Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A tragedy that will never be forgotten

I didn't hear about it till after I got off work, but now it's the only thing that you hear about anywhere (aside from what's happening this Friday), if anything it tells you that this country happens to have a one track mind when we're over whelmed with something that takes place and makes us take a good look at ourselves. However for those of you that do read this blog, you'll notice that this is both on the My World side, as well as the political side. Personally I know that one shouldn't cross the sides, but the problem in our country is that those in politics that have not offered up condolences for the families that were involved in this tragedy, have seen something that they can be able to grasp onto and starting hitting up like crazy. I know who those types are, and they're making me sick to my stomach (and that's really hard to do these days), and I know that they're just going to do the blame game the entire time.

Problem is not in how the guns are sold or the ID's that are needed or the background checks, or the mental health state of mind, in truth it's not any one of those things, it's all of that and more combined. However saying that we need to have tighter regulations on guns won't do a damned thing, after all those tighter regulations (doesn't matter if they happen to be at the store or a bloody gun show), will only deal with the guns being sold legally, there's an entire section of gun being sold illegally, and there's no way in the world to regulate that. It's called the Black Market. Now we could always do what they did in MacGuyver and that is ship the firing pins outside of the shipment of the guns and make sure that they're never shipped together. However the problem with that are the guns that already have the pins in the guns that are stolen and resold on the Black Market as well, that's where you have another problem right there.

So in truth, you have no way to completely deal with the guns that find their way into something like this. Plus what also doesn't help is that you have the NRA making sure that the regulations never get tightened even further than they are right now. Plus every time that there's a Presidential election (doesn't matter if it happens to be a reelection or a new President coming in), the first thing that always comes up is dealing with the guns right off the bat. I've seen it for each and every single election that has taken place, and it actually gets tiring to see and hear after a while. After all this past election the nut cases came out and said that Obama was going to be taking gun rights away, in truth he actually had zero intention on doing that at all. However now that something like this has happened, he will be expected to do something, question is what will he do?

Personally for me I have no answers, I honestly wish that I did, but for something like this from a writers stand point, all I can think of is just going back in time and stopping this from ever happening. Problem with this (and mind you I write science fiction), aside from the fact that I can't do it anyway, is that once something like this made media attention as big as it's gotten, it becomes in the rules a red flag zone, meaning that it can't be changed no matter how badly one wants to do it, it's called playing God and that's entirely against the rules in real life, no one can be Him no matter how much we try.

Though on that note, there is one church that thinks they really know the Word of God, and yet they have no bloody "F"ing clue (trying to keep the blog mostly clean here), after all this baptist church has sported posters that says "God loves dead babies", and that "God hats fags" (both of which I really don't like here), and so forth. These people have zero clue to the Word of God, which I honestly believe (and have stated to friends, and might've mentioned once or twice on this blog) has to be understood with the mind of a child, after all the mind of a child is still learning and has a better understanding when it comes to learning everything that they need to learn. Just like I tell my mother (or at least try to tell her), Matthew 18:21-22 (please look it up since I really don't want to write it down here, and besides it might be written differently for your Bible compared to mine), that one must always forgive no matter what. If God forgives everyone of everything no matter what we've done in our lives, then we must do the same. I tried telling my mother that (considering that I had forgiven my wife of everything that she had done against me), and she says that there  are those that can never be forgiven, and that she doesn't think that I'm understanding the passage correctly. Problem on her end is that she wants to understand the Bible with the mind of an adult (she even has a Bible for Dummies book at her place), you can't you can read it with the eyes of an adult, but then you must understand it with the mind of a child, it's the only way that you can. After all Jesus told his followers that they must be like that of a child in order to understand and enter the kingdom of God. Now personally I don't like religion at all period, yes I'm Christian, but I have a faith, not a religion. Religion was created to control others, and to make sure that they don't have free will, but a true faith not only has free will, but a better understanding of everything around them, and a mind to think with.

The GOP (and Republicans in politics in general) don't like the thought of having people around them with a free will and minds of their own, that's why they use religion to try to bring everything under their thumb. However these days people are throwing off the shackles of the controlling GOP and religious institutions out there and making sure that they have a mind of their own and voice of their own to speak with. Only problem is, the GOP refuses to listen to what the people really want and are refusing to do anything that they need to for the country. Instead, they're trying to make sure that they ones that are paying them are getting what they want and not the middle and lower classes. It's made for a completely corrupt government on their side, and the belief is bleeding over to the Dems who aren't taking any money (however if they are, I don't know about it and that's a fact).

