over. So I doubt the attacks are going to stop in the least.

So trust me when I tell you that when it comes to this entire election year, Bernie is going to be fried for being a socialist and Hillary is going to be attacked for just about everything under the sun and then some. This isn't going to be something to take lightly either, this is going to be an attack on not only everything that we're going to be holding dear, but at the same time, Trump is going to want to change the very fabric of this nation. Personally I honestly don't think that I could be able to live in this kind of nation if he's elected, and everyone that I know of doesn't want to live here either.

Felix Sanchez
My Political World Facebook Page:

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