Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Landmark decision that has the GOP and Churches PISSED OFF!!!

I have one thing to say about the above subject line, (and pardon the language of it please), WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!!!

OK now that I've got that out of my system here, and mind you I had been planning on writing this up this morning, but personal off line things got in the way that were dealing with family so that comes first and foremost over everything here. However right now I'm writing this up and getting this out there now.

Now you might've heard the news this morning, and if you haven't then if you're not living under a damned rock, then you are so bloody unplugged then you're living in the mountains and never want to come down at all. The news that went down around the world came around 7a pst, and that is that the Defense of Marriage Act (or DOMA) was deemed unconstitutional, and when they had made that decision in a 5-4 ruling (believe me the conservative hater judges didn't want to end DOMA), they dismissed Prop 8 leaving the lower court ruling on it saying that it was also ruled as unconstitutional. This is something that is one of the biggest events in our nations history right now, and it's also leaving both the GOP and the Church with a bad taste in their mouth. After all right now there's nothing but zealots that happen to be in the GOP and the church these days (and you all are wondering why I'm ALWAYS capping on the church these days, get a clue and figure it out).

However with DOMA getting killed, it means that gay and lez couples are now able to get married with no problems. Personally I'm loving this, but we all know that the church is going to be going against this all the way, doesn't matter what in the world decade it happens to be at all. However we as the people of this great nation will continue to move forward and tell those that happen to hate equality that they can kiss our butts on this. I even found out that one of the congressmen right now will be introducing an amendment to restore DOMA back to the way it was. Only one minor (or major depending on how you look at it) problem with what he's planning on doing, it's going to take a 2/3rds majority vote in order to become an amendment. Problem with that, there's needs to be bi-partisanship in order to pass any amendment for the constitution, and there hasn't been that since long before Reagan's time in the Office.

Considering that this country is trying to move forward and the Democrats know and understand this more than the frienemeies across the isle know or understand anything else in the world. After all the only thing that the Republicans ever want to know or realize is the almighty buck and that's it, nothing else period.

So let's cheer on marriage equality for EVERYONE!!!!!

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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