Believe me this is something that is going to be fought over for the longest time, and there doesn't seem to be an end light to any of this at all. I wish honestly that there was.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @thecat2643

Monday, December 10, 2012

Religious freedom being trampled on

Now I'm Christian and I will continue to be faithful, however when it comes to others, I'm not going to force my beliefs onto others, unlike those in the Christian community who believe that everyone should be faithful to God. Well we have a problem with them right now and that's the fact that they want to change what history says. Currently history says that this country was not founded as a Christian nation, that it was founded with a religious freedom unseen anywhere else in the world. However right now the zealots in this country believe that this country was founded as a Christians country and will do what ever it takes to make the current and younger generations to believe the same thing. All to the point that they're not only willing to violate the Constitution of the United States, they want to completely rewrite it as well. The only problem they have is that they can't do that, so they're going through every under handed thing that they can get into a fester in them like a wound knowing that they can do what ever they want and call it religious freedom. The only problem is that you can't call it religious freedom if it happens to force others to what you want them to worship in the first place.

However what's currently going on in this country is that not only the Republicans, but those of the church community are trying to force their beliefs onto others saying that they're trying to save the souls of those around them. Gee the Catholics tried to do that during the Dark Ages and it lead to one of the bloodiest periods of our world history that no one will ever forget. The problem here is that with the advent of today's tech, leaving the past behind or trying to forget it, it's not something that's going to happen any time soon. It's just like with what's going on with this past election, the GOP was trying to get everyone to forget what Bush did in order to take over yet again, and the problem with that was that we weren't never going to forget what Bush did to this country. Hell some people actually believe that Reagan's trickle down theory actually worked because Clinton had a surplus, and not because he knew how to balance the books. Bullshit, Clinton not only knew how to balance the budget, but he also did the one thing that Bush's Tax Cuts have killed from happening, and that was that he taxed the rich. If it wasn't for the GOP not wanting to loose any more money, we would've gotten rid of those damned tax cuts ages ago. However right now, the GOP don't ever want to get rid of them so that way they'll continue to be extremely rich and can make us suffer for it all, the middle and lower classes that is.

Now when it comes to the religious side of the entire ball, that's the one thing that has been going back and forth for bloody years, however when court judges start saying that nothing can top Almighty God, that's when we happen to have a problem in this country, and that's the fact that the first amendment prohibits God from being used in anything government at all. Yet people say, then why is there "In God We Trust" printed on the cash or "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance. Those were added back during the McCarthy era when we were fighting Communism. They were not there back when the country was founded. However those points right there was the foot hold that the Christians zealots needed in order to get in and start festering like a virus that didn't need to be spread. And the worst part about all of this is that they they're going to try to get all of history rewritten and make it so that certain parts of the constitution are rewritten so that God has to be placed in everything. I know that this is the direction that everything is going in and you can count on it to happen, and GOP will be the BIGGEST supporters of this, and those that know that this is a violation of the Constitution.

The one good thing about all of this is that with all of the strife that we currently have going on, there's no way in the world that they can come up with the 2/3rds majority in order to be able to amend the Constitution to eliminate or rewrite the first amendment or any other part so that God is included in the Constitution making this a full Christian country which it is not in anyway shape or form. The founders were not Christian, and the Deceleration of Independence does not have 27 Biblical verses in it (yeah saw that in a video from a church presentation that took place at the Fresno Rescue Mission. That church is North Pointe Community Church and they had presented a video that said that God needed to be put back into our country, and even had a video that said that the Deceleration of Independence has 27 Biblical verses written into it. That right there was a bold face lie and I pointed that out to a friend of mine who (at first) didn't believe it (he read the Bible on a daily basis), but when I showed him the document and he looked it over, he saw for himself that they had lied. I'm sorry but this is wrong, lying just to try to win people over to Jesus isn't right at all, but that's what Christians now are doing on a daily basis. They believe that they need to do what ever it takes to get their message across, and they'll stop at nothing to get it done.

The only reason why I put a link to them is so that those that know the truth will know that there are churches out there that are trying to lie to people to sway them over to Christ, and that they're willing to do what it takes to do it. Personally I believe that this needs to stop, but considering that I'm one person with a blog and next to no followers, but all readers only, I doubt that this is going to happen any time soon at all.

Another location that this is actually taking place at, is West Point Military Academy, they're actually getting the Plebs (or Probies, those that are new) to get more privileges by taking part in religious activities including choir singing, and extra prayer, and calling the place a religious institution, which it is not by far. This military academy is violating the Constitution of the United States by doing what they're doing in the first place. The same document that they're sworn to protect and they're belateningly violating that same document. This is something that needs to stop, other wise, where is it going to stop, that right there is the question that seriously needs to be asked big time.

