Monday, February 27, 2012

A bill that could be the dumbest move of all time

Now when I read this article in the Fresno Bee ( (at least the hard copy edition), I couldn't believe what I was reading, I mean this has got to be the dumbest move of all time when I read what's being proposed within that bill, all I could think of was "great, here we go again with idiots trying to do something that they shouldn't" and to top it all off, it's all to pad more pockets in the end there pockets.
I mean not only would the water levels be reduced again, but more than likely this is all for people to be able to get things back that were never meant to be there in the first place. I mean I know that the water war that is currently going on right now, is still being decided in court right now, but what this bill will do, it will under mine that war and any decision that a judge happens to make, and we have no idea what in the world that would mean in the least, since that's never happened before.
Personally I'm going to be keeping an eye on this big time since it does deal with the entire Central Valley, and the last thing we need is for any politician to be sticking his neck back where it doesn't belong in the first place. I'll keep all of you readers informed as well.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Twitter: @timetracker2643

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The lastest in politics

Well considering everything that's going on with the GOP, it's no surprise that the two top leading candidates of Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are leading everything when it comes to the GOP nomination, and just about everyone else has either dropped out, or they're having a hard problem when it comes to getting on different state ballots at all.
Hell I just spent the last ten minutes (along with a quick bathroom break), just trying to find out who in the world is currently leading when it comes to the GOP field, and the problem is, I couldn't find anything through my normal resources, however I am not with out looking for other sources, it just takes a little bit.
So far this is what I've been keeping up with, and that is that Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have been neck and neck when it comes to the GOP race, and that Newt has been floundering like crazy. Though out of all of them, none of them are even worth voting for in the least (but that's just me). there will be more later on. However I figured that I would give everyone at least a taste for now.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sorry about the delay

Dear Reader;
Considering that this is a new blog, and I've a few things to take care of in my personal life right now, it's understandable that there's going to be slight delays when it comes to things, even this blog that's newly created. However I will be getting back to everything including this blog when I can at long last start taking the time to get a few things going for the betterment of not only myself, but also all of the blogs that I have going for me right now. So please keeps a look out.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A little delay

Just to let everyone know, there's going to be a slight delay when it comes to getting the new stories out for the blog, sorry about that.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Political World

Welcome! This is the first posting of something that I should've done a long while back, instead of posting something political on the "My World" blog, I'll be posting it here from now on instead. That way it leaves the "My World" blog for postings of other items such as anything entertainment (i.e. games (computer, console, etc), movies (theater, television), books magazines, music, you name it), or something that might be hitting the news at all locally where I'm at.

However, for this blog, "My Political World" will be staying focused on not only what's going on in the up coming elections (not just in the state that I'm currently in, but also other states as well), but also what's going on in the current state of politics as well. Now there is one major thing that I've learned over the years, and it was put forth more better during the Bush regime era, you can't bury your head in the sane and hope that it all just passes you by. Not only is that reasoning completely stupid, it's idiotic to even think that in the first place, since (and it was proven while Bush was in office) what ever the politicians decide does effect us even in the simplest ways. So no one can't stay out when it comes to what happens in politics, After all if you not only don't stay informed and act, then we end up with people in power that will say one thing to get there and then do something else once there.

Now for this blog, I will try to do as much research as I can on the topic that I'm posting (and put up links to sources as well), but if I'm off on something please let me know. After all, I do want to be right and accurate, but at the same time I want to correct as well. So I want to make sure that I'm held accountable for what I post, and since I don't happen to have someone doing research for me, it means that I've got to do it all myself. Which also means that unlike the "My World" blog (which I'll try to get posted every morning, unless I happen to be working at the time), it's going to take a bit longer to post up this blog for everyone to read.

Now the other two blogs that I happen to have "Ninja Chronicles" and "Dream World", I will also be posting to as well still, however since those are both fictional blogs, it won't be nearly as often as the non-fictional ones as "My World" and this one "My Political World".

One of the ways that will be helping to let everyone know that I've posted to either blog (and this will also include the two fictional blogs as well), I'll be posting a notification on both my Twitter account (@timetracker2643) and on my Facebook page, that way the moment that I post something everyone will know shortly after (though depending on where I'm able to post, the Twitter might show up before the Facebook one does, just to let everyone know).

When it comes to the research that I'll be doing for this blog, if anyone is interested in helping out on the research part to help make it easier for me, then please email me letting me know that you're interested. When sending the email, please be sure to put it in the subject line: "Help Wanted: Research Assistant", that way I'll know that you're interested in helping out. Please also know that the position is completely voluntary since I lack any funds to pay anyone at the current time, though if other factors in my life do end up changing for the better that may end up changing down the line. Who knows, but at least at this point, those willing to help out know the full truth of what I can and can't do. So please let me know if you're willing to help out, and we'll not only have a go at it, but make this blog one that I hope everyone (or as near as I can get it) will read.

By the way, if I offended anyone with the whole "head in the sand" comment, then good I'm happy about that. After all, I've met way too many people over the years that often complained about what was going on, yet refused to take part because they didn't like politics. Well I hate to say it, but politics of the job is one thing (for which I can't do anything about), but the politics of government (at any level) is something entirely different. The politics of government affects everyone, and that includes the lower working to barely working to homeless, and that's from taxes on your wages to what's going on in your local area. I know that there are people that don't want to hear about it, but it's not exactly like you can just get away from it, even on a local level you have signs getting posted every where you look that want you to vote for so and so for some position or another. Hell, politics even effects the schools where your kids go, the funding that the schools get (which means supplies for the classrooms, teachers wages, equipment, and after school programs to keep kids from local gangs, drugs, and anything that could get your kids in trouble period), to even the district boundaries for what school your kids will go to, which even effects you on the transport costs (for either bringing them to school yourself, or having public transit do it for you, since a lot of school are shutting down the school bus system because it often costs school districts too much money to fuel and maintain the buses). Now I could site a lot of other reason, but even I think that you the reader gets the drift, at least I hope that you do.

So my part in all of this will be to make sure that everyone stays informed, and to let you all know I'm neither Democrat or Republican, I created my own political party and I'm registered as a "Tomorrow Party" member (of which at the present time I am the only member of) and yes I am a liberal, because I've seen what a mess conservatives have done (and that's on both Democrats and Republicans), and to be quite honest I'm fed up with both parties and how everything is being done these days. So not only will I stay informed, but I'll make sure that everyone reading this blog stays informed as well.


Thank You


Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Liberty Tax Fresno, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97