Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The stupidity of the Republican Party

What is the dumbest thing that someone can do these days that can actually get a person fired, and that's getting hired to do a job, and then making every excuse that you can think of not only to not do your job, but to also blame someone else for not doing your job in the first place.

That is exactly what the Republican Party has been doing since the day that President Obama got elected into office, they've excelled at being the party of "No" and have tried to do everything in their power to make sure that he was a one term President and even failed at that. However I've already talked about that before so that's nothing new.

However during the course of the time that President Obama has been in office, these people (both the men and the small amount of women that they've got) have repeatedly made clear that no matter how many ways that they've said it, that they don't intend on doing anything for the American people at all.

Now while all of this is all well and good, at the same time they've done some pretty stupid things over the course of the nearly 8 years that the President has been in office, the latest thing tends to take the cake right here. The Republican Party has not only refused to do anything, even to the point of risking another government shutdown. These morons have decided to go out on the campaign trail to make sure that this November they get reelected into office. They've cut off their session till a week after the elections are over; with them thinking that we're not going to remember a damned thing come November and reelect them back into office.

I'm sorry but when did the social media of the internet shut down, hell when did the net shut down. Last I knew that literally anything that the Republicans do is featured online for all to see with a simple and quick Google search will tell anyone what these morons have done, which is jack shit nothing. The only thing that they've been pushing has just been both rich and Church's agenda and that's it. The rich for their endless tax breaks that don't do a damned thing for the American people, and the church for pushing a religious agenda on the American people.

Now the rich have been spouting the idea of tickle down economics, or Reaganomics for years. Guess what, some people actually think that the bullshit actually works considering that Clinton had a surplus. Well I've gone over this before and Clinton only had a surplus of money when he left, because he actually knew how to do the one thing that the Republicans have NEVER figured out how to do, he could actually balance a budget. The only things that the Republicans can do is spend other people's money and that's it, they can't do a damned thing else. So while they take their vacation and spend it on the road trying to make sure that they get reelected into office, they don't realize that people aren't going to forget any time soon.

Now when it comes to the church, they've been pushing into politics for years, and they know that the best party to push their agenda in is the Republican Party. However the one main thing that they're trying to push right now is that this nation was founded as a Christian nation. Actually it wasn't. This nation was founded with religious freedom in mind. The reason why the Church doesn't want you to know this truth is because back in the day when we were first colonizing this country, back when England was still ruled by a nut case king that didn't know any better, because his mind was leaving him. The church then was trying to rule over their subjects sort of like how they do these days, and anyone that wasn't a part of the church still wasn't given a rough treatment, even with the many religions out there, the church was hard pressed to push theirs. Even the Church of England was hard pressed to do the same time. However when the forefathers came here, they were more interested in practicing their way instead of someone else's way, which is the way that it should be in the first place.

Now the Republican Party it seems has taken to bringing the Church into the one place that it shouldn't be in the first place and that's the political world. After all, the one main agenda that the church is pushing the Republicans are helping, and this honestly needs to stop in the worst way EVER. After all, if this doesn't stop or get stopped by us, then we're looking at a new version of the Dark Ages that will be worse than ever before.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:

Monday, September 15, 2014

Unions fighting against their own interests

You know this has been heard before, that we've got to make sure that the unions are helped and protected again those that are against the unions. That if we don't help them, then the rich and the Republicans are going to get rid of them for good.

Well that's all well and good, however there is a slightly problem too all of this and that is that unions tend to vote Republican against their own interests. Doesn't matter if it happens to be blue collar workers or those that are public servants, they vote against their own each time. From the police to the fire fighters they all tend to vote Republican, which in my mind makes no sense at all. After all, the rich and the Republicans want to get rid of the unions so that the people of this country can't rally up against the rich and demand more money for the work that they're doing in the first place.

This is something that seriously needs to be addressed in this country, the fact that the unions themselves are shooting themselves in the foot by voting for Republican interests goes beyond anything that I could even begin to think about in the first place.

The photo above is a prime example, I took that here in my home town where we're having elections for the mayor and two council members. Now the current mayor is supposed to be a former Republican, and yet everything that he does is Republican in nature, not doing anything till it's an election year to score those much needed voter points. After all, we recently had an Earthquake here in the Bay Area that originated up North near Napa Valley in American Canyon. After that quake hit, suddenly our mayor is asking building and home owners to make sure that their places are up to quake code. Well considering that this was brought up years ago and he did nothing to make sure that everyone was doing what was needed and is only just now doing it, just goes to show what he's really trying to do and that's make sure that he gets to keep his job. Well considering that he's doing such an extremely less than amazing job, that people are seriously starting to notice that things are extremely bad.