After all, the last thing I need is someone coming up to me asking me if I happen to know Jesus, and I got that all the time down in Fresno (it's another reason why I can't stand that city and county any more, they push it all the time down there to the point that you just want to hit them). I'm sorry but saying that I don't know Jesus is not only an insult, but it's basically saying that I'm going to go right to Hell if I don't stop and pray right then and there. Come on people wake up to the world around you.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @thecat2643

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

An Impeachable offence that could also include prison with out trial

This morning I never thought that I would ever see this going around, but there's a petition going around to end the reign terror that's gotten a grip on Washington, that terror has a name as well, his name is Grover Norquist, and he's been having the Republicans sign a pledge not to bring forth any taxes at all, and to bring about the end of our government. (the definition of Terrorist by Merriam-Webster: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion) which this man is using to get his pledge signed. And the kicker is, that when it comes right down to it, is not only is this an impeachable offense to anyone that signs that pledge in the first place, but under the Patriot Act (which Bush, with the help of the Majority Republicans that he had with him, to help bring it into place in the first place) constitutes a treasonable offense which could be considerable for prison with out trail. With the exception of those with diplomatic immunity (though the Patriot Act covers that as well), those that are currently in Washington right now could face this, and I don't really think that they realize it either.

Now since the word terrorist or terrorism was never given a definition beyond what's listed above, it basically means striking terror into someone to get what they want, and that's what Grover Norquist is doing in order to get the pledges. If the Republican doesn't sign the pledge for no taxes, then he does what he tells them he'll do and tries to bring down the Republicans career by getting them voted out of office. And since the Republicans were the ones that helped bring in that Act in the first place, they are subject to it as well since what they are doing goes not only against their oath of office, it also goes against the will of the country and is considered unpatriotic in the end.

This Petition (you must sign up for an account in order to sign the petition, I already did and have signed it myself) here is set that we will help bring about the end of the Grover Norquist reign of terror that he's bringing to our country. He wants to end our country for good and that needs to end forever.

This is what the bastard said: ""Our goal is to inflict pain. It is not good enough to win; it has to be a painful and devastating defeat. We're sending a message here. It is like when the king would take his opponent's head and spike it on a pole for everyone to see."
"Bipartisanship is
 another name for date rape."
"We are trying to change the tones in the state capitals -- and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship."
"[Democrats] will only become acceptable once they are comfortable in their minority status. Any farmer will tell you that certain animals run around and are unpleasant, but when they've been fixed, then they are happy and sedate." Grover Norquist, Enemy of the USA Government Source: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Grover_Norquist"

A Professor has made a video that is something everyone should see and hear: "Impeachable offence! Professor Robert Thurman of Columbia University draws attention to the treasonous behavior of congress persons who have made pledges to Grover Norquist that contradict their pledges made to the United States as congress persons. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fl0LklQvQI"

And this video with the words coming right from the horses mouth (sort of speak), tell why this guy is not only an idiot, but also a terrorist as well and needs to be stopped: "Norquist: At 1:40 you will hear a man describe politicians committing a treasonous act against the government of the USA. Source:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjlhcILFtf4"

Now this video here is different, but it also explains a lot when it comes to why Norquist is wrong: "Why Grover is wrong? Source:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa2wmADrxNk"

If Norquist ever ran for an office (and I honestly did think that he was an elected official, he's not, my mistake right there), we can all be assured that about one second after he took the oath of office that he would violate it, as he's having other Republicans do at the current time. This man needs to be stopped, and to say that we need spending levels to be brought back down to Reagan era levels, he really doesn't know what in the world he's talking about at all.

I know that I've included a ton of links for this one, but everything is just too good not to check out. This man (and I know that I keep saying it and I will continue to say it till it's being reported that he's not only been stopped, but that he's been arrested for acts of terrorism against the United States of America. He's currently the worst thing to happen to our country in a long time, and he's not working for the American people he's working against us. After all he says that he don't need taxes to get things done in our country, just wondering, but how in the world does he expect everything in our country to either work or get fixed at all, it does take money to do all of those things, and since I doubt that the rich like Trump will actually be willing to donate the money to get all of that done in the first place, we do need taxes in order to get everything done.

When I called earlier for Republicans to be recalled out of office, I'm not backing off of that, however for those that have signed the the Norquist oath to violate their oath of office, they need to be impeached and taken out even sooner than a recall would allow. Besides if they were recalled, and they won, then it still wouldn't matter at that point. So for those that signed the Norquist oath, they need to be just straight up impeached period and taken out of politics. I'm sorry but once you violate that oath of office to the United States that you took, you've just committed treason against our country, and since we still happen to be in the middle of war time that is a serious offence right there. Take a serious look at those that were elected into office, if they signed that oath, they are not only committing an act of treason, they've violated their oath of office to the American people period.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My World Blog: http://timetracker2643.blogspot.com/
My Political World Blog: http://politicstodayworld.blogspot.com/
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @thecat2643
My World YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/timetracker2643
Personal Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/timetracker2643
Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Make-Chloe-Sullivan-Cannon-to-DC-Comics/
My Book Page: https://www.facebook.com/TimeTrackersEarthHq
My Political Party Page: https://www.facebook.com/The-Tomorrow-Party
My FanFiction.net page: http://www.fanfiction.net/~timetracker2643

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ending the "Potomac Two-Step" FOREVER!!!

