Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Hunger Games, a future that might happen

I just got finished watching the Hunger Games movie, and the one thing that struck a chord with me the entire movie was the one thing that I seriously hadn't thought about till I started watching the movie, and that is, what if the Republicans and the corporations took over the country, what if they won everything and took completely over the entire nation, what would happen. Well if one happens to think about it, the reality would be the Hunger Games. A world where the rich rule over everything and any chance of having a life to life by would be considered insurrection and a rebellion and would need to be put down, that's the concept that is the basis of what the Republicans are trying to do, and even though they say that they're constantly trying to change their image, but considering that they're not working for us, they suck at changing that image.

There are a few movies that are currently showing what our future might end up being if they do take over, and they're actually showing the truth in the matter too, and believe me this is a future that I would rather not have anything to do with at all. I honestly don't like the thought of all the rich having total control and leaving next to nothing for those of us that are constantly struggling just to make ends meet. I know that anything that I might say or think would fall on Republican deaf ears.

However it's not the Republicans that I'm interested in informing when it comes to this, no I'm interested in informing those that would be interested in realizing that their future is not only being hijacked, it's being completely destroyed and that's something that needs to be stopped. We can't lose our futures to people that only care about money and lying to American people (doesn't matter the nationality at this point). They've already tried to use our vets for their own twisted means, and they got called out on it too right on video.

They're trying to make it out like they're the victims, but in truth they're the ones that are causing all of this in the first place, and they need to be stopped, and at this point doesn't matter if it happens to be either by the elections next year in 2014, or a recall right now, they just need to be stopped period.

It's either that, or these movies that are showing are future, they're going to happen and there will be no stopping them in the least.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A petition for ending the Shut down

A few days ago, I happen to be walking into my local Starbucks when I noticed something that I didn't think about at first, but when I looked at it I realized what it was, it was a petition to get the government back open. However the moment that I saw it, my mind flashed back to when I actually called up the Republican members of the house, and I either hit a voice mail, or I hit someone that would take a message, and they never wrote it down in the first place.

Now I even stated that the petition wasn't going to work in the least since we're not paying them the money that they're getting in the first place, I know that's sad, but it's also the truth as well since none of the TEA Party Republicans or the Republicans in general have been listening to us in the least. After all, if they had been listening to us, then they wouldn't have closed down the government over the ACA in the first place. After all, in the first couple of days since the shutdown started, the governments web site crashed twice, namely thanks to the 6.1 Million hits that it got from people wanting to get health care that wasn't under the total control of the insurance companies that could be able to do ANYTHING that they had wanted to before. You see the ACA wipes that part out, if you had something before and were coming into a new insurance company, then they could say and do whatever they wanted in the first place all without having to answer to anyone at all. The Republicans had been called on by their insurance masters to make sure that the ACA (or as they called it Obamacare) never made it to the public, and the hitch is, they kept failing over it too.

Now years ago when Hillary had been first lady, and had gotten a taste of correctly running the government, she had actually tried to get universal health care out there for everyone, but had been shut down before she had even had the chance to do it. However years later, things end up getting changed around, and the work that Hillary started back in the 90's President Obama finishes. Once the Republicans and their masters figured that all out, they went to great lengths to make sure that it never made it to the public spot light. Problem was, that after they had done zero and had tried to repeal the law some 40 some odd times. After what happened at the start of the month, people are starting to see that the Republicans seriously aren't listening to the American people in the least, only their masters.

Now mind you this petition is no longer available in the stores at all, however it's still available online at and how long that's going to be there for even I don't know that. Personally I honestly don't think that it's going to do a whole lot of good, but that's just me. After all, when I first arrived at the Starbucks that I go to, the sheet was blank, however it soon ended up filling up with people that wanted the government reopened up.

Will this work, I doubt it, but there are those of you out there that actually think that it will work.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Shutdown and other Republican crap

For the past week I've been trying to come up with an entry for the blog since this Shutdown actually started, I came up with one so far, but with everything that the Republicans are doing, it's been harder and harder, and that's not just because of everything happening in my own life, but also because of all the crap they're supplying me with in the first place.

Now mind you I already happen to have one entry that's already being worked on right now, but I figured that I'd get this little burst out there (of course burst is subject to term right there), but I needed to say something here. I know that I've been seeing a lot out there when it comes to the Republicans back firing when it comes to the shutdown, hell they ran their campaigns on shutting down the government in the first place, but now that's it's actually happened, it's coming back to bite them in the ass worse then they could've ever expected it to in the first place.

However there is one thing that they NEVER expected us to find out about, and that is that they put a last minute clause into the entire deal that makes it so that only the Republican Majority Leader can be able to reopen the government ( and the hitch kicker is, the one that has the power to reopen the government has zero intention of doing so, we're basically being held hostage by someone that only wants what he wants and will do literally anything that he can in order to be able to get what he wants no matter what. This right here is a zealot, the same people that I've spoken about before on the religious side, only now it's on the political side, and it's actually hurting our country worse than anyone ever thought before.

But then you happen to have the ones that watch ONLY Fox Lies and believe everything that's being said there in the first place, instead of doing the research that they should be doing on their own in the first place. I honestly doubt that this country is going to open any time soon, and that's something that seriously needs to change.

You know I'm done personally waiting for November 2014 with these idiots running things in the House, I say we recall the bastards and put people in there that actually will get the government back to work again and this time working for the American people. Now they're already willing to spend millions shutting the government down, well let's do a recall since it's going to cost slightly less and we can put people in there that will actually work and get the government back open the way that it should be in the first place. That's what I'm saying here, it's time we took action and recalled these morons and show them their real boss, not some billionaire that's got the money to do what ever they want, but the American people that have the choice to actually vote these idiots out. Hell they were voted in, let's vote them out.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Government Shutdown, history repeating

If someone tells you that it takes a while before history can repeat, let them know not only is that a lie, but at the same time we've got history repeating right now. The way that's working is that Republicans in Congress aren't remembering the last time that government shut down, and that turned out to be bad for their party in the end.

You see the last time that the government shutdown was back during the Bush Sr. Administration, when Newt Gingrich had been speaker of the house at the time. When they pulled this, not only did the Republican Party suffer for this, it put Clinton into a favorable position, just as it's now doing to Hillary right now. They never bothered to learn that the one thing that the people of the United States want is a functioning government. Not one that not only will never listen to the people, but one that will actually work for them in the end.

However this is why I've been calling for the Purge in the first place, because we know for a fact that the only ones that the Republicans aren't EVER going to listen to, are the ones that actually elected them into office in the first place. Yes they ran with idiots on shutdown, but the truth is, those that went for it, don't know the impact that this will actually have on the people of this country in the end. This will force the one thing that the Republicans think that they can handle, and since we've seen this coming, we know for a a fact that they won't be able to handle it all. The TEA party thinks that they'll take control over the Senate come 2014, but with this taking place, we now know that not only is history repeating during all of this, but it will back fire on them worse then they could've even imagined come November 2014, so for things that you relied on from the federal government that you're now not getting, remember this come 2014 when the TEA Party and the Republicans tell you that Obama and the Senate couldn't pass anything. The Republicans were told repeatedly that this shouldn't be happening in the first place, and yet the House Republicans kept saying that they were doing the will of the people, actually that would translate out now to "We weren't listening to the American people and we don't give a damned what they want or think. We're doing the will of those that really pay us and don't care about anyone else at all."

Just remember that come next year when it comes time for elections. And if you forget, believe me on this, I will happily remind you of everything that's happened.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):