Monday, May 14, 2012

The craziness that's going on

Well if you're living in California, you're getting hit from both sides, the state level and the government level when it comes to the different things dealing with the political world. From Ron Paul unofficially dropping out of the race at long bloody last (he's still in the race, however he won't be doing any more campaigning, which in a way means that he's out, not that he was going to get any of the delegates in June anyway), to Governor Brown trying to plug up a debt in the state that isn't going to get plugged any time soon, and the way that he's doing this is with even more taxes on an over burdened state to begin with, and he just wont learn from that will he. Plus we've got things from both Mitt Romney and Obama, yeah this year is starting to turn out to be one crazy year, and the mud was already starting to fly as it was.
Now I'm going to start off on the local state level first when it comes to what's going on with the idiot Brown, I mean other than the fact that he should never have been re-elected to the governors office, after all he already served 4 years and he screwed up the state during that time as well. I'm sorry to say but once you've served your eight years (which he did before), he shouldn't get re-elected to an office that he basically screwed up in the first place. I mean the majority of the time before that he had in office he had taxed this state to death, but the problem is the fact that the only reason why he got re-elected in the first place was because of the youth vote that he was counting on. He counted on them not to research into his past to see what he did in the first place, plus he went off of his father's name and that's what's been getting him into office in the first place. Now if we were to actually check out everything that he did the last time he was in office, we'll see how bad the state really got and the fact that he should not be re-elected yet again back into office at all in the least.
However the one thing that doesn't help right now in the state capital is all of the Republicans not only don't want to help the state out at all, they refuse to have their money taxed away from them so that way it could actually help the state out, so instead it's got come down to the people of California to pay for everything, while all of the money that is being made is going right into the politicians pockets where it doesn't belong in the first place. This state is the worst when it comes to anything dealing with money and politics, and the politicians are wondering why people are leaving this state in droves. I have an easy solution for that, vote in someone that is not only not used to politics, but also won't be swayed by those that are currently running the state, and I'm not talking about anyone that happens to be apart of the Republican TEA Party since that's only going to screw things over even worse than before.
Now when it comes to the national level, we have a whole slew of things happening there. Obama speaking in favor of Gay Marriage which is the first time that a sitting President has actually done that. Which means that you know the churches in this country are going to be up in arms over that one, however the one thing that I've been keeping watch on, the people really don't care any more since more than half the time there's someone in any given family (realize I'm not using the whole 1 in 10 deal here) that is more than likely gay, and the age of being prejudice is really coming to an end the way that it should've been ages ago. However there are still those out there that believe that those that are gay can be cured, and I hate to say this (though in a way I don't since I happen to have gay friends and have talked with them extensively on this subject) that whole gay to straight therapy crap doesn't work at all, and to say that it's a choice is pure bull as well, after all it's just like Lady Gaga says "You were born this way baby". Now the President for what he's stated is being called "The first Gay President", which I can tell is a republican ploy to try to get him out of the White House so that Romney can get in there and win, sorry but the people aren't that blind any more.
Besides saying that marriage should only be between one man and one woman is also going places that they don't want gay marriage to go to in the first place. I've read articles that keep saying that if we were to allow gay marriage to take place, then why not incest or bestiality. The problem with this line of thought is that unlike gay marriage where you can tell that both parties aren't related to each other, you really can't tell that with an incestuous marriage at all. After all of an incest couple goes to Vegas and gets married, then that marriage is going to count big time since they count ask for certain documents that other places would, after all they have drive through chapels in Vegas that allow thousands to get married within a matter of a couple of hours, and all with out having to show any documentation at all. With gay marriage you have two people that are of the same sex that are fully in love, even though the only way that they can have children is through adoption and that's it, and are committed to each other. The only reason why the church is feeling threatened is because of the fact that with gay marriage they can't reproduce to have children of their own and they fear that the human race would die off because of that. Sorry to say but that's not only not going to happen, you have couples out there (men and women couples) that keep reproducing on a constant basis, so there's going to be no shortage of the human race any time soon.
The other topics that the Presidential race (other than gay marriage) is not only the economy and jobs, but where everything for those jobs is going and how to get people working again. Well I see one way, but I know that the republicans will never like it, and that's giving up the multi-millions that they happen to have in order to be able to get money flowing into the economy again. However they fear that getting taxed will actually hurt us more, actually it's the other way around, not taxing the rich is what's going to hurt us more in the end. After all when Bush Jr. put in the Bush Tax cuts (which still have yet to be repealed despite several republican law makers going back and forth, both publicly and privately, on the topic) it meant that the rich would never have to pay their fair share of money going into the country in the first place, which is seriously not only wrong, they really do need to get rid of that bloody tax cut.
However there's one thing that we seriously don't need in the White House again after an entire decade of stupidity and back handedness that had been going on in the first place, and that's a republican that we don't need in the white house (or one that's under the control of the church either, and I'm counting any of the denominations when it comes to saying the church). The reason why we don't need another republican in office, is because they don't know how to run the country the way that it should, and with what's coming out about Romney he really shouldn't be in the White House at all. He would be killing off jobs left and right and the rich would continue to benefit from the loss in the jobs like crazy, after all he killed jobs while he was in control of that one company that he's still making money off of, I'm sorry but continuing to make money off of a company that's killed more jobs than it's actually given, that's just wrong in so many ways. Hell he should come to Fresno in the Downtown area to see how bad things really are, not go up to the northern part of the city to see people well off, actually both Romney and Obama should both come to Downtown Fresno to see how things are and not be blocked off from everything that's really going on.
How about this, why not both of them come to Downtown Fresno, to the Fulton Mall for a discussion (not a debate) to see what the lower and homeless are doing each day just trying to get by. Now more than likely Obama would go for it, but I consider it a challenge for the both of them, and since I know that the Secret Service has people that monitor the web daily with key words heading out, they should see this and let him know about it, but if they don't some one really should let him know about this. That way they can let him decide if he wants to come here himself.
Yeah I know that I've gone on a rant here, but with everything that I've been watching for a while I figured that this was more than deserved, but we'll see what happens in the coming time. After all one never knows these days.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A story for both