I once read in a Tom Clancy novel (though I don't remember which book that it was, someone had said to the main character, it's what we call the Potomac Two-Step, it's how things get done around here, (Jack Ryan, I knew that I would remember the characters name, good book series there too, however trying to figure out where every book in the series belongs, considering that they were all written out of order to begin with is a beast of a problem). The response was, that's not how I do things. I personally loved the response and laughed at the fact that Jack Ryan was willing to do what it took to get things done and kick ass in the process.

With what Grover Norquist is doing by having the Republicans sign a no tax pledge, has basically screwed over Washington, and made sure that nothing gets done at all. Which is in a way the Potomac Two-Step since everyone that signs it is falling in line with what he happens to be saying and for the few that are telling him to go screw himself over, they usually get screwed over by him later on. Of course what doesn't help is that when it comes to the taxes on the rich, they follow Norquist to a fault since it happens to help them, and the idiot TEA baggers who are following the Republicans and aren't following their own minds for once.

We seriously need to change Washington and we need to get it changed before 2014, otherwise things are going to be worse off than we could even think of for when our kids start voting. It's not a matter of waiting for a certain time to get things changed for the better, we need to get certain people out of office like yesterday. I thought that California was the only state that had a recall, but it turned out that I was wrong on that one when another state (tried and failed) to recall their governor. Now that's something we need to do when it comes to the Republicans in office, is in each of their states, go through and do a mass recall on all of them and get them out of office period and start getting everything back to running in Washington the way that it should be in the first place. Because if we don't recall them now and get them voted out of office, then we know that they're going to have a change to gain even more influence before 2014 and make sure that they happen to stay in office. We need to change that here and now, and I'll continue to say this till I start seeing that states are running recalls to get rid of the Republican that is for their state in Washington. If we don't do this, this country will fail big time, and the Republicans will be the ones that will be fully in control over everything and they will turn a blind eye to anything that doesn't help them out at all. So yeah we need to stop them before 2014.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @thecat2643

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Something that everyone should take note of

Now I don't know how many of you are going to read this and what you're going to think of it after it's written and posted up, but this was something that I thought about yesterday, and it mostly deals with the republicans, but also with the fact that the word Conservative gets bounded about a lot. Well let's find out what that word along with a few others in the political world really happen to mean (All of these definitions come from the following web site: http://www.merriam-webster.com)

Conservative: : preservative
a : of or relating to a philosophy of conservatism
b capitalized : of or constituting a political party professing the principles of conservatism: as 
(1) : of or constituting a party of the United Kingdom advocating support of established institutions (2) : progressive conservative
a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : traditional
b : marked by moderation or caution <a conservativeestimate>
c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners
: of, relating to, or practicing Conservative Judaism
— con·ser·va·tive·ly adverb
— con·ser·va·tive·ness noun

Liberal: 1
a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts <liberaleducation>
b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth
a : marked by generosity : openhanded <a liberal giver>
b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way <aliberal meal>
c : amplefull
obsolete : lacking moral restraint : licentious
: not literal or strict : loose <a liberal translation>
: broad-mindedespecially : not bound by authoritarianism,orthodoxy, or traditional forms
a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism
b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism;especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives
— lib·er·al·ly  adverb
— lib·er·al·ness noun

Socialist: 1
: one who advocates or practices socialism
capitalized : a member of a party or political group advocating socialism
— socialist adjective often capitalized
— so·cial·is·tic  adjective
— so·cial·is·ti·cal·ly  adverb
(Socialism: 1
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional betweencapitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done)

Comunism: 1
a : a theory advocating elimination of private property
b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
b : a totalitarian system of government in which a singleauthoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably
d : communist systems collectively

Now with the words and their definitions with them, it's time that we broke things down when it comes to what this means for the political parties out there. Now first off, when it comes to Obama care since everyone thinks that happens to be something that will cost everyone at once, and yet the one thing that it will mean is that it will be affordable health care for all, and I know that that's something that the insurance companies won't like since they won't be able to do what they please when it comes to what they charge people in the end, and they can't block people because of something that they've already had. After all if they can do that, then they know that they won't lose money with those people. Yet the people that have insurance still have to pay to keep it going either way, but this also means that they can't get charged extra either.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way since I know that the Republican big wigs were constantly saying that in the first place, and yet it wasn't true at all. No the reason why I've put up what I did in the first place is so that people know the full truth about these words that Republicans and TEA baggers love to bandy about like crazy and don't fully know what they mean at all. They keep calling Obama and the Democrats socialists, and yet all they're trying to do is fight for the future of our country which is only slowly moving forward at a snails pace. Problem is for those that want to drag us backwards, they're constantly using items that are moving our country forward in the first place, meaning those smart phones and the televisions that they have in their homes that are flat screens, and the computer systems that they're constantly using. Now for a true conservative in the first place they wouldn't be using them at all, they would be sticking to old original things and staying with that in the first place. However they know that they can't because this is the information age, and everything these days is digital.