About 90% of the buildings in the city that I live in are not retro fitted for Earthquakes and it's something that's never been dealt with, and then there are the roads in town, something that's been an issue here for years, and both our current mayor and the former one that is now serving on the council have not done a damned thing about it. Both of  them happen to have this good 'ol boy club going on, and that's something that both Republicans and the rich happen to do to make sure that things go their way each and every single time. I know personally that something greatly needs to be done, and it's long past time that something was done and taken care of it yesterday. I know that I'm not going to be voting for our current mayor, and the one thing that I do know is that his slogan this year "Getting things done" yeah, that's a no right there, you're not getting anything done.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 In Remembrance

We all know exactly where we were the moment that everything started going down in New York, something that had been completely unthinkable, that no one could ever be able to touch our country ever had been broken.

13 years ago on this day, our great nation was attacked, and while we now know more today than we did back then. The load of theories that came up, both factual and completely idiotic, became the near main stream with the Republicans calling all of them except for the ones that they released at the time crack pot ideas. They made sure that none of them were believed at all.

However as time passed and more and more things started to get proven over time, it meant that the correct truth was continuing to come out, what really happened with the attacks that took place. In all honesty this is the day that will go down as two things. 1)The day that other countries learned not to piss us off lest we retaliate (of course some still haven't learned that yet), and 2)A party's true face came to light that day. Now I'm not going to take that my eyes were opened right off the bat, but I'll tell you this right here and now that I used to be a blind Republican back then. However once I started learning the truth, I realized that I couldn't be with a party that kept telling lies to their own party and to the rest of the people of this country.

Now I've been trying to think of everything that I could write for this, but in truth, there's really not much that I can write considering that we all know that Bush and company allowed this to happen since they figured that if they ignored the warnings that it would go away. Sorry but that's not happening and didn't happen. Instead we were attacked, and now we know that not only did Bin Laden do it, but Bush and company allowed them to do it in the first place, to not only piss us off, but at the same time to get us into a war of their choosing. That's not even the correct way of running a country. Personally I'm thrilled that the Republicans aren't in the White House. However this November, we have to make sure that they don't continue to ruin our country. We must purge them out of office period.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:

Monday, September 8, 2014

The end of Citizens United…Or is it?

The one thing that has been a thorn in the side of voters, dems, and those that are any other color other than red, has been Citizens United. In truth it really shouldn't be named that in the first place, after all the citizens aren't united in giving unlimited money to the rich and the Republican's, hell the worst words that were ever said by a Republican "Corporations are people too." Ye…no they're not. Corporations are run by people however they don't live think and breath like we do, and they sure as hell don't pay taxes like the rest of us do.

Nope, when that came down from the conservative idiots of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), that basically was the green light for the ultra rich to do whatever the hell they please. Well right now, in the Congressional Senate, an Amendment to the United States Constitution is passing right now to not only end Citizens United, but to make sure that money is completely kept out of politics forever.

Now what might this mean for you and I, well for one thing it means that the Kochs and their ilk can no longer buy the political world like they've been doing since Bush Jr. had been in office (and if you don't think that happens to be the case, then you've been watching Fox News for way too damned long), and where they've been making sure that those of minorities have been not only getting punished, but also making sure that they can't vote in the least. Trust me on this, even having a state issued ID card, doesn't cut it for some states. Nope in some of them, even if you've got that ID card, you actually need to have a full on driver's license. Here's the catch though, you can only get one of those if you're going to be driving a car. So if you're not driving, you don't get that card, and you don't get to vote either. Now this only seems to be happening in red Republican controlled states, in blue states you can have an ID card that government issued and still be able to vote.

This right here is actually good for us when it comes to Citizens United getting torn down; however there's a little wrinkle to the entire plan. That wrinkle is the Republicans in the Congressional House. They're the ones now that this now has to go through, and more than likely they're going to vote the way of their masters and end all of this making sure that Citizens United stays going, saying some stupid idiot thing like "this is what the citizens want in the first place, why would they end something that deals with them." Well it doesn't, the rich citizens yes, but the middle and lower classes, it has never dealt once with them and it never will either.

Now we just have to wait and find out what happens in the House, I for one am not going to be surprised if the House kills this, I honestly won't be surprised in the least.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
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Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Social Media: The Real Fifth Estate


Now with that title one would honestly think of the movie The Fifth Estate, well no. I'm not talking about anything like that at all, and to be honest I don't either condemn what he did nor do I support it. However if you think about it, we're already doing that today with social media.

Now how might you ask are we doing that? Well with the better advents of Facebook, Google+ (G+ for short), Twitter, etc, they allow people to connect faster than ever before. So instead of having to wait for a newspaper to come out with the latest news, one just has to have access to one of the above to know what's going on. Plus with smart phones, we can take photos and video and share them over the internet for just about everyone to be able to see and have a video go viral in a matter of moments. This right there is the true and real fifth estate.