This is something that I had been keeping up with since I had a trip through Arizona a while back, and it deals with a Sheriff that should never have turned his job into politics, which is what he did.
The US Federal Government is suing Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio over the departments treatment of Latinos, which he shouldn't have been doing in the first place, but he was also a supporter of that anti-Latino bill SB-1070 which is mostly the start of this entire thing. Now the one thing that I had noticed when they went through a history of his being there, is that Arpaio has turned this job into something political which it never should have been in the first place. Plus in not one of the photos that I've seen of him has he ever worn a uniform at all (OK scratch that, I just discovered one, and I think that it was back when he was first elected into the office position in the first place. The photos above show both with and with out the uniform on). The problem is, what's happened to him should never have happened at all, he really should have been voted out of office a long time. The problem is that no one so far has been able to defeat him.
This is one of the main reasons why I'm a huge supporter of term limits for every position in politics, doesn't matter the level, everyone should only be allowed to serve for only just so long, and once they've served that's it they can't be allowed to run again at a different time (like what Brown did). This was, the power that one gains from the position that the person happens to fill, it doesn't go to their heads at all. This is something that needs to change, however I know that the opponents of that would say that if the person is good then why should they be taken out of where they happen to be, well the answer to that is right there in the persons face with Sheriff Joe. The power went right to his head and he really should be taken down.
Now the level of his arrigance he has stated time and again that he won't leave the position he's in, and the fact that last I knew he has over $6 million for a reelection campain. Here's the thing that I've learned when it came right down to elections, it really doesn't matter how much money you happen to have, in the end it will come down to the will of the voters. So if the voters decide that Joe must go, then he will be going and there will be no stopping that at all, it's just like one of his greatest supporters was voted out of office in a recall election. Right now thanks to everything that Joe is doing, Arizona is becoming known as the hate state, and that's not good for any state to have. Plus I know of one person that thought she could actually win an election with the amount of money that she put into it, and yet she still lost, that was Meg Whitman to Jerry Brown (though personally I still think that Meg should've won that in the first place, namely after what Jerry did to this state (and continues to do, after all he's got the ballot petitions for putting his tax hike bill on the ballot, I'll get into this later))
Anyway, check out the information that's included and see for your self what you happen to think of what's going on down there, and then post what you think should really be done.
Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The President supports Gay Marriage

Now this is honestly something that I haven't seen in years, and that's the fact that a standing President is actually breaking away from what the rest of the pack is saying and is actually supporting something that the church has ruled over for years, and that's the topic of Gay Marriage.
Now the playing field for both candidates is completely known on both sides, however the question is going to remain, how is the rest of the country going to deal with with this, I've already noticed that there are several people that are thinking that Obama is destroying the country, the only problem with that notion is the fact that when it comes right down to it, our politicans are already dong that namely with everything being apposed left and right by not only the TEA Party, but also by the republicans in general. this is the one thing that should've been decided long ago, but instead the church was able to rule over it for years.
Maybe now we'll actually see something happen when it comes to this topic, however it's still going to be a wait a see deal for most people out there.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Political War is on

Well it honestly looks like things aren't going to be waiting for their conventions at all, not when the GOP can start up the famous mud slinging they constantly do and yet deny every time.
I got a tweet today this morning about how Obama is failing the country in just about everything, and yet the problem isn't him (even though it's his signature that ends up on that line in the end), the problem is the fact that nearly all of the GOP and just about anyone that wants to see this President completely fail, are going to be blaming him for everything. The problem however lies in the fact that the Republicans are currently doing everything in their power to not only take fully control over everything, but they honestly think that they happen to know better than those that have come before them. Problem is, is that during the 90's when they had control, they kept screwing everything up, and then when Bush came into office (for which he stole the first election), that's when everything started going wrong right from the start. From the Bush tax cuts that only effects the rich, to the total failure of his abstinence only problem which never worked. The thing that one doesn't realize is that when it came right down to all of this, it was mainly done to appease the people that put him into office, namely the rich and just about all of the Catholic Christian churches that are out there (and those churches that were preaching from the pulpit to vote for Bush, they should lose their tax exempt status because doing that is a clear violation of the first amendment).
Well while those people got everything that they were wanting in the first place, it was everyone else around that suffered for their greed and stupidity, after all no one benefited at all from Reaganomics. After all if you give money to those at the top instead of the people at the bottom, the money is going to stay right there at the top, and we learned that when the banks got the bail outs and kept all of the money giving themselves bonuses which they were reluctant to even give back in the first place. Hell I remember someone telling me that Reagonomics actually worked because Clinton had a surplus of money, yeah only one thing, he knew how to balance his budget. Now I'm not saying that Obama doesn't, but he's played more towards trying to get everyone on his side, but that's been failing big time, and it's one of the main reasons why he started just doing the executive orders and saying screw the republican controled congress, after all if he continued to try to go through them, they were just going to keep blocking him and then nothing was going to be getting done, all while they would continue to blaim him for everything under the sun.
I personally will be keeping an eye on everything that happens, and letting you all know as well and what I happen to think of it all, yeah it looks like the war started before the conventions actually started up, and California still has yet to vote right now either.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):