Now what I'm about to put here is something that I don't say lightly at all, and it's something that I can't prove either, just as the one that stated the other way around can't prove it either. I honestly believe that there are quite a few Republicans in office today that are actual card carrying members of the Communist Party. It would explain as to why they keep saying the same thing about the democrats who have only been putting the truth out there for ages. Like I said, I not only don't say that lightly, but at the same time I can't prove it either, but it does make one think when it comes to how the Republicans have been for the past decade. I personally would wonder why they don't want to fund the country that they happen to live in at all by keeping the Bush tax cuts in place for so damned long. No they would rather keep all of their money and not help anyone else at all. Take photo ops making it look like they happen to care, when in fact they don't really give a royal rats ass at all, not about me, you, or anyone else at all in this country. Personally I believe that if you're not willing to pay your fair share of taxes and help the country that you live in, then not only are you not an American, you really shouldn't live here in the bloody first place. And for those that want to secede from the country because a black man won the election for the next four years, then realize this you will instigate a second civil war that will not end well for you, because in this day and age with the Patriot Act in full force, you will be considered a terrorist and the government will come after your asses. That act right there (passed by Bush and his cronies), basically means that you can't secede from the country at all, and while it allows the Constitution to continue to be upheld, it would give the President powers that one would never have thought of, and right now after everything was taken care of during the first four years, you know that the President is going to use those powers to end the republicans reign hold on our country and take it back for the working class people out there, telling the Republicans and those rich folks out there that the people of this country will not be slaves to their system.

So you might want to take note of what your Republican rep is actually saying and doing, after all I know of several that said that the Bush tax cuts need to go, the next thing that you know they're voting for the cuts to stay instead of trying to help get rid of them. Personally I saying that's hypocrisy in its finest right there, yet people will be voting for those Republicans left and right like crazy and never give another thought to what they're really doing at all, because they keep believing that they working for the people and yet they're not at all.

Personally I wonder what in the world it's going to take in order to be able to get you folks that keep voting Republican to see the bloody light of day, I know that smacking you over the back of the head isn't going to work, since you're not going to learn at all. I really just don't know what in the world to do any more, but I'll keep doing what I've been doing in telling you not only what I think, but in bringing you the truth of what's going on out there in the political world. Yes the election is over, but that doesn't mean that everything is over, far bloody from it we all still need to stay involved and keep trying to move everything forward.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @thecat2643

Monday, November 26, 2012

My updated signature below

Well I had to update the signature below to show everything that I talked about in the last entry, so now everything is listed below, though I don't know when I'll actually get around to writing in the stories again, but I will be doing it eventually. Hope you all like everything

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @thecat2643

Monday, November 19, 2012

The election aftermath (yeah I know a bit late)

You know, one would think that with the election done and over and Obama having won BIG TIME, that all talk of politics would be done with, yeah well when you happen to have Republicans that still won't get rid of the Bush Tax cuts, then you know that you still have problems.

The Republicans still think that the tax cuts will gives the middle class more jobs, and yet the math can't be proven since it doesn't work at all. However Obama knows that the Republicans have nothing left to work with and are now going to hold the American people hostage with the tax cuts, trying to make sure that they stay in place, however since the tax cuts require Obama's signature in order to keep going, more than likely he's just going to hold off and let them expire making sure that the top 1-2% will actually pay their fair share, however as I caught this morning someone else is going to try to hold the American people hostage.

Now mind you everything above is from last week and to be totally honest I actually lost my train of thought since then, however I have been keeping up with the news and everything that's been going on since then, and to be totally honest, the GOP are really nothing but sore losers when it comes to the election. I know that they feel that if they can win and rule, then in truth no one should, however if they win it's not really the GOP that's in control it's going to be the corporations that would be in control as well as the Christian zealots on the right that would be in control. The GOP couldn't fend for its self in years and that's one of the things that's currently wrong and messed up about the GOP.

Now everyone knows how I go on and on about how bad the GOP is and happens to be, but let's face it, as long as they keep trying to rule everyone's lives and keep trying to put everyone down, then I'm going to do my best to make sure that the party is taken out and totally dissolved for all time. After all they believe that certain parts of the Constitution do not apply to them even though the entire document applies to everyone. After all, they think that they should still rule even though clearly (by a HUGE factor) that Obama won his reelection.

