Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday hell on wheels

I know that it's again been a while since I last wrote an entry for this blog, but considering that I've been doing a bit of fictional writing and publishing (Ninja Chronicles for the Nook, and the Kindle, shameless plug, but hey it's my blog :D, and they're both only $2.99), but considering that politics doesn't end or hold even when I happen to be writing this, I figured that it's about time that I wrote something considering everything that I've been seeing, namely since I've already written something for my local hometown paper that I deliver three days a week the Martinez News-Gazette, however this right here I figured might be time considering EVERYTHING that the morons over at Fox Lies and the GOP idiotic command center have been putting out.

Now just today, I've noticed that the CEO board controlled Walmart is at it yet again, the employees are getting the royal shafting thanks to Sam Walt's vision being totally destroyed by the ones that were put into control after his death, and no it's not his son. His son never wanted the company, and so handed the entire thing over to the board of directors who then went and did the one thing that would've gotten them all fired had Walt still be alive to this day, basically made working conditions like crap, which then in turn goes over to the customers seeing as there are things that should be there that aren't. (Believe me, one visit to the bathrooms, I know not the best to go on but still, shows you what's going on.) Either way it doesn't help things that Walmart has now become the impossible store, impossible because they can't be stop, protested against, or boycotted at all. After all one still has to go there for things that you can't get literally any where else (including online), It's because of this that they've become the Impossible Store that's what doesnt help anyone or anything at all. Plus what they've done because of the poor pay that they refuse to raise (and they're also one of the companies behind eliminating min wage, which means that if they do that, then we'll get the same level of pay that the sweatshops overseas (and down south) get for their workers. So unlike the TEAPublican's fake war on whatever they decide for the week there's a war over, this right here is a war on people right to work here in the US fairly.

Plus the one thing that I don't happen to like is the GOP beating a dead horse all over again, and this time not everyone is going for it. So while President Obama and the White House actually deal with a very real crisis (one that if a Republican had been in control of the White House would've let it go right to hell, then again if a Republican had been in control, we'd still be fighting and endless war overseas right now) namely with a religious zealot country having nukes, the GOP in this country is still going nuts over the ACA site, considering that even if you can't get through on the site, there's still the phone option too.

The one thing that I have noticed is that the GOP have their idiots already lining up to try and take the White House in 2016, kicker is, they're not looking to what happens in 2014. After all 2014 is where the turning point is going to be when House reps get fired so that way we can actually take back the country from those that would like to completely destroy it. I've seen a few reports that have been saying that the Democrats could lose both the House and the Senate, but the fact of the matter is, people are tired of the TEAPublicans and everything that they're doing in order to make sure that nothing works, and then placing blame on the President even though it was them that did it all in the first place.

So I will continue to harp on everything that the Republicans do to make sure that this country isn't ever going to work again, and still continue to call for a Republican Purge in 2014, each and every single one of them getting fired and tossed out of the House and Senate to make sure that we can actually take back this country for the working people.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Biggest unknown breakdown in history

Considering everything that the Republicans have been doing as of late, including screwing over the people of this once great nation (and I say once, because it's thanks to that party right there that we've fallen so far from grace that other countries are really they're not starting, they already hate the crap out of us right now thanks to these morons). Unless one is looking right at everything that's currently going on right now, and there are a few people out there that I've talked to that have zero idea what's really going on, it's like they want to have a blanket of blinders always covering their eyes.

Now one of those things that I've noticed, and this came out a few days ago, and it's that TEAPublican Senator Ted Cruz is being likened to that of Jesus Christ. Now aside from the fact that TEAPots are becoming the biggest religious zealots in this country, we're look at a group of people that would like to destroy EVERYTHING that has made this country now one of the best that has ever been created on this world.

Now aside from the Republicans self imploding on their own party, there are a few of them that realize what's going on and are actually breaking away from the pack and understand that they can't continue with the norm that has become of the rest of the party.

Yet the kicker is, from what I've seen of those that want to keep those blinders, they honestly still continue to think that the Republicans will actually take over the Senate and maintain control of the House. Thing is with the shutdown behind us and the possibility of another one before us right now, the Republicans don't realize that they're shooting themselves not only in the foot, but at the same time, in the head. I honestly think that the ones that are doing this in the first place don't ever want to think that they really doing it in the first place. I've stated this several times before that they honestly think that they're doing the will of the people, but the will of the people is nothing that the Republicans are doing in the first place. Now the Republicans and they're sound machine continue to say that Obama is the worst thing for this country, and yet everything for this country is actually starting to get better despite the Republican obstruction that they're doing in the first place.

With the Party of No self imploding, this actually is going to be a good thing for this country, because the fallout is going to be something that is going to actually benefit those that would like to see this country become great again, and one of the ways that this country will become great again is to stop being isolationist, reform immigration laws, and show that we do welcome other nations in, and that we're not all racist. However as long as the TEA Party continues their murderous rampage, that's going to be extremely hard to prove.

We need to end the Koch sponsored TEA Party, and return this nation to the glory we had before them, and kick the religious nuts out of the government forever.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):