One of the things that social media can do these days that seem to be either escaping some people minds or they just want to ignore it and hope that it happens to go away, is to change the course of the way governments and politics run and take place. Now there are those out there that fully understand this and try to take full advantage of it, both good and bad. However for those that think that they can control social media and what is placed out there, that right there is a fools run. After all as it has been proven time and again, the net is protected under the first amendment as free speech, and that means over all that those that want to have a voice (doesn't matter if it's the truth or not) will get to have their say.

On that note right there, the goal I for one try to make sure of is that the truth gets out there about the Republican Party and everything that they're trying to do to make sure that they can not only take over the government, but to also at the same time correct the mistake that they made before which is to get rid of the US Constitution and invoke Marshal Law and make the Bible only the law of the land. At which point, both the military and the local citizens would go completely nuts over everything that was going on.

However enough of that, for one thing the Republicans favor too much that document that they keep trashing left and right and only wish to make sure that they can do whatever they can to make sure that people believe one thing and not the only and then flip it. It's one of these reasons that there are more people changing from being Republican than actually move towards it in the first place. However more often than not, their only media outlet Fox News actually does grab the attention of those that it seeks for and when they do, they try and make sure that they get their gospel word out to their faithful followers. It doesn't always stick, but when it does, we have stupidity coming from all corners of the country.

Look the only reason why I condemn the Republican Party as much as I do, is because while Bush had been in office (and yes I'm going back to him, and you'll see a lot of people going back to him because he really did screw this nation up, him and the rest of the people that were working with him, along with those that were lobbying for him in the first place, along with all of the churches and people that shouldn't've been doing it in the first place (however that list is so bloody long that you'll be still reading this straight for the next three days tops, if not longer depending on how fast you read in the first place).), I started to look at what was really going on, and I realized that there really was some messed up things. For one trying to give more and more power to the next President (though they had been hoping for a Republican President, but lost on that note), and to take power out of the hands of Congress, doesn't matter if it happens to be the Senate or the House. The debt ending up skyrocketing, not just because of the war that was taking place, but also because the people of this nation couldn't spend anything on crap that they didn't need in the first place. Plus no matter what they kept saying, everything that they didn't want us to see we saw anyway. Take for example the original theater operation name that they had for the Iraq war; it was originally called Operation Iraqi Liberation. Yeah they realized they screwed up, and when they hoped that no one noticed, they changed it from Liberation to Freedom. Here's the hitch of that, the reason why they changed it as fast as they tried to in the first place is because the original theater name was also spelling out the real reason they had invaded in the first place, the OIL. So when they realized they screwed up, they hoped that no one would notice and they changed it over to Freedom. Yeah people noticed and started letting others notice as well. So what do you do when that happens, you try and discredit them as conspiracy people never to be taken seriously. Only problem with that little idea was that the price for fuel here in the US started going up like crazy, and that's when people started to take notice.

Now all of this took place during the first set of four years that Bush was in office for in the first place, which means that there's still the other set of four years. Well that right there is all because of the tax breaks that were supposed to do the one thing that they never really did in the first place, and that was to create jobs. Come on, trickle down was a joke that Reagan came up with to make sure that the rich could not only get their money, but also keep it as well. So with everything that Bush was doing while in office, it was continuing to screw up the country to no end. Thing was, people actually believed that the trickle down actually worked considering that Clinton had a surplus while in office. The only reason why Clinton had a surplus was because he was able to do the one thing that Republicans can't seem to do EVER, and that's balance a budget. All they seem to do is spend like crazy and then blame someone else for not balancing what they spent in the first place.

Now there's a reason why I brought up Bush once again like I've done several times in the past, and that's because we can't forget what him and the rest of the Republicans have done to this nation and will do once again if they not only keep the House, but get a hold of the Senate as well. Not only will it be bad for this nation, but with all of the players in place, it sets the country up for the biggest fall in the history of the nation, one that even I'm doubting we'll ever be able to recover from. This is why we have a fifth estate that the Republicans can't control, after all if they could control social media, then they'd have this year's midterm election in the bag. Right now they've got the news (at least with Fox News), they've got the TEA Party (which even they're regretting right now too), they've got their rich masters, and they've got the money. However the one thing that they don't have right now is you and I, voters are the one wild card for each election, and if they fully take over, in both Congress and the White House then they can be able to strip away the Constitution and fully do everything that they've been wanting to do. This is honestly something that we can't allow them to do no matter what, so come November, make sure that you vote and get rid of the Republicans once and for all.

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