So since Obama won the election, and he is for the middle and lower classes, it's only a matter of time before things get worked out, and I know that the one thing that he's currently working on doing is getting rid of forever the Bush regime tax cuts for the rich, which as we all know do not create any jobs at all, just as the trickle down theory that Reagan created doesn't work either.

Look I could go on and on, but considering that I'm a week late in posting this, I'll just stop now and let you all read what I have so far. So not only continue to keep an eye out on the GOP stupidity, but enjoy everything  for this end of the year. 
Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obama Wins ReElection, Last minute/late edition

I was hoping for this day to come out right, and it has, Plus as you can see by the two pictures above (one of which went geek  sorry but a HUGE Green Lantern Fan, of which that is one of the colors), This proves that lies cannot get you were you want to go, and that we must move forward no matter what happens, and that we can never be brought or dragged back down at. I personally can't wait for everything to come back, plus the power in Congress has shifted back to Blue right where it needed to be in the first place. However we're still a long way (but getting there) in winning everything. At least for now however we know that we will keep moving forward and will continue to root out all of the lies that the Republicans and the TEA Party have been planting for years now.

So let's keep working and make sure that the Republicans finally pay what they fully own in everything, including taxes :)

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/

Election day is here

Today is the day, and either we'll walk away a batter country without going to war, or we're screwed plain and simple, or is it? Problem is in this day and age with the media level that we happen to have these days, it's no longer that simple any more. However those that want you to know the truth are always adapting to those ways to make sure that you get the information correct that you need in order to make the right decision and choices, that way you can wake up in the morning and know that you've made a difference even though you think that you might not have.

Personally I'm a writer, and while I've been at work for the past few days I've been thinking about how in the world I could actually get that truth to you all, and then I realized that I've got a blog that I could be able to do that with, and despite the invisible readership that I happen to have, I do know that there are people that read this, and through them that this message could be spread. So I figured that I would write up an entire deal as to everything that was being voted on, now the only kicker is that I can't cover anything on a national level except for the Presidential elections. The only thing that I can cover is that which is on the state and local level only, however I figured that would help out greatly considering that there's several Props and measures that need to be dealt with before tomorrow's election. Now the book that covers everything for the state of California is bloody thick and so I'm not going to actually write out what everything is in detail, however I am going to cover each prop that's being voted on (though for some reason I'm getting lost when it comes to finding the letter props), and I'm going to let you know in lay terms what each prop is going to mean for the people of California if voted on and passed. The only thing that I can hope is that what I write here will actually make a HUGE difference for those that would like to get the right information. After I cover the props that are on the ballot, then I'll cover the Presidential side of everything.

The first one is Prop 30, which yesterday was the first time that I actually heard an ad over the radio against it, but then there was nothing there dealing with it, just with a different Prop number. Now from what the book says on the Quick-Reference Guide side of the entire thing: "Temporary taxes to fund education. Guaranteed local public safety funding. Initiative constitutional amendment" Now what the whole thing is dealing with (and I know understand what the slight negative ad has been about), is something that the rich here in California don't want, this prop is it becomes law will increase taxes on them and any taxes from that prop going to schools will be staying with the schools period and that the lawmakers can't touch it for anything other than for the schools where they've been cutting for years, even Brown can't touch it at all.

The one thing that I've noticed over the years since Brown took back office of the state, is that when he threatens to tax the people of California, he's usually threatening the rich Republicans that they need to be given higher taxes and not the people of California, however what I've seen is that the rich in this state don't care and when Brown does tax the middle and lower classes of California, the rich are laughing since they know that they'll never get taxed at all. Yet with this law, its the one thing that they're now fearing since they know that if it passes, then they will be paying a higher tax rate here in this state, despite the Bush tax cuts that were put in place that no Republican ever wants to get rid of (no matter what they say to the people of their district).

Personally I say Yes on 30 and to tell the rich in this state to kiss the people of California's asses it's time that you all paid your fair share.

The next one in line is Prop 31, and that one I've been hearing about like crazy and seeing the lawn signs about this one, this one is a bad prop that has so many loopholes that it's not even funny at all. The kicker is, when reading the law as it will end up being written if it passes, it would almost confuse the hell out of me if it wasn't for the fact that I can actually read legal, I would be thinking that I was reading a copy of the Patriot Act document that happens to be written the same bloody way. This is one act that should be avoided and not passed by any means.

It would create massive confusion, hell it even confused the hell out of me to the point that I'm looking up everything I can on it, and I'm still getting no where. Now personally if it confused the hell out of me, think about what it's going to do if it becomes part of the law, that's bad right there, and so in a word, just kill this one and vote no period.

Now the next one that I've been seeing has been dealing with Prop 32, and all of the No ads and lawn signs have been from the Unions out there. From what I've been hearing, this is a major anti-union prop that would just about kill everything that unions stand for and the rich happen to hate. it's called the "Political contributions by payroll deduction. Contributions to candidates. Initiative statute."

What this law would do would be to allow your boss to take money from your payroll and to give it to the candidate of their choice, even if you don't happen to like that candidate, tough. Personally I say the hell with this one, it's your money that you've earn and you should decide where it happens to go

Now as you may have noticed there's only a couple of the props up there, that's because for this state it's become so nuts that one can't cover it any more, unless it's just one prop that a person is dealing with. Personally though I'm more concerned over who's going to become the next President of the United States, and I'm more interested in it being our current President than someone that's going to be lying his ass off constantly and take the majority of our rights and flush them down the toilet for the major corporations out there.

Now here's the few things that I would actually like to see changed when it comes to the next four years, the Patriot Act, I would like to see that completely gone, considering the fact that it voids a ton of constitutional rights right there, and the majority of the supreme court that said it was constitutional was in Bush's back pocket at the time when it was passed through in the first place. After all with that act right there, is makes everyone suspicious of EVERYONE, and that was the one thing that the Republicans wanted in the first place after 9/11, was to make sure that they kept power by keeping everyone in fear of the next attack. Kicker here is that if we hadn't gone to war with Iraq in the first place, it would've worked, except that the lies kept piling up and nothing made sense to the point that the Republicans have now lost everything. So yeah that act needs to go.

To be honest, when I was writing up about the first one I actually forgot about the second one, yeah I know idiot move, but that happens to me at times. I'll actually be talking about that on my other blog. However right now, we all need to get out there and vote and make sure that the next four years is a move forward and not back, and you all know how I feel about any and all Republicans these days, that party needs to go away forever.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The political side over this hurricane

I know that there are still a lot of picking up to do after Hurricane Sandy passed through, but when it comes to what's going on, the one thing that's getting sent around the net is that both the head of FEMA and Romney are saying that Obama not only acted too soon, but that FEMA should be privatized.

For one thing, if Obama hadn't done what he did, this would actually be as bad if not worse than when Hurricane Katrina hit during the Bush era, and that was bad because Bush didn't have a bloody clue what in the world to do, and the only thing that he did during the entire thing (besides sending truckers all over the place with no stopping and having zero communication at all between workers), was go down for a photo op of him putting a nail into a piece of wood and nothing else. The GOP are going to use this as something to strike back against Obama instead of actually doing something to help the people out that were affected by this.

Yes I'm already seeing the effects of the GOP taking advantage of this to try and get Obama out of office. Personally I feel that if anyone actually uses this to their own gain instead of helping others out, that isn't right to begin with at all.

Look I know that their are those out there that don't think that Obama did a good job at all, and yet, unless he signs anything he's not the one that anything stops with at all, actually it all falls to the Speaker of the House, and from day one, the GOP has been doing nothing to help the American people out, just trying to make sure that Obama was a one term President and put themselves back into power. The only kicker to that whole idea is that the people have actually been waking up to everything that's been going on. From the Bush Tax cuts (that have only been affecting the super wealthy, like Romney and his ilk) to the TEA Party that's been corrupted by the GOP (they even used Captain America at one of their rallies and that right there was just wrong period).

I know that I'll be able to get only a couple more of these entries in before next Tuesday, but I know that on Tuesday I'll be doing what it takes through my blog to make sure that the corrupt GOP doesn't take control again and screw us like they did before. That was the worst thing that could've ever happened to our country right now, and that also means the fact that Romney's voting machines can't be used. I know that the company is already under investigation, but what they're doing right now is the biggest form of voter fraud of all time, and last I knew that was not only illegal, it's a federal crime too. However right now things are coming down to the wire, which means that some things just can't wait for the courts and the GOP knows this too, it's going to be up to you dear reader to make sure that what happens come Tuesday is that the right man continues to stay in the White House, and that everything we've been working for (both men and women) does not get tossed out, because if Romney is elected, EVERYTHING will be turned back the wrong way, and that right there is a fact.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/

Monday, October 29, 2012

Election Day is right around the corner

I know I've been seeing a lot of things locally on the different props that are out there, and considering that I've already voted, I'm not going to be talking about those since even I didn't understand about half of them. Nope, I'm going to be talking about the one person that you shouldn't vote for period, and point out several reasons why you should, and ladies, you should really take note of this entry because this is going to be dealing largely with you ladies BIG TIME!

Now a few of my friends on Facebook have liked Mitt Romney, and I don't fault them for this, however the question is, are you doing this because of what you think is the lack of progress that Obama had been hit with, or because of the lies that you were given by the Republican party. Well to let you know, if Obama doesn't sign anything, he's not the one at fault, nope that would be the do nothing congress that has refused to do anything at all since Obama was elected into office. The end result has been that Obama has had to force several things that were not only constitutional, but Republicans knew would hurt them in the end.

Now if you're voting for Romney because of religious views, consider the first amendment that I had posted in a prior posting, that basically means that they can't force their religious views on the rest of the population. Plus if you happen to think that this country was founded on Christian values, realize and know this, the founding fathers were agnostic and not Christian at all. That's why they made the first amendment as non-religious state, because they knew (from what happened with prior history to show them) that having a religion for a government would lead to its downfall. Always has and always will, after all a religious government doesn't allow their people to learn anything or be free thinkers at all, and when that happens that's when the free thinking people rise up and crash the current government that's currently in control.

Now I know what you're thinking, that's not going to happen with Romney in office, yeah well consider this too, Romney wants to put us to war with Iran, that's something right there that we actually don't need at all. It would also be an illegal war too, just like the one that Bush Jr started on a lie.

Just wondering something with the ladies here, Are you really that interested in Romney that you would want to lose all rights to your own bodies at all, I mean they're already considering several levels of rape here, and last I knew rape (doesn't matter what kind it was/is) was not only illegal, it's a violation of the female body on a forced level. That right there is something that you should be considering, and no one (man or woman) is a persons property, doesn't matter how you were raised, that was/is considered slavery period, which last I knew was totally illegal (again with the illegal thing, I'm starting to see a pattern here that the modern Republicans don't want you all to see here). You see they're willing to get rid of the majority if not all, of the basic rights that everyone is given in order to make sure that they have a government that take control over everything.

Yet Romney has been flip flopping on everything to the point that no one knows which way he's going to go, and that's the scary thing that should make anyone pause. And if you think that I'm only going to hammer Romney, you've got another thing coming here, he's running mate Paul Ryan, is just as bad if not worse than what Romney happens to be and this is something that should be noted as well. After all someone that doesn't care about women's rights (or anyone's rights for that matter) should not be leading a country at all.

Plus the last time that our country was run like a business (which is how Romney plans on running our country, and his track record on that note really isn't that great either), we ended up in the Great Depression. That is something that we seriously don't need right now (or ever for that matter either).

Look I don't currently know what else to tell you all, and I can argue the point individually as well, but I do know one thing's for sure, if Romney is elected, it will be the worse thing to ever happen to our country ever, and the corporations that are supporting Romney will make sure that a half a dozen things get changed. Basically it'll be the Bush years all over again, and that's the last thing we ever need right now.

The photo that I included was something that I had gotten from Facebook for one of the Anti-Republican pages there, and it points out a lot of things that I made mention of here, that are needed to be noted and thought about BIG TIME.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A world that suckers people all the time

I know that normally people want to make up their own minds based on what information they're gathering from around them, however what if that information is tainted and lied about, after all no one really going to take the time to check the source of what's being said, they just leave that to someone else that they think is telling them the truth. However what if the people you thought were fact checking everything were paid to make sure that the information isn't correct at all, after all who's got the time to check out everything that's being said. However there are people that are dedicated to making sure the truth does get out there. The only kicker though, is that these people are being discredited and lied about by the same people that are already making the lies in the first place, and what is the goal over all in the end for those that are making these lies, what do they want to make sure of.

Well think of these people are real life villains that will stop at nothing for total domination of the entire country (and maybe even the world), and the thing is, they do so legally by making sure that that when we vote for those that are trying to get certain positions in  politics, they want to make certain that things go their way. Now they can be the SuperPacs, anti-union, you name it, and they're willing to do and say anything that will get them what they want, which is total control over us, and to completely strip away our rights that we happen to have.

Now in one way, they've already started doing that, by not only passing the Patriot Act (which just about pits everyone against everyone), but to make sure that those that question things are locked up without any chance at defending themselves at all, and even when they go into court, they're considered guilty till proven guilty, even to the point of bringing in witnesses that aren't true. Personally to me that almost sounds like what happened to Jesus back in his days, the only thing is, this isn't Biblical times at all, this is the modern world, but our modern world is getting its clocked turned back by those that believe they know what's right and best for our country, when in fact they really don't.

You all know that I'm highly anti-Republican, and I always will be till not only their lies are fully exposed, but also in the end that the party is dissolved for all time. I saw on the cover of the Contra Costa Times this morning that Mitt Romney said the world saw us better four years ago then it does today, he was talking about when Bush was in office, yeah right. To let you all know, the world hated us four years ago when Bush Jr was in office. Believe me, you couldn't travel in another country and say that you were american, because it would seriously be bad. These days, people actually go for our country, and that's all because Bush isn't in power Obama is, and he's been repairing the damage left behind by Bush and his cohorts ever since.

Look I only advise and let you know what's going on, but if you want to know the real truth and not the Fox News truth, research and check everything out for yourself and see what's really going on. It could very well not only do you better and could, it could also save your life too.

Felix Sanchez
Sign Dancer, Linen Outlet Pleasant Hill, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Dream World Blog (fictional): http://dreamersworld2016.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/